.SYNOPSIS Shows product menu .DESCRIPTION ShowRealtimeMenu .INPUTS ShowRealtimeMenu - The name of ShowRealtimeMenu .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE ShowRealtimeMenu .EXAMPLE ShowRealtimeMenu #> $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path function ShowRealtimeMenu() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $baseUrl , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $namespace , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [bool] $local , [bool] $isAzure = $true ) Write-Verbose 'ShowRealtimeMenu: Starting' $userinput = "" while ($userinput -ne "q") { Write-Host "================ $namespace menu ================" Write-Host "------ Install -------" Write-Host "1: Install $namespace" Write-Host "------ Status --------" Write-Host "2: Show status of $namespace" Write-Host "3: Show $namespace urls & passwords" Write-Host "5: Show $namespace detailed status" Write-Host "6: Show $namespace logs" # Write-Host "8: Show DNS entries for /etc/hosts" Write-Host "9: Troubleshoot Ingresses" Write-Host "11: Show commands to SSH to $namespace containers" Write-Host "------ Delete data --------" Write-Host "12: Delete all data in $namespace" Write-Host "------ Testers --------" # Write-Host "31: Test interface engine" # Write-Host "32: Install Certificate on this machine (Needs Run As Administrator)" Write-Host "33: Test via RabbitMq tester" Write-Host "-----------" Write-Host "q: Go back to main menu" $userinput = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($userinput) { '1' { $packageUrl = $kubeGlobals.realtimePackageUrl if ($local) { $packageUrl = "$here\..\..\..\helm.realtime\fabricrealtime" Write-Host "Loading package from $packageUrl" } $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' InstallRealtime -namespace $namespace -package "fabricrealtime" -packageUrl $packageUrl -local $local -isAzure $isAzure } '2' { kubectl get 'deployments,pods,services,ingress,secrets,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes,nodes' --namespace=$namespace -o wide } '3' { ShowUrlsAndPasswordsForRealtime -namespace "$namespace" -Verbose } '5' { ShowStatusOfAllPodsInNameSpace "$namespace" } '6' { ShowLogsOfAllPodsInNameSpace "$namespace" } '9' { TroubleshootIngress "$namespace" } '11' { ShowSSHCommandsToContainers -namespace $namespace } '12' { Write-Warning "This will delete all data in this namespace and clear out any secrets" Do { $confirmation = Read-Host "Do you want to continue? (y/n)"} while ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($confirmation)) if ($confirmation -eq "y") { DeleteHelmPackage -package $namespace -Verbose if($isAzure){ DeleteNamespaceAndData -namespace "$namespace" -isAzure $isAzure -Verbose } else { CleanOutNamespace -namespace $namespace if ($isAzure) { DeleteAzureStorage -namespace $namespace } else { DeleteOnPremStorage -namespace $namespace } DeleteAllSecretsInNamespace -namespace $namespace -Verbose } } } '13' { RunRealtimeTester -baseUrl $baseUrl } '31' { $loadBalancerInfo = $(GetLoadBalancerIPs) # $loadBalancerInternalIP = $loadBalancerInfo.InternalIP # Test-TcpPort -InterfaceEngineHost $($loadBalancerInfo.ExternalIP) -port 3307 Test-TcpPort -InterfaceEngineHost $($loadBalancerInfo.ExternalIP) -port 6661 Test-SendingHL7 -InterfaceEngineHost $($loadBalancerInfo.ExternalIP) } '32' { $loadBalancerInfo = $(GetLoadBalancerIPs) $result = $(Test-DownloadCertificate -CertificateHost $($loadBalancerInfo.ExternalIP)) $certpassword = $(ReadSecretPassword certpassword $namespace) Install-Certificate -certdata $($result.CertData) -certpass "$certpassword" } '33' { if($isAzure){ $loadBalancerInfo = $(GetLoadBalancerIPs -Verbose) Write-Host "Host= $($loadBalancerInfo.ExternalIP)" } else { $certhostname = $(ReadSecretValue certhostname $namespace) Write-Host "Host=$certhostname" } $certpassword = $(ReadSecretPassword certpassword $namespace) Write-Host "Certificate Password= $certpassword" Write-Host "Download the tester from" } 'q' { return } } $userinput = Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue or q to go back to top menu" if ($userinput -eq "q") { return } [Console]::ResetColor() Clear-Host } Write-Verbose 'ShowRealtimeMenu: Done' } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'ShowRealtimeMenu' |