.Synopsis Docs .Description Module to manage documents .Notes NAME : Docs.psm1* AUTHOR: rulasg CREATED: 05/26/2021 #> # Write-Host "Loading Docs ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan Write-Information "Loading Docs ..." # Script Variables $script:StoresList = @() #region EnumAndClasses # Enums enum STATUS { UNKNOWN SUCCESS MOVED ARE_EQUAL ARE_NOT_EQUAL ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE ARE_NOT_EQUAL_RENAME_SOURCE FOLDER_NOT_FOUND } # Classes class DocsStore { [string] $Name [string] $Owner [string] $Target [string] $Path [bool] $IsRecursive [bool] $Exist } class DocName { static [string] $SPLITTER = "-" static [string] $DEFAULT_OWNER = "rulasg" static [string] $DEFAULT_TYPE = "pdf" static [string] $DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION" static [string] $DECIMALSEPARATOR = "#" [string] $Date #Mandatory [string] $Owner #Mandatory [string] $Target [string] $What [string] $Amount [string] $Description #Mandatory [string] $Type #Mandatory #ctor DocName() { $this.Date = [string]::Empty $this.Owner = [string]::Empty $this.Target = [string]::Empty $this.What = [string]::Empty $this.Amount = [string]::Empty $this.Description = [string]::Empty $this.Type = [string]::Empty } # Interna Functions [string] hidden static Section([string] $sectionName) { if ($sectionName) { return "-$sectionName" } else { return [string]::Empty } } [string] hidden static SectionPatternMandatory([string] $p ) { if ($p) { return "-$p" } else { return "-*" } } [string] hidden static SectionPatternOptional ([string] $p ) { if ($p) { return "-$p" } else { return [string]::Empty } } [string] hidden static SectionPattern ([string] $p ) { if ($p) { return "$p" } else { return "*" } } # API [string] Name() { #Mandatory fields if ($this.Date) { $d = $this.Date } else { $d = Get-Date -Format 'yyMMdd' } if ($this.Owner) { $o = $this.Owner } else { $o = [DocName]::DEFAULT_OWNER } if ($this.Type) { $t = $this.Type } else { $t = [DocName]::DEFAULT_TYPE } if ($this.Description) { $des = $this.Description } else { $des = [DocName]::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION } # Transformations $d = [DocName]::TransformString($d) $o = [DocName]::TransformString($o) $ta = [DocName]::TransformString($this.Target) $w = [DocName]::TransformString($this.What) $am = [DocName]::TransformString($this.Amount) $des = [DocName]::TransformString($des) $t = [DocName]::TransformString($t) $name2 = ($d,$o,$ta,$w,$am,$des).Where({ $_ -ne [string]::Empty }) -Join [DocName]::SPLITTER $name2 =($name2,$t) -join '.' #d $o = [DocName]::Section($o) $ta = [DocName]::Section($this.Target) $w = [DocName]::Section($this.What) $am = [DocName]::Section($this.Amount) $des = [DocName]::Section($des) #t $name = "$d$o$ta$w$am$des.$t" if ($name2 -ne $name) { "Check the difference" | Write-Verbose } "[DocName]::Name | {0}" -f $name | Write-Verbose return $name } [string] Pattern() { $d = [DocName]::SectionPattern($this.Date) $o = [DocName]::SectionPatternMandatory($this.Owner) $ta = [DocName]::SectionPatternOptional($this.Target) $w = [DocName]::SectionPatternOptional($this.What) $am = [DocName]::SectionPatternOptional($this.Amount) $des = [DocName]::SectionPatternMandatory($this.Description.Replace(' ', '_')) $t = [DocName]::SectionPattern($this.Type) $pattern = "$d$o$ta$am$w$des.$t" "[DocName]::Pattern - {0}" -f $pattern | Write-Verbose return $pattern } [bool] IsValid() { # Check date if (![DocName]::TestDate($this.Date)) { "[DocName.IsValid] Date not valid [{0}]" -f $this.Date | Write-verbose return $false } # Owner not empty if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Owner)) { "[DocName.IsValid] Owner not valid [{0}]" -f $this.Owner | Write-verbose return $false } # Description not empty if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Description)) { "[DocName.IsValid] Description not valid [{0}]" -f $this.Description | Write-verbose return $false } # What has not Amount format if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.What)) { if (([DocName]::TestAmmount($this.What, [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR)) -or ([DocName]::TestAmmount($this.What, '.'))) { "[DocName.IsValid] What not valid [{0}]" -f $this.What | Write-verbose return $false } } # Amount with # as separator if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Amount)) { if (![DocName]::TestAmmount($this.Amount, [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR)) { "[DocName.IsValid] Amount not valid [{0}]" -f $this.Amount | Write-verbose return $false } } return $true } [string] Sample() { return ("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}.{6}" -f "date", "owner", "target", "what", "amount", "desc", "type") } # Just for testing purposes hidden [string] TestTransformStr([string]$field){ return [DocName]::TransformString($field) } static [string] TransformString([string]$field) { # Replaces Spacaes, / [ ] - # Split $reg = "[\s-/\[\]\.]" $splitted = $field -split $reg # Remove empty $splitted = $splitted | Where-Object {$_} # Join field back $ret = $splitted -join '_' return $ret } static [DocName] Convert([string]$Path) { $doc = [DocName]::new() #Extension $ext = $Path | Split-Path -Extension $doc.Type = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ext) ? $null : $ext.Substring(1) $fileName = $Path | Split-Path -LeafBase # Check Date - Add empty date if not valid $splitted = $fileName -split [DocName]::SPLITTER, 2 if (![docname]::TestDate($splitted[0])) { $fileName = [DocName]::SPLITTER + $fileName } $splitted = $fileName -split [DocName]::SPLITTER, 3 $h2 = $null switch ($splitted.Count) { 3 { $doc.Date = $splitted[0] $doc.Owner = $splitted[1] $h2 = $splitted[2] } 2 { $doc.Date = $splitted[0] $h2 = $splitted[1] } 1 { $doc.Date = $splitted[0] $h2 = $null } } # Second split $secondSplit = $h2 -split [DocName]::SPLITTER, 4 switch ($secondSplit.Count) { 4 { $doc.Target = $secondSplit[0] # Check if 1 is correct amount and log it to amount if ([docname]::TestAmmount($secondSplit[1], [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR)) { $doc.Amount = $secondSplit[1] $doc.What = $secondSplit[2] $doc.Description = $secondSplit[3] } else { $doc.What = $secondSplit[1] # check if 2 is correct amound and log or move it to description if ([docname]::TestAmmount($secondSplit[2], [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR)) { $doc.Amount = $secondSplit[2] $doc.Description = $secondSplit[3] } else { $doc.Description = $secondSplit[2] + [DocName]::SPLITTER + $secondSplit[3] } } } 3 { # Ammount before What $doc.Target = $secondSplit[0] # If amount correct log it, if not What if ([docname]::TestAmmount($secondSplit[1], [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR)) { $doc.Amount = $secondSplit[1] } else { $doc.What = $secondSplit[1] } $doc.Description = $secondSplit[2] } 2 { $doc.Target = $secondSplit[0] $doc.Description = $secondSplit[1] } 1 { $doc.Description = $secondSplit[0] } } return $doc # if ($doc.IsValid()) { # return $doc # } # else { # "DocName object not valid with given parameters" | Write-Error # return $null # } } static [bool] hidden TestAmmount([string] $Amount, [string] $decimalSeparator = [DocName]::DECIMALSEPARATOR) { $ret = $Amount -match "^[1-9]\d*(\{0}\d+)?$" -f $decimalSeparator # if (!$ret) { # "Amount format is not correct [ {0}]" -f $Amount | Write-Verbose # } return $ret } static [bool] hidden TestDate([string] $Date) { # $ret = $Date -match "^\d+$" if (!($Date -match "^[0-9]{2,6}$")) { return $false } # Check if date is correct # We may fall in issues with the date format try { switch ($Date.Length) { 2 { $null = [datetime]::ParseExact($Date, "yy", $null) } 4 { $null = [datetime]::ParseExact($Date, "yymm", $null) } 6 { $null = [datetime]::ParseExact($Date, "yymmdd", $null) } Default { return $false } } } catch { return $false } return $true } } #endregion EnumAndClasses #region Stores $ANY_TARGET = "any" function New-DocsStore { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string] $Owner, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string] $Target, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string] $Path, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][switch] $IsRecursive ) $o = New-Object -TypeName DocsStore $o.Name = $Owner + "_" + $Target $o.Owner = $Owner $o.IsRecursive = $IsRecursive $o.Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $o.Target = $Target $o.Exist = Test-Path -Path $o.Path return $o } function Add-DocsStore { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Owner, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $Path, [Parameter()][string] $Target, [Parameter()][switch] $IsRecursive, [Parameter()][switch] $Force ) if (! $script:StoresList) { Reset-DocsStoresList } if (!($Path | Test-Path) -and $Force) { $null = New-item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Path } if ($Target) { $targetValue = $Target.ToLower() } else { $targetValue = $ANY_TARGET } $key = $Owner.ToLower() + "_" + $targetValue $o = New-DocsStore -Owner $Owner -Path $Path -IsRecursive:$IsRecursive -Target $targetValue "[Add-DocsStore] {0} - {1}" -f $key, $o.Path | Write-Verbose if (($StoresList.Keys) -contains $key) { $StoresList[$key] = $o } else { $StoresList.Add($key, $o) } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-DocsStore function Get-DocsStore { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("gs")] param ( [parameter()][string] $Owner, [parameter()][string] $Target, [parameter()][switch] $Exist ) $stores = $script:StoresList.Values if ($Owner) { $retOwner = $stores | Where-Object {$_.Owner -like $Owner} $ret = $Target ? ($retOwner | Where-Object {$_.Target -like $Target}) : ($retOwner | Where-Object {$_.Target -like $ANY_TARGET}) # If we can not find store for specific Target return ANY_TARGET for given OWNER if(!$ret -and ($Target -ne $ANY_TARGET)){ $ret = $retOwner | Where-Object {$_.Target -like $ANY_TARGET} } } elseif ($Target){ $ret = $stores | Where-Object {$_.Target -like $Target} } else { $ret = $stores } # Return empty if (!$ret) { "Store not found for Owner[$Owner] Target[$Target]" | Write-Verbose return } if ($Exist) { $ret = $ret | Where-Object{$_.Exist} } $count = $ret.Count "Found Count[$count] for Owner[$Owner] Target[$Target] with Exist[{$Exist}]" | Write-Verbose return $ret } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DocsStore -Alias "gs" function Reset-DocsStoresList { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $StoreList ) if ($StoreList) { $script:StoresList = $StoreList } else { $script:StoresList = New-DocsStoresList } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Reset-DocsStoresList function New-DocsStoresList { [CmdletBinding()] param() return New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string],[PSObject]]' } # Export-ModuleMember -Function New-DocsStoresList function Set-DocsLocationToStore { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("sdl")] param ( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] [ArgumentCompletions( { param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) Get-DocsOwners -Owner $Owner })] [ValidateScript( { $_ -in (Get-DocsOwners) } )] [string] $Owner ) $location = Get-DocsStore -Owner $Owner if (!$location) { "Owner unknown" | Write-Error } elseif (!$location.Exist) { "Locations does not exist" | Write-Error } else { $location | Set-Location Get-ChildItem } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-DocsLocationToStore # -Alias "sl" function Get-DocsOwners { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("go")] param ( [Parameter()][string] $Owner ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Owner)) { $Owner = "*" } $script:StoresList.Values | Where-Object { $_.Owner -like $Owner } | ForEach-Object{$_.Owner} | Select-Object -Unique } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DocsOwners -Alias "go" #endregion Store #region DocName function New-DocsDocName { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][DocName] $DocName, [string]$Date, [string]$Owner, [string]$Target, [string]$What, [string]$Amount, [string]$Description, [string]$PreDescription, [string]$Type ) $dn = New-Object -TypeName DocName $dn.Date = ($Date) ? $Date : $DocName.Date $dn.Owner = ($Owner) ? $Owner : $DocName.Owner $dn.Target = ($Target) ? $Target : $DocName.Target $dn.What = ($What) ? $What : $DocName.What $dn.Amount = ($Amount) ? $Amount : $DocName.Amount $dn.Type = ($Type) ? $Type : $DocName.Type $dn.Description = ($Description) ? $Description : $DocName.Description $dn.Description = ($PreDescription) ? ("{0}_{1}" -f $PreDescription, $dn.Description) : $dn.Description return $dn } # Export-ModuleMember -Function New-DocsDocName function ConvertTo-DocsDocName { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path, [parameter()][string]$Description, [parameter()][string]$PreDescription, [parameter()][string]$Date, [parameter()][string]$Owner, [parameter()][string]$Target, [parameter()][string]$Amount, [parameter()][string]$What, [parameter()][string]$Type ) process { $fileName = $Path | Split-Path -Leaf $docname = [DocName]::Convert($fileName) $param = @{ DocName = $docname Description = $Description PreDescription = $PreDescription Date = $Date Owner = $Owner Target = $Target Amount = $Amount What = $What Type = $Type } $NewDocName = New-DocsDocName @param "Converted to DocName [$fileName] " | Write-Verbose return $NewDocName } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function ConvertTo-DocsDocName #endregion DocName #region File function Get-FileNamePattern { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$Pattern, [string]$Date, [string]$Owner, [string]$Target, [string]$What, [string]$Amount, [string]$Description, [string]$Type ) if ($Pattern) { return (($Pattern -contains '*') -or ($Pattern -contains '?')) ? $Pattern : ("*{0}*" -f $Pattern) } $dn = New-DocsDocName ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -What $What ` -Amount $Amount ` -Description $Description ` -Type $Type return $dn.Pattern() } function Get-DocsFileName { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory)][string]$Description, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type ) process { $dn = New-DocsDocName ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -Amount $Amount ` -What $What ` -Description $Description ` -PreDescription $PreDescription ` -Type $Type return $dn.Name() } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DocsFileName function Test-DocsFileName { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("Name")] [string] $FileName ) process { $doc = ConvertTo-DocsDocName -Path $FileName $isValid = $doc.IsValid() return $isValid } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-FileName function Find-DocsFile { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("fdf")] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)][string]$Pattern, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Description, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type, [parameter()][switch] $JustName, [parameter()][switch] $Recurse, [parameter()][switch] $Open ) process { $Pattern | Write-Verbose $Pattern = Get-FileNamePattern ` -Pattern $Pattern ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -Amount $Amount ` -What $What ` -Description $Description ` -Type $Type $Pattern | Write-Verbose $stores = Get-DocsStore -Exist $files = $stores | ForEach-Object { $isRecurse = $Recurse -or $_.IsRecursive $_.Path | Get-ChildItem -Filter $Pattern -Recurse:$isRecurse } $ret = $files | Select-Object -Unique | Convert-Path if ($JustName) { $ret = $ret | Split-Path -Leaf } if ($Open) { $ret | Open-Path } return $ret } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-DocsFile -Alias "fdf" function Get-DocsFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path, [parameter()][string]$Pattern, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Description, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type, [parameter()][switch] $Recurse ) begin { $retFiles = @() } process { $Path = $Path ?? "." $Pattern = Get-FileNamePattern ` -Pattern $Pattern ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -Amount $Amount ` -What $What ` -Description $Description ` -Type $Type # file name format $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter $Pattern -Recurse:$Recurse -File foreach ($file in $files) { $dn = ConvertTo-DocsDocName -Path $file if ( ($dn)?.IsValid()) { # Add to ret $retFiles += $file } else { "File format not valid [{0}]" -f $file.Name | Write-Verbose } } } end { "FilesToMove - Found [{0}] Valid [{1}]" -f $files.Length, $retFiles.Length | Write-Verbose return $retFiles } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DocsFile function Get-DocsName{ [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("gdn")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Description, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$PreDescription, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type ) # 201001-rulasg-edp-FacturaLuzGas-203#08-1HSN201000025360.pdf process{ $param = @{ Description = $Description PreDescription = $PreDescription Date = $Date Owner = $Owner Target = $Target Amount = $Amount What = $What Type = $Type } $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File foreach ($file in $files) { $ret = $file | ConvertTo-DocsDocName @param # Set default values for file name based on the file $ret.Date = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ret.Date) ? $file.CreationTime.ToString("yyMMdd") : $ret.Date $ret | Add-MyMember -NotePropertyName Path -NotePropertyValue $file $ret | Add-MyMember -NotePropertyName NewName -NotePropertyValue $ret.Name() $ret } } } function global:Get-DocsNameSample{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Alias("PSPath")][string[]]$Path, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount ) begin{ } process{ $param = @{ date = $Date owner = 'SampleOwner' target = 'SampleTarget' what = 'SampleWhat' amount = ($Amount ?? '00#00') } Get-DocsName -path $path @param } } function Rename-DocsFile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Description, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Date, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Owner, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Target, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Amount, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$What, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Type, [parameter()][string]$PreDescription, [parameter()][switch]$PassThru ) process { #Path $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File foreach ($File in $Files) { $docName = $File | ConvertTo-DocsDocName $NewDocFile = New-DocsDocName ` -DocName $docName ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -Amount $Amount ` -What $What ` -Description $Description ` -PreDescription $PreDescription ` -Type $Type $newFileName = $NewDocFile.Name() $fileName = $file | Split-Path -leaf if ($fileName -ne $newFileName) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($File.Name, ("Renaming to {0}" -f $newFileName))) { $ret = $File | Rename-Item -NewName $newFileName -PassThru:$PassThru } elseif ($WhatIfPreference) { "[Rename-DocsFile] | {0} -> {1}" -f $fileName, $newFileName | Write-Verbose } else { "[Rename-DocsFile] | {0} -> {1}" -f $fileName, $newFileName | Write-Warning } } else { "[Rename-DocsFile] | {0} == {1}" -f $fileName, $newFileName | Write-Verbose } # Only if rename is called with Passthru $ret } } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Rename-DocsFile function Move-DocsFile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path, [parameter()][string]$Pattern, [parameter()][string]$Description, [parameter()][string]$Date, [parameter()][string]$Owner, [parameter()][string]$Target, [parameter()][string]$Amount, [parameter()][string]$What, [parameter()][string]$Type, [parameter()][switch] $Recurse, [parameter()][switch] $Force ) process { $files = Get-DocsFile ` -Path $Path ` -Pattern $Pattern ` -Date $Date ` -Owner $Owner ` -Target $Target ` -Amount $Amount ` -What $What ` -Description $Description ` -Type $Type ` -Recurse:$Recurse foreach ($file in $files) { # Get Doc name info $docName = ConvertTo-DocsDocName -Path $file $retOwner = $docName.Owner $retTarget = $docName.Target # Move file to Store try { # Get Store by owner and Target $store = Get-DocsStore -Owner $retOwner -Target $retTarget if ($store.Count -ne 1) { $status = ($store.Count -eq 0 ? "Unknown" : "Unclear") $destination = [string]::Empty "{0} store {1} ..." -f $file.Name, $status | Write-Verbose } else { if (!$store.Exist) { throw "FOLDER_NOT_FOUND" } $destination = $store.Path $destinationPath = $destination | Join-Path -ChildPath $File.Name if (!(Test-Path -Path $destinationPath)) { #File do not exist $File | Move-Item -Destination $destinationPath -Confirm:$false $Status = "MOVED" } elseif (($file | convert-Path) -eq ($destinationPath | Convert-Path) ) { # Is the same file. Found in the store $status = "ARE_THE_SAME" } else { #File Exists $hashSource = Get-FileHash -Path $File $hashDestination = Get-FileHash -Path $destinationPath if ($hashSource.Hash -eq $hashDestination.Hash) { #Files are equal if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$File.Name", "Equal. Leave source ") -and !$Force) { $status = "ARE_EQUAL" } else { Remove-Item -Path $File $status = "ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE" } } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$File.Name", "Not Equal. Do not copy") -and !$Force) { $status = "ARE_NOT_EQUAL" } else { $newFilename = GetFileCopyName($File) $newDestination = $Destination | Join-Path -ChildPath $newFilename $File | Copy-Item -Destination $newDestination $File | Remove-Item $status = "ARE_NOT_EQUAL_RENAME_SOURCE" } } } } } catch { $Status = $_.Exception.Message } # Build move reference and yield $retObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "FullName" -NotePropertyValue $File.FullName $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Name" -NotePropertyValue $File.Name $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Owner" -NotePropertyValue $retOwner $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Target" -NotePropertyValue $retTarget $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Store" -NotePropertyValue $store.Name $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Destination" -NotePropertyValue ($destination ?? [string]::Empty) $retObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Status" -NotePropertyValue $Status $retObject } } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-DocsFile function Test-DocsFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string[]] $Path ) process { $Path ??= "." try { # if file does not exist Actions pipe fails. # Adding try catch to avoid terminating exceptions $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File 2> $null } catch { $files = $null } if ($files.Length -eq 0) { return $false } foreach ($file in $files) { # Does not exist or is a folder if ( $file | Test-Path -PathType Container) { $ret = $false } else { $ret = $file.Name | Test-DocsFileName } $ret } } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-DocsFile function Move-DocsFileItem { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] $Path, [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] $Destination, [parameter()] [switch] $Force ) process { # Destination if ( -not (Test-Path $destination -PathType Container )) { if ($Force) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destination | Out-Null } else { return [STATUS]::FOLDER_NOT_FOUND } } $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File foreach ($File in $Files) { $destinationPath = $destination | Join-Path -ChildPath $File.Name if (!(Test-Path -Path $destinationPath)) { $File | Move-Item -Destination $destinationPath -Confirm:$false $Status = [STATUS]::MOVED } else { #File Exists $hashSource = Get-FileHash -Path $File $hashDestination = Get-FileHash -Path $destinationPath if ($hashSource.Hash -eq $hashDestination.Hash) { #Files are equal if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$File.Name", [STATUS]::ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE)) { Remove-Item -Path $File $status = [STATUS]::ARE_EQUAL_REMOVED_SOURCE } else { $status = [STATUS]::ARE_EQUAL } } else { if ($Force) { $newFilename = GetFileCopyName($File) $newDestination = $Destination | Join-Path -ChildPath $newFilename $File | Copy-Item -Destination $newDestination $File | Remove-Item $status = [STATUS]::ARE_NOT_EQUAL_RENAME_SOURCE } else { $status = [STATUS]::ARE_NOT_EQUAL } } } $Status } } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-DocsFileItem function GetFileCopyName([string] $Path) { $file = $Path | Get-Item $nameBase = $file.Name $targetFullname = $file.FullName $count = 0 while (Test-Path -Path $targetFullname) { $count++ $nameBase = $file.BaseName + "($count)" + $file.Extension $targetFullname = Join-Path -Path $file.Directory -ChildPath $nameBase } return $nameBase } #endregion File #region Formats function Format-DocsMoveStatus { [Alias("fdms")] param ( ) $input | Format-Table Name, Status, Destination } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Format-DocsMoveStatus -Alias "fdms" function Format-DocsName { [Alias("fname")] param ( ) $input | ForEach-Object { $_.Name() } } # Export-ModuleMember -Function Format-DocsName -Alias "fname" #endregion Formats #region Utils function Add-MyMember { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)][Object] $object, [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$NotePropertyName, [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$NotePropertyValue ) process { if ($Object.$NotePropertyName) { $Object.$NotePropertyName = $NotePropertyValue } else { $object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $NotePropertyName -NotePropertyValue $NotePropertyValue } } } #endregion Utils |