$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $functionFolder = "$here\functions" $module = "DosInstallUtilities.Kube" Get-Module "$module" | Remove-Module -Force Import-Module "$here\$module.psm1" -Force # $Credential = Get-Credential -UserName "$env:USERNAME@$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" -Message "login please" # Connect-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Credential Describe "$module Tests" { It "has the root module $module.psm1" { "$here\$module.psm1" | Should Exist } It "has the manifest file for $module.psm1" { "$here\$module.psd1" | Should Exist } It "$module folder has functions" { "$functionFolder" | Should Exist } It "$module is valid Powershell Code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$here\$module.psm1" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should Be 0 } $files = $(Get-ChildItem -Path $functionFolder -Recurse -File | Where {$_.Name -notcontains "Tests.ps1"} | % { $_.FullName }) foreach($file in $files) { Write-Host "file: $file" [string]$function = $file $function = $function.Replace($functionFolder,"") $function = $function.Replace(".ps1","") Write-Host "function: $function" if(!$function.EndsWith("Tests")){ Context "Test Function $function" { It "$function.ps1 should exist" { "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" | Should Exist } It "$function.ps1 should be an advanced function" { "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" | Should Contain 'function' "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" | Should Contain 'cmdletbinding' "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" | Should Contain 'param' } It "$function.ps1 should contain Write-Verbose blocks" { "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" | Should Contain 'Write-Verbose' } It "$function.ps1 is valid Powershell Code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$functionFolder\$function.ps1" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should Be 0 } } Context "$function has tests" { It "$function.Tests.ps1 should exist" { "$functionFolder\$function.Tests.ps1" | Should Exist } } } } } |