
    Adds the target assembly - essentially loads the assembly
    Attempts to load the specified DLL files (assemblies). Will attempt to resolve from a couple of common paths during an attempt to load
    .PARAMETER Assemblies
    DLL files to attempt to load
    $true if the specified assemblies are already loaded, $false if the assemblies aren't loaded due to not being found or other issues.
    Add-Assembly -Assemblies "Microsoft.Sql.Smo.Dll"

function Add-Assembly {
        [Object[]] $Assemblies

    if(($Assemblies -eq $null) -or ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Assemblies[0]))){
        Write-Error "Must specify one or more assemblies to load"
        return $false

    foreach($assemblyFilePath in $Assemblies){

        Write-Verbose "Attempting to load assembly $assemblyFilePath"
            Write-Error "Specified assembly file path is null or empty"
            return $false

        [string] $targetAssemblyFilePath = $assemblyFilePath
        if(!(Test-Path -Path $targetAssemblyFilePath)){
            Write-Verbose "Unable to resolve $assemblyFilePath, searching common folder"
            $targetAssemblyFilePath = Resolve-AssemblyFilePath -AssemblyFileName $assemblyFilePath

            Write-Error "Unable to find specified assembly $assemblyFilePath"
            return $false

        Write-Verbose "Found $targetAssemblyFilePath for specified file $assemblyFilePath"
        if(!(Test-AssemblyLoaded -assemblyFile $targetAssemblyFilePath)){

                Write-Verbose "Attempting to load $targetAssemblyFilePath"
                Add-Type -Path $targetAssemblyFilePath
                Write-Error "Unable to load $_"

    NON-PUBLIC Validates if the assembly is loaded into the current PSSession
    Checkes if the specified DLL is already loaded.
    .PARAMETER AssemblyFile
    DLL file to check if it is loaded
    .PARAMETER ExactVersion
    Specifies if we require an exact version match. If not, we will return true if a higher level version is loaded than the specified version
    Test-AssemblyLoaded -assemblyFile "C:\Sql\Microsoft.Sql.Smo.Dll"
    True if the assembly or higher version is loaded (if exactVersion = $false). Throws an exception if a down level version is found to be loaded (this can cause issues)

function Test-AssemblyLoaded{
        [string] $AssemblyFile,
        [bool] $ExactVersion = $false


    if(!(Test-Path $AssemblyFile)){
        throw "Can't find $AssemblyFile"

    [System.Reflection.AssemblyName] $targetName = [System.Reflection.AssemblyName]::GetAssemblyName($AssemblyFile)

    Write-Verbose "Assembly info $targetName for $AssemblyFile"

    [Array] $loadedAssemblies = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()

    foreach($loadedAssembly in $loadedAssemblies){
        [System.Reflection.AssemblyName] $loadedName = $loadedAssembly.GetName()
        #Have to do deep comparison - Equals and -eq just compare references
        if(($loadedName.Name -eq $targetName.Name) -and ($loadedName.Version -eq $targetName.Version)){
            Write-Verbose "Exact assembly $($loadedName.Name) already loaded"
            return $true

            if($loadedName.Name -eq $targetName.Name){
                if($loadedName.Version -ge $targetName.Version){
                    Write-Verbose "Found assembly $($loadedName.Name) with version $($loadedName.Version) which is greater or equal to targeted version $($targetName.Version)"
                    return $true
                    throw "Older assembly version loaded than $($targetName.Name) with specified version $($targetName.Version)"

    return $false