function Get-DracoonAuditDataroom { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches Datarooms by given filter. API-GET /v4/eventlog/audits/nodes .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a list of all nodes of type room, and the room assignment users with permissions. .PARAMETER Connection Object of Class [Dracoon], stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL .PARAMETER Filter All filter fields are connected via logical conjunction (AND) Except for userName, userFirstName and userLastName - these are connected via logical disjunction (OR) Filter string syntax: FIELD_NAME:OPERATOR:VALUE[:VALUE...] userName:cn:searchString_1|userFirstName:cn:searchString_2|nodeId:eq:2 Possible combinations: 'nodeId:eq:[positive Integer]' 'nodeName:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'nodeParentId:eq:[positive Integer]' 'Parent ID 0 is the root node.:[]:[]' 'userId:eq:[positive Integer]' 'userName:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'userFirstName:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'userLastName:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'permissionsManage:eq:[true or false]' 'nodeIsEncrypted:eq:[true or false]' 'nodeHasActivitiesLog:eq:[true or false]' .PARAMETER Limit Range limit. Maximum 500. For more results please use paging (offset + limit). .PARAMETER Offset Range offset .PARAMETER Sort Sort string syntax: FIELD_NAME:ORDER ORDER can be asc or desc. Multiple sort fields are NOT supported. Nodes are sorted by type first, then by sent sort string. Example: name:desc .PARAMETER HideSpecialRooms Filters any room which has a GUID as roomName oder Parent-Path .EXAMPLE Get-DracoonAuditDataroom -Connection $connection Lists all available Datarooms .NOTES Right "read audit log" required. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Dracoon]$Connection, [PSFramework.TabExpansion.PsfArgumentCompleterAttribute("Dracoon.filter")] [string]$Filter, [int]$Limit, [int]$Offset, [string]$Sort, [bool]$HideSpecialRooms=$true ) $apiCallParameter = @{ Connection = $Connection method = "Get" Path = "/v4/eventlog/audits/nodes" EnablePaging = $true UrlParameter = @{ filter = $Filter limit = $Limit sort = $Sort offset = $offset } } $datarooms = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter if($HideSpecialRooms){ Write-PSFMessage "Entferne Datenräume, deren Parent einer GUID entsprechen" $regex = '[{]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[}]?' return $datarooms | Where-Object {( $_.nodeParentPath -notmatch $regex) -and ( $_.nodeName -notmatch $regex)} }else{ return $datarooms } } |