.Synopsis DocsTest .Description Testing module for Docs .Notes NAME : DocsTest.psm1* AUTHOR: rulasg CREATED: 05/26/2021 #> Write-Host "Loading DocsTest ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan [string] $SPLITTER = "-" function ResetDocsList([switch]$PassThru) { $TestStoreList = New-DocsStoresList Reset-DocsStoresList -StoreList $TestStoreList if ($PassThru) { return $TestStoreList } } function Get-ParameterObject{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Description, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$PreDescription, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type ) process{ $result = @{ Description = $Description PreDescription = $PreDescription Date = $Date Owner = $Owner Target = $Target Amount = $Amount What = $What Type = $Type } return $result } } function DocsTest_GetDocsName_Parameters{ New-TestingFile -Name "test1.txt" -Content "test" New-TestingFile -Name "test2.txt" -Content "test" $result = Get-ChildItem | Get-DocsName -Owner "MyOwner" -Target "MyTarget" -What "MyWhat" -Type "MyType" -Amount "MyAmount" -Date "111111" Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("MyOwner","MyOwner").ToString() -Presented $result.Owner.ToString().ToString() Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("MyTarget","MyTarget").ToString() -Presented $result.Target.ToString() Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("MyWhat","MyWhat").ToString() -Presented $result.What.ToString() Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("MyType","MyType").ToString() -Presented $result.Type.ToString() Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("MyAmount","MyAmount").ToString() -Presented $result.Amount.ToString() Assert-AreEqual -Expected @("111111","111111").ToString() -Presented $result.Date.ToString() Assert-Contains -Expected "test1" -Presented $result.Description Assert-Contains -Expected "test2" -Presented $result.Description } function DocsTest_GetDocsName_DefaultDate_FileReationTime{ $CreationTime = (Get-Date).Adddays(-5) $file = New-TestingFile -Name "test1.txt" -Content "test" -PassThru $file.CreationTime = $CreationTime $result = Get-ChildItem | Get-DocsName Assert-IsTrue -Condition $result.NewName.StartsWith($CreationTime.ToString("yyMMdd")) } function DocsTest_GetDocsName_ReadFilesNameValues{ $fileName = (New-DocsDocName -Owner "MyOwner" -Target "MyTarget" -What "MyWhat" -Type "MyType" -Amount "999#99" -Date "111111" -Description "MyDescription").Name() New-TestingFile -Name $fileName $result = Get-DocsName -Path $fileName Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MyOwner" -Presented $result.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MyTarget" -Presented $result.Target Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MyWhat" -Presented $result.What Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MyType" -Presented $result.Type Assert-AreEqual -Expected "999#99" -Presented $result.Amount Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MyDescription" -Presented $result.Description Assert-AreEqual -Expected "111111" -Presented $result.Date } function DocsTest_ResetStores { $TestStoreList = ResetDocsList -PassThru Assert-Count -Expected 0 -Presented $TestStoreList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path "." -IsRecursive Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $TestStoreList $result = ResetDocsList -PassThru Assert-Count -Expected 0 -Presented $result } function DocsTest_AddStores { $TestStoreList = ResetDocsList -PassThru $fakeFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath"fackefolder" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path "." -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakeFolderPath Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $TestStoreList $o1 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner_any".ToLower()] Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist $o2 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner2_any".ToLower()] Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o2.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakeFolderPath -Presented $o2.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o2.Exist } function DocsTest_AddStoreWithTarget{ $TestStoreList = ResetDocsList -PassThru $fakeFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath"fackefolder" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path "." -Target "t1" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path $fakeFolderPath -IsRecursive -Target "t2" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path "." -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path "." -IsRecursive Assert-Count -Expected 4 -Presented $TestStoreList $o1 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner_any".ToLower()] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner" -Presented $o1.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "any" -Presented $o1.Target Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist $o1 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner_t1".ToLower()] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner" -Presented $o1.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "t1" -Presented $o1.Target Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist $o1 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner_t2".ToLower()] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner" -Presented $o1.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "t2" -Presented $o1.Target Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakeFolderPath -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o1.Exist } function DocsTest_AddStores_Force { $TestStoreList = ResetDocsList -PassThru $local = "." | Resolve-Path $storeFolder = $local | Join-Path -ChildPath "fakefolder" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ($storeFolder | Test-Path) Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path $storeFolder -IsRecursive -Force Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $TestStoreList $o1 = $TestStoreList["SampleOwner_any".ToLower()] Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $storeFolder -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStores { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home $result = Get-DocsStore Assert-Count -Expected 4 -Presented $result $o0 = $result[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner0" -Presented $o0.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o0.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder0 -Presented $o0.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o0.Exist $o1 = $result[1] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner1" -Presented $o1.Owner Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o1.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist $o2 = $result[2] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner2" -Presented $o2.Owner Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o2.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder2 -Presented $o2.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o2.Exist $o3 = $result[3] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner3" -Presented $o3.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o3.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $Home -Presented $o3.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o3.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStoresWithExist { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home # Exist $result3 = Get-DocsStore -Exist Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result3 $o = $result3[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner1" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.Exist $o = $result3[1] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner3" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $Home -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStoresWithOwner { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home # Owner $result2 = Get-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result2 $o = $result2 Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner2" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder2 -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStoresWithTarget { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 -Target "Target0" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive -Target "Target1" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive -Target "Target2" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home -Target "Target0" # Target $result2 = Get-DocsStore -Target "Target2" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result2 $o = $result2 Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner2" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Target2" -Presented $o.Target Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder2 -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.Exist $result3 = Get-DocsStore -Target "Target0" Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result3 $o = $result3[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner0" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder0 -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.Exist $o = $result3[1] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner3" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $Home -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStoresWithOwnerAndTarget { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 -Target "Target0" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive -Target "Target1" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive -Target "Target2" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home -Target "Target0" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home # Target $result2 = Get-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Target "Target0" Assert-IsNull -Object $result2 $result2 = Get-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Target "Target0" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result2 $o = $result2 Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner0" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Target0" -Presented $o.Target Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder0 -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.Exist $result3 = Get-DocsStore -Target "Target0" Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result3 $o = $result3[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner0" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $fakefolder0 -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.Exist $o = $result3[1] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner3" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $Home -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.Exist } function DocsTest_GetStoresWithTargetAndExist { $fakefolder0 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder0" $fakefolder2 = Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner0" -Path $fakefolder0 -Target "Target0" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner1" -Path . -IsRecursive -Target "Target1" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path $fakefolder2 -IsRecursive -Target "Target2" Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner3" -Path $Home -Target "Target0" # Target $result3 = Get-DocsStore -Target "Target0" -Exist Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result3 $o = $result3 Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner3" -Presented $o.Owner Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o.IsRecursive Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $Home -Presented $o.Path Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o.Exist } function DocsTest_SetLocation{ $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force $converted1 = $storefolder1 | Convert-Path $converted2 = $storefolder2 | Convert-Path Set-DocsLocationToStore -Owner test1 Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $converted1 -Presented '.' "test2" | Set-DocsLocationToStore Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $converted2 -Presented '.' Set-DocsLocationToStore test1 Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $converted1 -Presented '.' } function DocsTest_GetOwners { ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path (Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder") $result = Get-DocsOwners Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner" -Presented $result[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner2" -Presented $result[1] # $o1 = $result[0] # Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.IsRecursive # Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "." -Presented $o1.Path # Assert-IsTrue -Condition $o1.Exist # $o2 = $result[1] # Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o2.IsRecursive # Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "$Home/fackefolder" -Presented $o2.Path # Assert-IsFalse -Condition $o2.Exist } function DocsTest_GetOwnersWithTargets { ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner2" -Path (Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder") Add-DocsStore -Owner "SampleOwner" -Path . -IsRecursive -Target "t1" $result = Get-DocsOwners Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner" -Presented $result[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "SampleOwner2" -Presented $result[1] } function DocsTest_GetOwners_Filtered { ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner "kk2k2" -Path (Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder") -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "kk3k2" -Path (Join-Path -Path $Home -ChildPath "fackefolder") Add-DocsStore -Owner "kt2k2" -Path . -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner "kk2k2" -Path . -IsRecursive -Target "t2" $result = Get-DocsOwners Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result $result = Get-DocsOwners kk* Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kk2k2" -Presented $result[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kk3k2" -Presented $result[1] $result = Get-DocsOwners *3* Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kk3k2" -Presented $result $result = Get-DocsOwners *k2 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kk2k2" -Presented $result[0] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kk3k2" -Presented $result[1] Assert-AreEqual -Expected "kt2k2" -Presented $result[2] } function DocsTest_FileName { $date = "121212" $owner = "sampleOwner" $target = "SampleTarget" $what = "sampleWhat" $amount = "99#99" $desc = "SampleDescription" $type = "SampleType" # Mandatory fields $defaultOwner = "rulasg" $defaultExt = "pdf" $fn = Get-DocsFileName -Target $target -Description $desc -Verbose Assert-AreEqual -Presented $fn -Expected ("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.{4}" -f (Get-TodayDateReverse) , $defaultOwner, $target, $desc, $defaultExt) # Full seeded name $fn = Get-DocsFileName ` -Date $date ` -Owner $owner ` -Target $target ` -Amount $amount ` -What $what ` -Description $desc ` -Type $type ` Assert-AreEqual -Presented $fn -Expected ("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}.{6}" -f $date, $owner, $target, $what, $amount, $desc, $type) } function DocsTest_Find_Simple{ $storefolder = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder" $filename = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test -Target Testing -Description "Test File" $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner kk -Target kking -Description "Test File" $FileFullName = $storefolder | Join-Path -ChildPath $filename $FileFullName2 = $storefolder | Join-Path -ChildPath $filename2 ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test -Path $storefolder -Force "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName2 Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented ($FileFullName | Get-ChildItem ) $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $FileFullName -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile kking Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test -JustName Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $filename -Presented $result } function DocsTest_Find_MultiFolder { $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName13 $FileFullName2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName2 $FileFullName23 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName23 # Pattern 0 $result = Find-DocsFile 02 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result # Owner 1 Assert-Count -Expected 4 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test1 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test2 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName23 -Presented $result # Target $result = Find-DocsFile -Target Testing3 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName23 -Presented $result # Descriptionm $result = Find-DocsFile -Description Test0 Assert-IsNull -Object $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Description Test0* Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Description *File2 Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Description *File2* Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Description Test0_File2 Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Type Test1 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Target Testing* -Description Test0* Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Target Testing2 -Description *0* Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result # Date $result = Find-DocsFile -Date 11 Assert-IsNull -Object $result $result = Find-DocsFile -Date 11* Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName23 -Presented $result # Date $result = Find-DocsFile -Date 1102* Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result # Object $result = $filename2 | Find-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result } function DocsTest_Find_MultiFolder_IsRecurse { $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" $storefolder11 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1","FakeStoreFolder11" # Recursive ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force -IsRecursive Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $storefolder11 # Recursive $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 $filename113 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File113 recurse" -Type test1 -Date 110214 # Recursive $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $fileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $fileName13 $FileFullName2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $fileName2 $FileFullName23 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $fileName23 $FileFullName113 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder11 -ChildPath $filename113 # Recursive "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName113 # Recursive # Pattern 0 $result = Find-DocsFile 02 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Owner 1 Assert-Count -Expected 5 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test1 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Target $result = Find-DocsFile -Target Testing3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Descriptionm $result = Find-DocsFile -Description "*113*" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Date $result = Find-DocsFile -Date *14 Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Date $result = Find-DocsFile -Date 1102* Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result # Object $result = $filename113 | Find-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName113 -Presented $result } function DocsTest_TestFile{ # Not exist $result = Test-DocsFile -Path "fakefile.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition $result # Is a directory $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name $filename1 $result = Test-DocsFile -Path $filename1 Assert-IsFalse -Condition $result # File $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test2 -Date 100102 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName2 $result = Test-DocsFile -Path $filename2 Assert-IsTrue -Condition $result } function DocsTest_TestFileName_FileFormats { Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("12-owner-descr.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-descr" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("1212-owner-descr" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-descr" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-descr" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-descr" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-Desc.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-Desc.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-What-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-What-Desc.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc-dasd-asdasd-asddas.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc-dasd-asdasd-asddas.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-What-Desc-dasd-asdasd-asddas.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-Ammount-What-Desc-dasd-asdasd-asddas.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-32#32-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-32#32-Desc.txt" Assert-IsTrue -Condition ("121212-owner-target-32#32-What-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-32#32-What-Desc.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("121212" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "something" Assert-IsFalse -Condition (".txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "something" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("something" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "something" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("121212-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("121212-NoOwner" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("Owner-Descdescr.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "Owner-Descdescr.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("12121a-owner-descr.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "12121a-owner-descr.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("121212-owner-target-32.32-Desc.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-target-32#32-Desc.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("1-owner-descr.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-owner-descr" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("1212122-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("1213-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("121232-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("00-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" Assert-IsFalse -Condition ("001212-NoOwner.txt" | Test-DocsFileName) -Comment "121212-NoOwner.txt" } function DocsTest_GetFile_All{ $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "Test1-Target-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-NearlyCorrect.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-Test1.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $result = Get-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 6 -Presented $result $resultName = $result.Name Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName1 -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName2 -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName13 -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName23 -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" -Presented $resultName $result = Get-DocsFile -Target Testing3 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result $resultName = $result.Name Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName13 -Presented $resultName Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName23 -Presented $resultName } function DocsTest_GetFile_Recursive{ $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName13 $FileFullName2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName2 $FileFullName23 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName23 $fake1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath "Test1-andnomore.txt" $fake2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath "121212-fakename.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $fake1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $fake2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" Assert-Count -Expected 8 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) $result = Get-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" -Presented $result $result = Get-DocsFile -Recurse Assert-Count -Expected 6 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName23 -Presented $result Assert-Contains -Expected $FileName1 -Presented $result.Name } function DocsTest_GetFile_SpecificPath{ $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $storefolder1 -Force $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $localfile = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $localfile Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) $result = Get-DocsFile -Path $FileFullName1 Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName1 -Presented $result $result = Get-DocsFile -Path $storefolder1 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result $result = $storefolder1 | Get-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result $result = ($storefolder1,$localfile ) | Get-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName1 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $FileFullName13 -Presented $result Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $localfile -Presented $result } function DocsTest_GetFile_StoresWithSamePath{ $e = SetupScenario1 Add-DocsStore -Owner Test22 -Path $e["storefolder2"] $result = Find-DocsFile -Owner Test2 Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-Contains -Expected ($e["FileFullName2"] | Convert-Path) -Presented $result Assert-Contains -Expected ($e["FileFullName23"] | Convert-Path) -Presented $result } function DocsTest_MoveFile { $e = SetupScenario2 $otherStoreFolder = ("." | Join-Path -ChildPath "FolderNotExist" ) Add-DocsStore -Owner "LocalOwner" -Path $otherStoreFolder $filename = Get-DocsFileName -Owner "LocalOwner" -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename1"] Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename2"] Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename13"] Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename23"] Assert-ItemExist -Path $filename $result = Move-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 7 -Presented $result Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename1"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename2"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename13"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename23"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $otherStoreFolder $r0 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $filename} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "LocalOwner" -Presented $r0.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $filename -Presented $r0.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "FOLDER_NOT_FOUND" -Presented $r0.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "" -Presented $r0.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $filename $r1 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename1"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $r1.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $r1.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $r1.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $r1.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] $r2 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename2"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test2" -Presented $r2.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename2"] -Presented $r2.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $r2.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder2"] -Presented $r2.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName2"] $r3 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename13"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $r3.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename13"] -Presented $r3.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $r3.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $r3.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName13"] $r4 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename23"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test2" -Presented $r4.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename23"] -Presented $r4.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $r4.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder2"] -Presented $r4.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName23"] $r5 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner1"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "OtherOwner" -Presented $r5.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner1"] -Presented $r5.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "Unknown" -Presented $r5.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "" -Presented $r5.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner1"] $r6 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner2"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "OtherOwner" -Presented $r6.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner2"] -Presented $r6.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "Unknown" -Presented $r6.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "" -Presented $r6.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner2"] } function AddFileToRoot ($Owner, $Target){ # $key = "FileName-{0}-{1}" -f $Owner,$Target $filename = "100101-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test1" -f $Owner, $Target # $Env[$key] = $filename # "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $Env[$key] "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $filename return $filename } function DocsTest_MoveFile_WithTarget_MultiTargets { $e = SetupScenario3 ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T1"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T3"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-2-3"] Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T2"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O2"] -Target $e["T2"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] -Force # Create files $FN_1_Any = AddFileToRoot -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["TF4"] $FN_O1_T1 = AddFileToRoot -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T1"] $FN_O1_T2 = AddFileToRoot -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T2"] $FN_O1_T3 = AddFileToRoot -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T3"] $FN_O2_T2 = AddFileToRoot -Owner $e["O2"] -Target $e["T2"] # Act $result = Move-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 5 -Presented $result #Assest Assert-FileMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -ResultObject $result -FileName $FN_1_Any -StoreFolder $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -Owner $e["O1"] -Target "any" Assert-FileMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -ResultObject $result -FileName $FN_O1_T1 -StoreFolder $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T1"] Assert-FileMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -ResultObject $result -FileName $FN_O1_T2 -StoreFolder $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T2"] Assert-FileMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -ResultObject $result -FileName $FN_O2_T2 -StoreFolder $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] -Owner $e["O2"] -Target $e["T2"] Assert-FileMove -StatusExpected "FOLDER_NOT_FOUND" -ResultObject $result -FileName $FN_O1_T3 -StoreFolder $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T3"] } function Assert-FileItemMove { param( $FileName, $StoreFolder, $StatusExpected, $StatusPresented, [Switch] $ExistFrom,[Switch] $ExistTo, [Switch] $NotExistFrom,[Switch] $NotExistTo, [Switch] $AreTheSame, [Switch] $AreEqual, [Switch] $AreNotEqual ) "Assert-FileItemMove [{0}]" -f $FileName | Trace-Message #Status Assert-AreEqual -Expected $StatusExpected -presented $StatusPresented -Comment "Move Status" $from = $FileName $to = Join-Path -Path $StoreFolder -ChildPath $FileName #Existance if ($ExistFrom) { Assert-ItemExist -Path $from -Comment "ExistFrom" } if ($NotExistFrom) { Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $from -Comment "NotExistFrom" } if ($ExistTo) { Assert-ItemExist -Path $to -Comment "ExistTo" } if ($NotExistTo) { Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $to -Comment "NotExistTo" } if ($AreTheSame) { Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $to -Presented $FileName -Comment "AreTheSame" } if ($AreNotTheSame){ Assert-AreNotEqualPath -Expected $to -Presented $FileName -Comment "AreNotTheSame" } if ($AreEqual) { Assert-AreEqualContent -Expected $from -Presented $to } if ($AreNotEqual) { Assert-AreNotEqualContent -Expected $from -Presented $to } Write-AssertionSectionEnd } function Assert-FileMove ($FileName, $StoreFolder, $Owner, $Target, $ResultObject, $StatusExpected){ $moveObject = $ResultObject | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $FileName} switch ($StatusExpected) { "UNKNOWN" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistFrom -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "MOVED" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistNotFrom -ExistTo -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "FOLDER_NOT_FOUND" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistFrom -ExistNotTo -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "ARE_THE_SAME" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistFrom -ExistTo -AreTheSame -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "ARE_EQUAL" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistFrom -ExistTo -AreEqual -AreNotTheSame -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistNotFrom -ExistTo -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "ARE_NOT_EQUAL" { Assert-FileItemMove -ExistFrom -ExistTo -AreNotEqual -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status } "ARE_NOT_EQUAL_RENAME_SOURCE"{ Assert-FileItemMove -ExistNotFrom -ExistTo -AreNotEqual -FileName $FileName -StoreFolder $StoreFolder -StatusExpected $StatusExpected -StatusPresented $moveObject.Status $toFile = Join-Path -Path $StoreFolder -ChildPath $FileName | Get-Item $newToFile = Join-Path -Path $StoreFolder -ChildPath ($toFile.BaseName + "(1)" + $toFile.Extension) | Get-Item Assert-ItemExist -Path Assert-AreNotEqualContent -Expected $toFile.FullName -Presented $newToFile.FullName } Default { throw -Message "Unknown Status" } } } function DocsTest_MoveFileItem{ $filename1 = "filename1.txt" $filename2 = "filename2.txt" $destinationFolder1 = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath "childfolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "childfolder12" $destinationFolder2 = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath "childfolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "childfolder12" "some content" | Out-File -FilePath $filename1 "some content" | Out-File -FilePath $filename2 # Not store folder $status = Move-DocsFileItem -Path $filename1 -Destination $destinationFolder1 Assert-FileItemMove -StatusExpected "FOLDER_NOT_FOUND" -StatusPresented $status -FileName $filename1 -StoreFolder $destinationFolder1 -ExistFrom -NotExistTo # With store folder $null = New-Item -Path $destinationFolder1 -ItemType Directory $status = Move-DocsFileItem -Path $filename1 -Destination $destinationFolder1 Assert-FileItemMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -StatusPresented $status -FileName $filename1 -StoreFolder $destinationFolder1 -NotExistFrom -ExistTo # Not Store folder with force $status = Move-DocsFileItem -Path $filename2 -Destination $destinationFolder2 -Force Assert-FileItemMove -StatusExpected "MOVED" -StatusPresented $status -FileName $filename2 -StoreFolder $destinationFolder2 -NotExistFrom -ExistTo } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path { $e = SetupScenario2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename1"] $result = Move-DocsFile -Path $e["filename1"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename1"] Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $result[0].Owner; Assert-AreEqual -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $result[0].Name; Assert-AreEqual -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $result[0].Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $result[0].Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_Recurse { $e = SetupScenario1 $wrongFullName = Join-Path -Path $e["storefolder2"] -ChildPath $e["filename1"] $e["FileFullName1"] | Move-Item -Destination $e["storefolder2"] Assert-ItemExist -Path $wrongFullName $result = Move-DocsFile -Owner Test1 -Recurse Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $wrongFullName Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] # Assert-ContainsPath -Expected $e["FileFullName13"] -Presented $result $r0 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename13"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $r0.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename13"] -Presented $r0.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_THE_SAME" -Presented $r0.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $r0.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName13"] $r1 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename1"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $r1.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $r1.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $r1.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $r1.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_WhatIf { $e = SetupScenario2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename1"] $result = Move-DocsFile -Path $e["filename1"] -WhatIf Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["filename1"] Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $result.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $result.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "MOVED" -Presented $result.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $result.Destination; Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_Exists { $e = SetupScenario2 Copy-Item -Path $e["filename1"] -Destination $e["FileFullName1"] Assert-FilesAreEqual -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $e["FileFullName1"] "Some diferent text" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileFullName2"] Assert-FilesAreNotEqual -Expected $e["filename2"] -Presented $e["FileFullName2"] $result = ($e["filename1"] ,$e["filename2"]) | Move-DocsFile Assert-Count -Expected 2 -Presented $result $r0 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename1"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $r0.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $r0.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_EQUAL" -Presented $r0.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $r0.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] $r1 = $result | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $e["filename2"]} Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test2" -Presented $r1.Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename2"] -Presented $r1.Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_NOT_EQUAL" -Presented $r1.Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder2"] -Presented $r1.Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName2"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_Exists_TheSame { $e = SetupScenario1 $result = $e["FileFullName1"] | Move-DocsFile Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $result[0].Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $result[0].Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_THE_SAME" -Presented $result[0].Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $result[0].Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_Exists_ARE_EQUAL_Force { $e = SetupScenario2 Copy-Item -Path $e["filename1"] -Destination $e["FileFullName1"] Assert-FilesAreEqual -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $e["FileFullName1"] $result = $e["filename1"] | Move-DocsFile -Force Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test1" -Presented $result[0].Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename1"] -Presented $result[0].Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE" -Presented $result[0].Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder1"] -Presented $result[0].Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName1"] Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename1"] } function DocsTest_MoveFile_Path_Exists_ARE_NOT_EQUAL_Force { $e = SetupScenario2 "Some diferent text" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileFullName2"] Assert-FilesAreNotEqual -Expected $e["filename2"] -Presented $e["FileFullName2"] $result = $e["filename2"] | Move-DocsFile -Force Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented $result Assert-AreEqual -Expected "Test2" -Presented $result[0].Owner; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["filename2"] -Presented $result[0].Name; Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "ARE_NOT_EQUAL_RENAME_SOURCE" -Presented $result[0].Status Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected $e["storefolder2"] -Presented $result[0].Destination; Assert-ItemExist -Path $e["FileFullName2"] Assert-ItemExist -Path ($e["FileFullName2"] -replace ".test1", "(1).test1") Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $e["filename2"] } function DocsTest_DocName_Name_Transformations_Defaults{ $dn = New-DocsDocName $result = $dn.Name() | ConvertTo-DocsDocName # Date Assert-StringIsNullOrEmpty -Presented $dn.Date Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected (Get-TodayDateReverse) -Presented $result.Date # Owner Assert-StringIsNullOrEmpty -Presented $dn.Owner Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "rulasg" -Presented $result.Owner # Type Assert-StringIsNullOrEmpty -Presented $dn.Type Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "pdf" -Presented $result.Type # Description # Default Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "DESCRIPTION" -Presented $result.Description } function DocsTest_DocName_Transformations_Description_Replacements{ # We wil use ConverTo.DocsDocName to check the format of the name # Replace " ", - , [ , ] #Spaces $dn = New-DocsDocName -Description "something space" $result = $dn.Name() | ConvertTo-DocsDocName Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something space" -Presented $dn.Description Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something_space" -Presented $result.Description # Spaces multi $dn = New-DocsDocName -Description "something space" $result = $dn.Name() | ConvertTo-DocsDocName Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something space" -Presented $dn.Description Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something_space" -Presented $result.Description # - $dn = New-DocsDocName -Description "something-space" $result = $dn.Name() | ConvertTo-DocsDocName Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something-space" -Presented $dn.Description Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something_space" -Presented $result.Description $dn = New-DocsDocName -Description "something[space]" $result = $dn.Name() | ConvertTo-DocsDocName Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something[space]" -Presented $dn.Description Assert-AreEqualPath -Expected "something_space_" -Presented $result.Description } function DocsTest_DocName_Transformations_Description_Replacements{ #'[\s/\[\]-]' $dn = New-DocsDocName Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one-two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one--two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("-one--two-")) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr(" one two ")) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one/two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one//two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("//one//two")) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("[one_two]" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("[one]two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one.two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr("one..two" )) Assert-AreEqual -Expected "one_two" -Presented ($dn.TestTransformStr(".one..two.")) } function DocsTest_ConvertToDocName{ "12-owner-descr.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "12" -Owner "owner" -Description "descr" -Type "txt" "1212-owner-descr" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "1212" -Owner "owner" -Description "descr" "121212-owner-descr" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Description "descr" "121212-owner-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-What-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "What" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "What" -Amount "32#32" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-What-32#32-Desc-dasd-asdasd-asds.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "What" -Amount "32#32" -Description "Desc-dasd-asdasd-asds" -Type "txt" "121212" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" ".txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Type "txt" "something" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Description "something" "121212-NoOwner.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Description "NoOwner" -Type "txt" "121212-NoOwner" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Description "NoOwner" "Owner-Descdescr.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Owner "Owner" -Description "Descdescr" -Type "txt" "12121a-target-descr.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Owner "12121a" -Target "target" -Description "descr" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-what-Desc-rasf-dasd-asdasd-asd.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "what" -Description "Desc-rasf-dasd-asdasd-asd" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-what-234-Desc-rasf-dasd-asdasd-asd.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "what" -Amount "234" -Description "Desc-rasf-dasd-asdasd-asd" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-32.32-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "32.32" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-32#32-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -Amount "32#32" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" "121212-owner-target-32#32-What-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Owner "owner" -Target "target" -What "what" -Amount "32#32" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" # "121212-32#32-What-Desc.txt" | ConvertTo-DocsDocName ` # | CheckDocName -Date "121212" -Amount "32#32" -Description "Desc" -Type "txt" } function DocsTest_RenameFile_WrongFile{ $oldName = "desc3.txt" $newName = "{0}-kk-desc3.txt" -f (Get-TodayDateReverse) "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk -WhatIf Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $oldName Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_SingleFile{ $oldName = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $newName = "122012-kk-Target-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk -WhatIf Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } # function DocsTest_RenameFile_SingleFile_WithOutOwner_WithAmount{ # $oldName = "122012-32#32-Description.txt" # $newName = "122012-kk-32#32-TargetName-Description.txt" # "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName # Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName # # Single file # Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk -Target "TargetName" # Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName # Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) # } function DocsTest_RenameFile_SingleFile_Withowner_WithAmount{ $oldName = "122012-owner-32#32-Description.txt" $newName = "122012-kk-32#32-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName # Single file Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_SingleFile_TheSame{ $oldName = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName } function DocsTest_RenameFile_SingleFile_PreDescription{ $oldName = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Desc1.txt" $newName = "122012-kk-Target-PreDesc_Desc1.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk -PreDescription "PreDesc" -WhatIf Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Rename-DocsFile -Path $oldName -Owner kk -PreDescription "PreDesc" Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_WildChar{ $oldName1 = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $oldName2 = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $oldName3 = "132012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $newName1 = "122012-kk-Target-Description.txt" $newName2 = "122012-kk-Description.txt" $newName3 = "132012-kk-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 # Single file Rename-DocsFile -Path "12*OtherOwner*" -Owner kk Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_Pipe_Files{ $oldName1 = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $oldName2 = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $oldName3 = "132012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $newName1 = "122012-kk-Target-Description.txt" $newName2 = "122012-kk-Description.txt" $newName3 = "132012-kk-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 $files = Get-ChildItem -Path 12* # Single file $files | Rename-DocsFile -Owner kk Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_Pipe_String{ $oldName1 = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $oldName2 = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $oldName3 = "132012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $newName1 = "122012-kk-Target-Description.txt" $newName2 = "122012-kk-Description.txt" $newName3 = "132012-kk-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 # Single file @($oldName1,$oldName3) | Rename-DocsFile -Owner kk Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_RenameFile_Pipe_String_MultipleParameters{ $oldName1 = "122011-OtherOwner-Target-Description1.txt" $oldName2 = "122012-OtherOwner-Target2-Description2.txt" $oldName3 = "132013-OtherOwner-Target3-Description3.txt" $newName1 = "122011-kk-Target-Factura-Description1.txt" $newName2 = "122012-kk-Target-Factura-Description2.txt" $newName3 = "132013-kk-Target-Factura-Description3.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 $docname = $oldName1 | ConvertTo-DocsDocName $docname.Date = "" $docname.Description = "" $docname | Rename-DocsFile -Owner kk -What "Factura" -Path (Get-ChildItem) Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName3 } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_SingleFile { $fileName = "filename1.txt" $newName = "121212-kk-SomeDescription_filename1.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $fileName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $fileName Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Rename-DocsFile -Path $fileName -Owner kk -Date "121212" -PreDescription "SomeDescription" -WhatIf Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Assert-ItemExist -Path $fileName Rename-DocsFile -Path $fileName -Owner kk -Date "121212" -PreDescription "SomeDescription" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $fileName Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_SingleFile_WithDescription { $fileName = "filename1.txt" $newName = "121212-kk-SomeDescription.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $fileName # Single file Assert-ItemExist -Path $fileName Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Rename-DocsFile -Path $fileName -Owner kk -Date "121212" -Description "SomeDescription" -WhatIf Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName Assert-ItemExist -Path $fileName Rename-DocsFile -Path $fileName -Owner kk -Date "121212" -Description "SomeDescription" Assert-Count -Expected 1 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $fileName Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_WildChar{ $oldName1 = "Desc112.txt" $oldName2 = "Desc122.pdf" $oldName3 = "Desc132.txt" $newName1 = "121212-kk-Desc112.txt" $newName2 = "121212-kk-Desc122.pdf" $newName3 = "121212-kk-Desc132.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 # Single file Rename-DocsFile -Path "Desc1*" -Owner kk -Date "121212" Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_WildChar_WithDescription{ $Today = Get-TodayDateReverse $oldName1 = "Desc112.txt" $oldName2 = "Desc122.pdf" $oldName3 = "Desc132.txt" $newName1 = $Today + "-kk-PreToAd_Desc112.txt" $newName2 = $Today + "-kk-PreToAd_Desc122.pdf" $newName3 = $Today + "-kk-PreToAd_Desc132.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 # Single file Rename-DocsFile -Path "Desc1*" -Owner kk -Date $Today -PreDescription "PreToAd" Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_Pipe_Files{ $oldName1 = "12Desk1.txt" $oldName2 = "12Desk2.pdf" $oldName3 = "132012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $newName1 = "121212-kk-rename-12Desk1.txt" $newName2 = "121212-kk-rename-12Desk2.pdf" $newName3 = "132012-kk-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 $files = Get-ChildItem -Path 12* # Single file $files | Rename-DocsFile -Owner kk -Target rename -Date 121212 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName2 Assert-ItemNotExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function DocsTest_ConvertToFile_Pipe_String{ $oldName1 = "12Desk1.txt" $oldName2 = "132012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $oldName3 = "12Desk2.pdf" $newName1 = "121212-kk-rename-12Desk1.txt" $newName3 = "121212-kk-rename-12Desk2.pdf" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $oldName3 # Single file @($oldName1,$oldName3) | Rename-DocsFile -Owner kk -Target rename -Date 121212 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName1 Assert-ItemExist -Path $oldName2 Assert-ItemExist -Path $newName3 Assert-Count -Expected 3 -Presented (Get-ChildItem) } function SetupScenario1 () { $Evidence = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string],[string]]' $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" $Evidence["storefolder1"] = $storefolder1 $Evidence["storefolder2"] = $storefolder2 ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 $Evidence["filename1"] = $filename1 $Evidence["filename13"] = $filename13 $Evidence["filename2"] = $filename2 $Evidence["filename23"] = $filename23 $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName13 $FileFullName2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName2 $FileFullName23 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName23 $FileFullName_fake1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath "Test1-andnomore.txt" $FileFullName_fake2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath "121212-fakename.txt" $Evidence["FileFullName1"] = $FileFullName1 $Evidence["FileFullName13"] = $FileFullName13 $Evidence["FileFullName2"] = $FileFullName2 $Evidence["FileFullName23"] = $FileFullName23 $Evidence["FileFullName_fake1"] = $FileFullName_fake1 $Evidence["FileFullName_fake2"] = $FileFullName_fake2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName_fake1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName_fake2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $Evidence["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner1"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $Evidence["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner2"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" Assert-Count -Expected 8 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) Write-AssertionSectionEnd $Evidence } function SetupScenario2 () { $Evidence = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string],[string]]' $storefolder1 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder1" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder1" $storefolder2 = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "Fakefolder2" -AdditionalChildPath "FakeStoreFolder2" $Evidence["storefolder1"] = $storefolder1 $Evidence["storefolder2"] = $storefolder2 ResetDocsList Add-DocsStore -Owner test1 -Path $storefolder1 -Force Add-DocsStore -Owner test2 -Path $storefolder2 -Force $filename1 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing1 -Description "Test0 File1" -Type test1 -Date 100101 $filename13 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test1 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test File13" -Type test1 -Date 110213 $filename2 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing2 -Description "Test0 File2" -Type test1 -Date 100201 $filename23 = Get-DocsFileName -Owner Test2 -Target Testing3 -Description "Test0 File23" -Type test -Date 110323 $Evidence["filename1"] = $filename1 $Evidence["filename13"] = $filename13 $Evidence["filename2"] = $filename2 $Evidence["filename23"] = $filename23 $FileFullName1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName1 $FileFullName13 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath $FileName13 $FileFullName2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName2 $FileFullName23 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath $FileName23 $FileFullName_fake1 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder1 -ChildPath "Test1-andnomore.txt" $FileFullName_fake2 = Join-Path -Path $storefolder2 -ChildPath "121212-fakename.txt" $Evidence["FileFullName1"] = $FileFullName1 $Evidence["FileFullName13"] = $FileFullName13 $Evidence["FileFullName2"] = $FileFullName2 $Evidence["FileFullName23"] = $FileFullName23 $Evidence["FileFullName_fake1"] = $FileFullName_fake1 $Evidence["FileFullName_fake2"] = $FileFullName_fake2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName13 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileName23 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName_fake1 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $FileFullName_fake2 "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" "This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" $Evidence["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner1"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" $Evidence["FileNameLocal_OtherOWner2"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" Assert-Count -Expected 8 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) Write-AssertionSectionEnd return $Evidence } function SetupScenario3 () { $e = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string],[string]]' $e["O1"] = "Owner1" $e["O2"] = "Owner2" $e["T1"] = "T1" $e["T2"] = "T2" $e["T3"] = "T3" $e["TF4"] = "TF4" $e["TF5"] = "TF5" # StoresFolder $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "FP1" -AdditionalChildPath "FC1" $e["StoreFolder-2-2"] = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "FP2" -AdditionalChildPath "FC2" $e["StoreFolder-2-3"] = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "FP2" -AdditionalChildPath "FC3" $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] = "." | Join-Path -ChildPath "FP4" -AdditionalChildPath "FC4" # Stores # ResetDocsList # Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -force # Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T1"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-1-1"] -force # Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T3"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-2-3"] -force # Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O1"] -Target $e["T2"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-4-4"] # Add-DocsStore -Owner $e["O2"] -Path $e["StoreFolder-2-2"] -Force #Files # $e["FileName-O1-TF4"] = "100101-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test1" -f $e["O1"], $e["TF4"] # $e["FileName-O1-T1"] = "110213-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test1" -f $e["O1"], $e["T1"] # $e["FileName-O1-T2"] = "100201-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test1" -f $e["O1"], $e["T2"] # $e["FileName-O2-TF5"] = "110323-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test" -f $e["O2"], $e["TF5"] # $e["FileName-O2-T2"] = "110323-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test" -f $e["O2"], $e["T2"] # $e["FileName-O1-T3"] = "100201-{0}-{1}-Any_Description.test1" -f $e["O1"], $e["T3"] # $e["FileName-NoDate"] = "Test1-andnomore.txt" # $e["FileName-D-D"] = "121212-fakename.txt" # $e["FileName-OW"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Description.txt" # $e["FileName-OW-TW"] = "122012-OtherOwner-Target-Description.txt" # Create files #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-O1-TF4"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-O1-T1"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-O1-T2"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-O1-T3"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-O2-TF5"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-NoDate"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-D-D"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-OW"] #"This content is fake" | Out-File -FilePath $e["FileName-OW-TW"] #Assert-Count -Expected 9 -Presented (Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse) Write-AssertionSectionEnd return $e } function Get-TodayDateReverse() { (Get-Date -Format 'yyMMdd') } function CheckDocName{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $DocName, [string]$Date, [string]$Owner, [string]$Target, [string]$What, [string]$Amount, [string]$Description, [string]$Type ) Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Date -Presented $DocName.Date -Comment "Date" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Owner -Presented $DocName.Owner -Comment "Owner" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Target -Presented $DocName.Target -Comment "Target" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $What -Presented $DocName.What -Comment "What" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Amount -Presented $DocName.Amount -Comment "Amount" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Description -Presented $DocName.Description -Comment "Description" Assert-AreEqual -Expected $Type -Presented $DocName.Type -Comment "Type" Write-AssertionSectionEnd } Export-ModuleMember -Function DocsTest_* |