function Set-DracoonRoomAcl { <# .SYNOPSIS Add or change room granted user(s). API-PUT /v4/nodes/rooms/$NodeId/users .DESCRIPTION Batch function. All existing user permissions will be overwritten. .PARAMETER Connection Object of Class [Dracoon], stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL .PARAMETER NodeId ID of the room .PARAMETER NewPermission Array of the new Permission Items. [ { "id": 0, "permissions": { "manage": true, "read": true, "create": true, "change": true, "delete": true, "manageDownloadShare": true, "manageUploadShare": true, "readRecycleBin": true, "restoreRecycleBin": true, "deleteRecycleBin": true } } ] .PARAMETER whatIf If enabled it does not execute the backend API call. .PARAMETER confirm If enabled the backend API Call has to be confirmed .EXAMPLE To be added in the Future .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Dracoon]$Connection, [parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$NodeId, [array]$NewPermission ) $apiCallParameter = @{ Connection = $Connection method = "Put" Path = "/v4/nodes/rooms/$NodeId/users" Body=@{ items=@() } } $apiCallParameter.Body.items += $NewPermission Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Setting permissions on node" -Target "$NodeId" -ScriptBlock { $result = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter Write-PSFMessage "Permissions set" $result } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet } |