
function Get-DracoonAuditDataroom {

    Searches Datarooms by given filter. API-GET /v4/eventlog/audits/nodes
    Retrieve a list of all nodes of type room, and the room assignment users with permissions.
    .PARAMETER Connection
    Object of Class , stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL
    .PARAMETER Filter
    All filter fields are connected via logical conjunction (AND)
    Except for userName, userFirstName and userLastName - these are connected via logical disjunction (OR)
    Filter string syntax: FIELD_NAME:OPERATOR:VALUE[:VALUE...]
    Possible combinations:
    'nodeId:eq:[positive Integer]'
    'nodeName:[cn/eq]:[search String]'
    'nodeParentId:eq:[positive Integer]'
    'Parent ID 0 is the root node.:[]:[]'
    'userId:eq:[positive Integer]'
    'userName:[cn/eq]:[search String]'
    'userFirstName:[cn/eq]:[search String]'
    'userLastName:[cn/eq]:[search String]'
    'permissionsManage:eq:[true or false]'
    'nodeIsEncrypted:eq:[true or false]'
    'nodeHasActivitiesLog:eq:[true or false]'
    .PARAMETER Limit
    Range limit. Maximum 500.
    For more results please use paging (offset + limit).
    .PARAMETER Offset
    Range offset
    Sort string syntax: FIELD_NAME:ORDER
    ORDER can be asc or desc.
    Multiple sort fields are NOT supported.
    Nodes are sorted by type first, then by sent sort string.
    .PARAMETER HideSpecialRooms
    Filters any room which has a GUID as roomName oder Parent-Path
    Get-DracoonAuditDataroom -Connection $connection
    Lists all available Datarooms
    Right "read audit log" required.

    param (
    $apiCallParameter = @{
        Connection   = $Connection
        method       = "Get"
        Path         = "/v4/eventlog/audits/nodes"
        EnablePaging = $true
        UrlParameter = @{
            filter       = $Filter
            limit        = $Limit
            sort         = $Sort
            offset       = $offset
    $datarooms = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter
        Write-PSFMessage "Entferne Datenräume, deren Parent einer GUID entsprechen"
        $regex = '[{]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[}]?'
        return $datarooms | Where-Object {( $_.nodeParentPath -notmatch $regex) -and ( $_.nodeName -notmatch $regex)}
        return $datarooms