.SYNOPSIS SetupNetworkSecurity .DESCRIPTION SetupNetworkSecurity .INPUTS SetupNetworkSecurity - The name of SetupNetworkSecurity .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE SetupNetworkSecurity .EXAMPLE SetupNetworkSecurity #> function SetupNetworkSecurity() { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $config ) Write-Verbose 'SetupNetworkSecurity: Starting' $whiteListIp = "" [string] $resourceGroup = $ AssertStringIsNotNullOrEmpty $resourceGroup [string] $location = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "$resourceGroup").Location Write-Host "Using location: [$location]" [string] $customerid = $config.customerid AssertStringIsNotNullOrEmpty $customerid if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($customerid)) { # throw "customerid is null in config" } $customerid = $customerid.ToLower().Trim() Write-Host "Customer ID: $customerid" [string] $ingressExternalType = $config.ingress.external.type [string] $ingressInternalType = $config.ingress.internal.type $config | Out-String if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ingressExternalType)) { # throw "ingress.external.type is null in config" } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ingressInternalType)) { throw "ingress.internal.type is null in config" } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($ { throw " is null in config" } [string] $whiteListIp = $config.ingress.external.whitelist # read the vnet and subnet info from kubernetes secret [string] $vnetName = $config.networking.vnet [string] $subnetName = $config.networking.subnet [string] $subnetResourceGroup = $config.networking.subnet_resource_group Write-Host "Setting up Network Security Group for the subnet" # setup network security group [string] $networkSecurityResourceGroup = "$($resourceGroup.ToLower())-nsg" [string] $existingNetworkSecurityGroup = $((Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $networkSecurityResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($existingNetworkSecurityGroup)) { Write-Host "Creating the Network Security Group for the subnet" New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $networkSecurityResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location } else { Write-Host "Network Security Group already exists: $networkSecurityResourceGroup" } if ($($config.network_security_group.create_nsg_rules)) { Write-Host "Adding or updating rules to Network Security Group for the subnet" [string] $sourceTagForAdminAccess = "VirtualNetwork" if ($($config.allow_kubectl_from_outside_vnet)) { $sourceTagForAdminAccess = "Internet" Write-Host "Enabling admin access to cluster from Internet" } [string] $sourceTagForHttpAccess = "Internet" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($whiteListIp)) { $sourceTagForHttpAccess = $whiteListIp } DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup -rulename "HttpPort" DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup -rulename "HttpsPort" SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "allow_kube_tls" ` -ruledescription "allow kubectl and HTTPS access from ${sourceTagForAdminAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForAdminAccess}" -port 443 -priority 100 SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "allow_http" ` -ruledescription "allow HTTP access from ${sourceTagForAdminAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForAdminAccess}" -port 80 -priority 101 SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "allow_ssh" ` -ruledescription "allow SSH access from ${sourceTagForAdminAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForAdminAccess}" -port 22 -priority 104 SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "allow_mysql" ` -ruledescription "allow MySQL access from ${sourceTagForAdminAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForAdminAccess}" -port 3306 -priority 205 # if we already have opened the ports for admin access then we're not allowed to add another rule for opening them if (($sourceTagForHttpAccess -eq "Internet") -and ($sourceTagForAdminAccess -eq "Internet")) { Write-Host "Since we already have rules open port 80 and 443 to the Internet, we do not need to create separate ones for the Internet" } else { if ($($config.ingress.external) -ne "vnetonly") { SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "HttpPort" ` -ruledescription "allow HTTP access from ${sourceTagForHttpAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForHttpAccess}" -port 80 -priority 500 SetNetworkSecurityGroupRule -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -networkSecurityGroup $networkSecurityResourceGroup ` -rulename "HttpsPort" ` -ruledescription "allow HTTPS access from ${sourceTagForHttpAccess}." ` -sourceTag "${sourceTagForHttpAccess}" -port 443 -priority 501 } } [string] $nsgid = az network nsg list --resource-group ${resourceGroup} --query "[?name == '${networkSecurityResourceGroup}'].id" -o tsv Write-Host "Found ID for ${networkSecurityResourceGroup}: $nsgid" Write-Host "Setting NSG into subnet" az network vnet subnet update -n "${subnetName}" -g "${subnetResourceGroup}" --vnet-name "${vnetName}" --network-security-group "$nsgid" --query "provisioningState" -o tsv } [string] $externalIp = "" if ($($config.ingress.external.ipAddress)) { $externalIp = $($config.ingress.external.ipAddress); } elseif ("$($config.ingress.external.type)" -ne "vnetonly") { Write-Host "Setting up a public load balancer" [string] $ipResourceGroup = $resourceGroup [string] $publicIpName = "IngressPublicIP" $externalip = Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIpName -ResourceGroupName $ipResourceGroup if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($externalip)) { New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIpName -ResourceGroupName $ipResourceGroup -AllocationMethod Static -Location $location $externalip = Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIpName -ResourceGroupName $ipResourceGroup } Write-Host "Using Public IP: [$externalip]" } Write-Verbose 'SetupNetworkSecurity: Done' } Export-ModuleMember -Function "SetupNetworkSecurity" |