
    [string] $targetFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\functions\Add-Assembly.ps1"

Describe "Validate Add-Assembly functionality"{

    Context "Mock for add assemblies" {
            #Dot source or target file
            . $targetFilePath

            #Define functions target file calls here
            function Resolve-AssemblyFilePath{
                    [string] $assemblyFileName

            [string] $testPath = ""

            [bool] $validateFileResult

            [bool] $validateLoadedAssembly

            #Mock it so we can get the verifiable part
            Mock Resolve-AssemblyFilePath {return $testPath} -Verifiable

            Mock Test-Path { return $validateFileResult}

            Mock Add-Type {} -Verifiable
            Mock Test-AssemblyLoaded { return $validateLoadedAssembly }
        #Arrange - this should follow "happy path" of assembly found but not already loaded
        $validateFileResult = $true

        $validateLoadedAssembly = $false

        It "Calls Add-Type the correct number of times when assembly not loaded" {
            Add-Assembly -Assemblies "test.dll"
            Assert-MockCalled Add-Type -Times 1 -Scope It

        #Arrange - this should follow the path where the aseembly is found, but is already loaded
        $validateLoadedAssembly = $true

        It "Doesn't call Add-Type if loaded"{
           #Act - try with an array
            Add-Assembly -Assemblies @("test.dll")
            Assert-MockCalled Add-Type -Times 0 -Scope It

        #Arrange - this should follow the the path where the DLL isn't found
        $validateFileResult = $false
        $testPath = ""

        It "Calls ResolveAssembly if file not found and fails to call Add-Type if resolve-path doesn't work" {
            Add-Assembly -Assemblies "test.dll" -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $err.Count | Should Not Be 0

            Assert-MockCalled Resolve-AssemblyFilePath -Times 1 -Scope It
            Assert-MockCalled Add-Type -Times 0 -Scope It