
#List of common locations for assemblies
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $script:commonAssemblyFilePaths = @("$PSScriptRoot\..\assemblies","C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server")

    Attempts to resolve the the assembly file name specified to a fully qualified path.
    Looks through the commonAssemblyFilePaths for files matching the specified file name.
    .PARAMETER AssemblyFileName
    Assembly file name. Ex. "Microsoft.Test.dll"
    Resolve-AssemblyFilePath -AssemblyFileName ".\test.dll"
    $null if no file found, otherwise the fully qualitifed path to the file.

function Resolve-AssemblyFilePath{
        [string] $AssemblyFileName

    foreach($assemblyFilePath in $script:commonAssemblyFilePaths){
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $assemblyFilePath -Filter $AssemblyFileName -Recurse
        if(($files -ne $null) -and ($files.Length -gt 0)){
            Write-Verbose "Found $($files.Length) files under $assemblyFilePath for $AssemblyFileName"
            #Return first match - may need to make a better strategy
            return $files[0].FullName

    return $null

    Adds to the common search paths used when attempting to resolve an assembly file location.
    Adds a path to the list of paths to search.
    Add-CommonPath -Path "C:\Windows"

function Add-CommonPath{
        [string] $Path



    Clears the common search paths.
    Clears the search path variable.

function Clear-CommonPath{
    $script:commonAssemblyFilePaths = @()