function Get-DotNetVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Get installed .NET versions from the local host or remote computers. Hardcoded .NET versions, so the script will need to be updated when new versions are released. .DESCRIPTION Uses remote registry access or PSRemoting. GitHub here: Online blog documentation here: .PARAMETER ComputerName Target computers to retrieve .NET versions from via remote registry access or PSRemoting. .PARAMETER PSRemoting Use PowerShell remoting instead of remote registry access. Remote registry access requires RPC, which in turn requires lots of firewall openings. .PARAMETER ExportToCSV Export to a CSV file as well as files containing online and offline computers. .PARAMETER Clobber Only in use with -ExportToCSV. Overwrite potentially existing files without prompting. Date and time is in the file name by default. .PARAMETER ContinueOnPingFail Try to gather even if the remote computer does not reply to ping. .PARAMETER NoSummary Do not display the end summary with Write-Host. .PARAMETER LocalHost Check the local computer. Cannot be used together with -ComputerName. As of version 2.2.6 of DotNetVersionLister, this parameter is optional and the default behaviour of the Get-DotNetVersion command, as is normal in PowerShell. .EXAMPLE Get-DotNetVersion adminsrv1 -Verbose -nos VERBOSE: Script start time: 02/09/2017 13:28:44 VERBOSE: adminsrv1 is online. VERBOSE: adminsrv1: Successfully connected to registry. ComputerName : adminsrv1 >=4.x : 4.5.2 or later v4\Client : Installed v4\Full : Installed v3.5 : Installed v3.0 : Installed v2.0.50727 : Installed v1.1.4322 : Not installed (no key) Ping : True Error : .EXAMPLE PS D:\> Get-DotNetVersion adminsrv1 -Verbose -PSRemoting -NoSummary VERBOSE: Script start time: 02/09/2017 13:36:48 VERBOSE: adminsrv1 is online. ComputerName : adminsrv1 >=4.x : 4.5.2 or later v4\Client : Installed v4\Full : Installed v3.5 : Installed v3.0 : Installed v2.0.50727 : Installed v1.1.4322 : Not installed (no key) Ping : Error : #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('Cn', 'PSComputerName')][System.String[]] $ComputerName = @(), # not mandatory, not feeling the parameter set love here. [Switch] $PSRemoting, [Switch] $ExportToCSV, [Switch] $ContinueOnPingFail, [Switch] $NoSummary, [Switch] $LocalHost = $True, # tacking/hacking on this too [Switch] $Clobber, [PSCredential] $Credential) ## Author: Joakim Svendsen ## Copyright (C) 2011, Joakim Svendsen ## All rights reserved. ## BSD 3-clause license # 2016-01-13: v1.2 - Added support for .NET 4.6.1. # 2016-05-29: v1.3 - Code quality improvements, standardization. # 2016-10-10: v1.4 - Added support for .NET 4.6.2. # 2017-02-06: v1.5 - Making it a function and module, and more standards-compliant (return objects). # Adding the parameters -ExportToCSV, -PSRemoting, -ContinueOnPingFail and -NoSummary. # Lots of small changes and improvements. Properly closing and disposing registry objects. # Added a [gc]::Collect() in the end block. # 2017-04-20: v1.6 - Removed the Dispose() calls that caused errors. # ----- forgot to comment --- # 2018-12-26: v2.2.6 - Up to .NET 4.7.2 is supported in this version. The change is making the -LocalHost # parameter optional. Begin { #Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $MyEAP = 'Stop' $ErrorActionPreference = $MyEAP $StartTime = Get-Date if ($PSRemoting -and $LocalHost) { Write-Error -Message "You can't use both the PSRemoting and LocalHost parameter at the same time." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($ComputerName.Count -gt 0 -and $LocalHost) { Write-Verbose -Message "Using specified computer names." $LocalHost = $False } if (-not $LocalHost -and $ComputerName.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error -Message "You need to specify a computer name or -LocalHost cannot be set to a false value." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($LocalHost) { $ComputerName = @('localhost') } Write-Verbose -Message "Script start time: $StartTime" #-Verbose # "Legacy" support for this parameter. if ($ExportToCSV) { $Date = $StartTime.ToString('') $OutputOnlineFile = ".\DotNetOnline-${Date}.txt" $OutputOfflineFile = ".\DotNetOffline-${Date}.txt" $CsvOutputFile = ".\DotNet-Versions-${Date}.csv" if (-not $Clobber) { $FoundExistingLog = $false foreach ($File in $OutputOnlineFile, $OutputOfflineFile, $CsvOutputFile) { if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $File) { $FoundExistingLog = $true "$File already exists" } } if ($FoundExistingLog -eq $true) { $Answer = Read-Host "The above mentioned log file(s) exist. Overwrite? [yes]" if ($Answer -imatch '^n') { Write-Error -Message 'User aborted due to not wanting to overwrite existing files' -ErrorAction Stop exit 1 # should be redundant } } } # Deleting existing log files if they exist (assume they can be deleted...) Remove-Item $OutputOnlineFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $OutputOfflineFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $CsvOutputFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $Counter = 0 $DotNetData = @{} $DotNetVersionStrings = @("v4\Client", "v4\Full", "v3.5", "v3.0", "v2.0.50727", "v1.1.4322") function SetDataHashObject { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Computer, [bool] $PSRemoting, [bool] $LocalHost, [string[]] $DotNetVersionStrings = @("v4\Client", "v4\Full", "v3.5", "v3.0", "v2.0.50727", "v1.1.4322")) if ($PSRemoting) { $DotNetData = @{} $DotNetData.$Computer = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ ComputerName = $Computer } } $DotNetRegistryBase = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $RegSuccess = $false try { if ($PSRemoting -or $LocalHost) { # Open local registry $Registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', [string]::Empty) $RegSuccess = $? } else { $Registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Computer) $RegSuccess = $? } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "${Computer}: Unable to open $(if (-not $PSremoting) { 'remote ' })registry: $_" $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -Name Error -Value "Unable to open remote registry: $_" -MemberType NoteProperty return $DotNetData.$Computer } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' Write-Verbose -Message "${Computer}: Successfully connected to registry." foreach ($VerString in $DotNetVersionStrings) { if ($RegKey = $Registry.OpenSubKey("$DotNetRegistryBase\$VerString")) { if ($RegKey.GetValue('Install') -eq '1') { Add-Member -Name $VerString -Value 'Installed' -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $DotNetData.$Computer } else { Add-Member -Name $VerString -Value 'Not installed' -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $DotNetData.$Computer } } else { Add-Member -Name $VerString -Value 'Not installed (no key)' -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $DotNetData.$Computer } } # - for release numbers # 2016-01-13: Adding 4.6.1. # 2016-10-10: Added 4.6.2. (rewrote parts earlier). # 2017-02-06: Changing to a switch statement as part of rewriting to a module/function and adding features. # 2017-02-11: Rewriting to use OpenRemoteBaseKey() with PSRemoting as well. Some other changes/improvements. # Removing some redundant code after changes. if ($RegKey) { $RegKey.Close() #$RegKey.Dispose() } $RegKey = $null if ($RegKey = $Registry.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full")) { if ($DotNet4xRelease = [int] $RegKey.GetValue('Release')) { if ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 461808) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.7.2 or later' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 461308) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.7.1' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 460798) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.7' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 394802) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.6.2' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 394254) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.6.1' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 393295) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.6' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 379893) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.5.2' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 378675) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.5.1' } elseif ($DotNet4xRelease -ge 378389) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value '4.5' } else { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value 'Universe imploded' } } else { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value "Error (no 'Release' key?)" } } else { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '>=4.x' -Value 'Not installed (no key)' } if ($RegKey) { $RegKey.Close() #$RegKey.Dispose() } if ($Registry) { $Registry.Close() #$Registry.Dispose() } $RegKey, $Registry = $null, $null if ($PSRemoting) { $DotNetData.$Computer # return this to the calling scope, populate the other data hash there, pretty hacky, this } } } process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { $Counter++ $DotNetData.$Computer = New-Object -TypeName PSObject # This one is for the latched-on PSRemoting feature ... $PingReply = $false if (Test-Connection -Quiet -Count 1 $Computer) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Ping -Value $true $PingReply = $true Write-Verbose -Message "$Computer is online." if ($ExportToCSV) { $Computer | Add-Content $OutputOnlineFile } } else { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Ping -Value $false $PingReply = $false # explicitly.. if ($ExportToCSV) { $Computer | Add-Content $OutputOfflineFile } if (-not $ContinueOnPingFail) { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -Name Error -Value "No ping reply" -MemberType NoteProperty Write-Warning -Message "${Computer} is offline (no ping reply)." continue } } # Monkey patching on PSRemoting to the existing design ... if ($PSRemoting) { try { $PSRSplat = @{ ComputerName = $Computer ScriptBlock = (Get-Item function:\SetDataHashObject).ScriptBlock ErrorAction = "Stop" ArgumentList = $Computer, $true } if ($Credential) { $PSRSplat.Credential = $Credential } $DotNetData.$Computer = Invoke-Command @PSRSplat #-ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock (Get-Item function:\SetDataHashObject).ScriptBlock ` #-ArgumentList $Computer, $true -ErrorAction Stop # -Verbose:$(if ($VerbosePreference -match 'Stop|Continue') { $true } else { $false }) } catch { $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Error -Value "PSRemoting failure: $_" } $DotNetData.$Computer | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Ping -Value $PingReply -Force } else { SetDataHashObject -Computer $Computer -PSRemoting:$PSRemoting -LocalHost:$LocalHost } } } end { $CsvHeaders = @('>=4.x') + @($DotNetVersionStrings) + @('Ping', 'Error') #if ($LocalHost) { # $CsvHeaders = $CsvHeaders | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Ping' } # Remove ping ..... #} $DotNetData.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object { $c = $_.Name $_.Value | Select-Object -Property $CsvHeaders } | Select-Object @{ Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = { $c } }, * # pass to pipeline instead #| Export-Csv -Encoding UTF8 -LiteralPath $CsvOutputFile if ($ExportToCSV) { $DotNetData.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object { $c = $_.Name $_.Value | Select-Object -Property $CsvHeaders } | Select-Object @{ Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression ={ $c } }, * | Export-Csv -Encoding UTF8 -LiteralPath $CsvOutputFile } [gc]::Collect() if (-not $NoSummary) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green @" Script start time: $StartTime Script end time: $(Get-Date) $(if ($ExportToCSV) { "Output files: $CsvOutputFile, $OutputOnlineFile, $OutputOfflineFile" }) "@ } } } |