
   Searches a directory for a string in the containing files
   Searches a directory for a string in the containing files
   Specifies the search string
   Specifies the search directory. If empty, uses the current directory.
   Specifies the file type filter.
   Specifies whether to search subdirectories or not.
   Search-Directory -value "testVal" -location "C:\Location\" -recurse
   Search-Directory -value "testVal" -location "C:\Location\" -filter *.csv -recurse
   Yes. It is good.

function Search-Directory{
    if($location -and -not(test-path $location)){
        return "Location value is not a valid path";
    $results = "";
        "Searching for ""$value"" in directory $location";
        "Searching for ""$value"" in current directory";
    $results = dir -recurse:$recurse.IsPresent -path $location -filter $filter | sls -pattern $value | group path | select name
        "No results found";
        return $results;
New-Alias -Name 'Search' -Value 'Search-Directory'

   Creates a backup of a specified directory, and moves the backup to another specified location.
   Zips up a directory to another directory, with a given name. Adding ".zip" is inconsequential.
   Specifies the directory to be zipped.
.PARAMETER Destination
   Specifies the targed destination directory.
   Specifies the name of the resulting zip file.
   New-Backup C:\Location\ C:\Backups\ TestZipName
   Backup C:\Location\ C:\Backups\ TestZipName
   Yes. It is good.

function New-Backup{
    #get-help about_functions_advanced_parameters



    $Source = $Source.Trim('"')
    $Destination = $Destination.Trim('"')

    if(-not(test-path $Source)){return "Source is not a valid path"}
    if(-not(test-path $Destination)){return "Destination is not a valid path"}

    if(-not($ZipName -like "*.zip")){$ZipName = $ZipName + ".zip"}

    $zipFullName = ""

    if(($Destination -like "*\") -or ($Destination -like "*/")){$zipFullName = $Destination+""+$ZipName}
    else{$zipFullName = $Destination+"\"+$ZipName}

    if(test-path $zipFullName){
        echo "Removing file with the same name"
        remove-item $zipFullName

    Compress-Archive -Path $Source -DestinationPath $zipFullName

    #echo "The directory has been successfully backed up"\
    $popupResult = (new-object -ComObject"The directory has been successfully backed up.",0,"Done")
New-Alias -Name 'Backup' -Value 'New-Backup'

   Extracts the contents of a zip file to a specified directory.
   Unzips a file at a specified path. If the file doesn't exist, or it is not a zip file, the script will alert the user.
   Specifies the location of the zip file to be extracted.
.PARAMETER Destination
   Specifies the target directory, where the zip file's contents will be extracted to.
   Specifies whether the target directory should be force created and extracted to.
   Extract-ToDirectory C:\Location\ C:\Location\Extract\
   Unzip C:\Location\ C:\Location\Extract\ -Force
   If the target directory doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.

function Extract-ToDirectory{

    if(-not(test-path $FilePath) -or (-not([IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) -eq ".zip" ))) {
        $fileName = $FilePath.Split("\")[-1]
        return "$fileName is not a valid zip file."
    New-Item -Force:$Force -ItemType Directory -Path $Destination
    Expand-Archive $FilePath -DestinationPath $Destination -Force:$Force
New-Alias -Name 'Unzip' -Value 'Extract-ToDirectory'

   Opens any file, using the file's default program.
   Opens a file at a specified path. Doing so will automatically open the default program for the given file type. Will also open directories in file explorer.
   Specifies the location of the item to be invoked.
   Open-File C:\Location\testNote.txt
   Open C:\Location\
   Yes. It is good.

function Open-File{
    if(test-path $FilePath){
        Invoke-Item $FilePath
        Write-Host "The item at $FilePath does not exist. Please provide a valid path."
New-Alias -Name 'Open' -Value 'Open-File'

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *