# Docker Machine v0.12.2 Register-Completer docker-machine @( COMPGEN active Command 'Print which machine is active' COMPGEN config Command 'Print the connection config for machine' COMPGEN create Command 'Create a machine' COMPGEN env Command 'Display the commands to set up the environment for the Docker client' COMPGEN inspect Command 'Inspect information about a machine' COMPGEN ip Command 'Get the IP address of a machine' COMPGEN kill Command 'Kill a machine' COMPGEN ls Command 'List machines' COMPGEN provision Command 'Re-provision existing machines' COMPGEN regenerate-certs Command 'Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machine' COMPGEN restart Command 'Restart a machine' COMPGEN rm Command 'Remove a machine' COMPGEN scp Command 'Copy files between machines' COMPGEN ssh Command 'Log into or run a command on a machine with SSH.' COMPGEN start Command 'Start a machine' COMPGEN status Command 'Get the status of a machine' COMPGEN stop Command 'Stop a machine' COMPGEN upgrade Command 'Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Docker' COMPGEN url Command 'Get the URL of a machine' COMPGEN version Command 'Show the Docker Machine version or a machine docker version' COMPGEN help Command 'Shows a list of commands or help for one command' ) Register-Completer docker-machine -Option { COMPGEN --bugsnag-api-token StringFlag 'BugSnag API token for crash reporting' COMPGEN --debug Switch 'Enable debug mode' COMPGEN '-D' Switch 'Enable debug mode' COMPGEN --github-api-token StringFlag 'Token to use for requests to the Github API' COMPGEN --native-ssh Switch 'Use the native (Go-based) SSH implementation.' COMPGEN --storage-path StringFlag 'Configures storage path' COMPGEN '-s' StringFlag 'Configures storage path' COMPGEN --tls-ca-cert StringFlag 'CA to verify remotes against' COMPGEN --tls-ca-key StringFlag 'Private key to generate certificates' COMPGEN --tls-client-cert StringFlag 'Client cert to use for TLS' COMPGEN --tls-client-key StringFlag 'Private key used in client TLS auth' COMPGEN --version Switch 'print the version' COMPGEN '-v' Switch 'print the version' COMPGEN --help Switch 'show help' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'show help' } Register-Completer docker-machine_active -Option { COMPGEN --timeout IntFlag 'Timeout in seconds, default to 10s' COMPGEN '-t' IntFlag 'Timeout in seconds, default to 10s' } Register-Completer docker-machine_config -Option { COMPGEN --swarm Switch 'Display the Swarm config instead of the Docker daemon' } Register-Completer docker-machine_create -Option { Param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) COMPGEN --driver StringFlag 'Driver to create machine with.' COMPGEN '-d' StringFlag 'Driver to create machine with.' COMPGEN --engine-env StringSliceFlag 'Specify environment variables to set in the engine' COMPGEN --engine-insecure-registry StringSliceFlag 'Specify insecure registries to allow with the created engine' COMPGEN --engine-install-url StringFlag 'Custom URL to use for engine installation' COMPGEN --engine-label StringSliceFlag 'Specify labels for the created engine' COMPGEN --engine-opt StringSliceFlag 'Specify arbitrary flags to include with the created engine in the form flag=value' COMPGEN --engine-registry-mirror StringSliceFlag 'Specify registry mirrors to use' COMPGEN --engine-storage-driver StringFlag 'Specify a storage driver to use with the engine' COMPGEN --swarm Switch 'Configure Machine to join a Swarm cluster' COMPGEN --swarm-addr StringFlag 'addr to advertise for Swarm (default: detect and use the machine IP)' COMPGEN --swarm-discovery StringFlag 'Discovery service to use with Swarm' COMPGEN --swarm-experimental Switch 'Enable Swarm experimental features' COMPGEN --swarm-host StringFlag 'ip/socket to listen on for Swarm master' COMPGEN --swarm-image StringFlag 'Specify Docker image to use for Swarm' COMPGEN --swarm-join-opt StringSliceFlag 'Define arbitrary flags for Swarm join' COMPGEN --swarm-master Switch 'Configure Machine to be a Swarm master' COMPGEN --swarm-opt StringSliceFlag 'Define arbitrary flags for Swarm master' COMPGEN --swarm-strategy StringFlag 'Define a default scheduling strategy for Swarm' COMPGEN --tls-san StringSliceFlag 'Support extra SANs for TLS certs' $driverName = $env:MACHINE_DRIVER if (!$driverName) { $driverName = 'virtualbox' } $ce = $commandAst.CommandElements for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ce.Count; $i++) { if (@('--driver', '-d') -contains $ce[$i].Extent.Text) { $driverName = $ce[$i + 1] break } } switch ($driverName) { amazonec2 { COMPGEN --amazonec2-access-key StringFlag 'AWS Access Key' COMPGEN --amazonec2-ami StringFlag 'AWS machine image' COMPGEN --amazonec2-block-duration-minutes IntFlag 'AWS spot instance duration in minutes (60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-device-name StringFlag 'AWS root device name' COMPGEN --amazonec2-endpoint StringFlag 'Optional endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-iam-instance-profile StringFlag 'AWS IAM Instance Profile' COMPGEN --amazonec2-insecure-transport Switch 'Disable SSL when sending requests' COMPGEN --amazonec2-instance-type StringFlag 'AWS instance type' COMPGEN --amazonec2-keypair-name StringFlag 'AWS keypair to use; requires --amazonec2-ssh-keypath' COMPGEN --amazonec2-monitoring Switch 'Set this flag to enable CloudWatch monitoring' COMPGEN --amazonec2-open-port StringSliceFlag 'Make the specified port number accessible from the Internet' COMPGEN --amazonec2-private-address-only Switch 'Only use a private IP address' COMPGEN --amazonec2-region StringFlag 'AWS region' COMPGEN --amazonec2-request-spot-instance Switch 'Set this flag to request spot instance' COMPGEN --amazonec2-retries IntFlag 'Set retry count for recoverable failures (use -1 to disable)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-root-size IntFlag 'AWS root disk size (in GB)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-secret-key StringFlag 'AWS Secret Key' COMPGEN --amazonec2-security-group StringSliceFlag 'AWS VPC security group' COMPGEN --amazonec2-session-token StringFlag 'AWS Session Token' COMPGEN --amazonec2-spot-price StringFlag 'AWS spot instance bid price (in dollar)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-ssh-keypath StringFlag 'SSH Key for Instance' COMPGEN --amazonec2-ssh-user StringFlag 'Set the name of the ssh user' COMPGEN --amazonec2-subnet-id StringFlag 'AWS VPC subnet id' COMPGEN --amazonec2-tags StringFlag 'AWS Tags (e.g. key1,value1,key2,value2)' COMPGEN --amazonec2-use-ebs-optimized-instance Switch 'Create an EBS optimized instance' COMPGEN --amazonec2-use-private-address Switch 'Force the usage of private IP address' COMPGEN --amazonec2-userdata StringFlag 'path to file with cloud-init user data' COMPGEN --amazonec2-volume-type StringFlag 'Amazon EBS volume type' COMPGEN --amazonec2-vpc-id StringFlag 'AWS VPC id' COMPGEN --amazonec2-zone StringFlag 'AWS zone for instance (i.e. a,b,c,d,e)' } azure { COMPGEN --azure-availability-set StringFlag 'Azure Availability Set to place the virtual machine into' COMPGEN --azure-client-id StringFlag 'Azure Service Principal Account ID (optional, browser auth is used if not specified)' COMPGEN --azure-client-secret StringFlag 'Azure Service Principal Account password (optional, browser auth is used if not specified)' COMPGEN --azure-custom-data StringFlag 'Path to file with custom-data' COMPGEN --azure-dns StringFlag 'A unique DNS label for the public IP adddress' COMPGEN --azure-docker-port IntFlag 'Port number for Docker engine' COMPGEN --azure-environment StringFlag 'Azure environment (e.g. AzurePublicCloud, AzureChinaCloud)' COMPGEN --azure-image StringFlag 'Azure virtual machine OS image' COMPGEN --azure-location StringFlag 'Azure region to create the virtual machine' COMPGEN --azure-no-public-ip Switch 'Do not create a public IP address for the machine' COMPGEN --azure-open-port StringSliceFlag 'Make the specified port number accessible from the Internet' COMPGEN --azure-private-ip-address StringFlag 'Specify a static private IP address for the machine' COMPGEN --azure-resource-group StringFlag 'Azure Resource Group name (will be created if missing)' COMPGEN --azure-size StringFlag 'Size for Azure Virtual Machine' COMPGEN --azure-ssh-user StringFlag 'Username for SSH login' COMPGEN --azure-static-public-ip Switch 'Assign a static public IP address to the machine' COMPGEN --azure-storage-type StringFlag 'Type of Storage Account to host the OS Disk for the machine' COMPGEN --azure-subnet StringFlag 'Azure Subnet Name to be used within the Virtual Network' COMPGEN --azure-subnet-prefix StringFlag 'Private CIDR block to be used for the new subnet, should comply RFC 1918' COMPGEN --azure-subscription-id StringFlag 'Azure Subscription ID' COMPGEN --azure-use-private-ip Switch 'Use private IP address of the machine to connect' COMPGEN --azure-vnet StringFlag 'Azure Virtual Network name to connect the virtual machine (in [resourcegroup:]name format)' } digitalocean { COMPGEN --digitalocean-access-token StringFlag 'Digital Ocean access token' COMPGEN --digitalocean-backups Switch 'enable backups for droplet' COMPGEN --digitalocean-image StringFlag 'Digital Ocean Image' COMPGEN --digitalocean-ipv6 Switch 'enable ipv6 for droplet' COMPGEN --digitalocean-private-networking Switch 'enable private networking for droplet' COMPGEN --digitalocean-region StringFlag 'Digital Ocean region' COMPGEN --digitalocean-size StringFlag 'Digital Ocean size' COMPGEN --digitalocean-ssh-key-fingerprint StringFlag 'SSH key fingerprint' COMPGEN --digitalocean-ssh-key-path StringFlag 'SSH private key path ' COMPGEN --digitalocean-ssh-port IntFlag 'SSH port' COMPGEN --digitalocean-ssh-user StringFlag 'SSH username' COMPGEN --digitalocean-tags StringFlag 'comma-separated list of tags to apply to the Droplet' COMPGEN --digitalocean-userdata StringFlag 'path to file with cloud-init user-data' } exoscale { COMPGEN --exoscale-affinity-group StringSliceFlag 'exoscale affinity group' COMPGEN --exoscale-api-key StringFlag 'exoscale API key' COMPGEN --exoscale-api-secret-key StringFlag 'exoscale API secret key' COMPGEN --exoscale-availability-zone StringFlag 'exoscale availability zone' COMPGEN --exoscale-disk-size IntFlag 'exoscale disk size (10, 50, 100, 200, 400)' COMPGEN --exoscale-image StringFlag 'exoscale image template' COMPGEN --exoscale-instance-profile StringFlag 'exoscale instance profile (small, medium, large, ...)' COMPGEN --exoscale-security-group StringSliceFlag 'exoscale security group' COMPGEN --exoscale-ssh-user StringFlag 'Set the name of the ssh user' COMPGEN --exoscale-url StringFlag 'exoscale API endpoint' COMPGEN --exoscale-userdata StringFlag 'path to file with cloud-init user-data' } generic { COMPGEN --generic-engine-port IntFlag 'Docker engine port' COMPGEN --generic-ip-address StringFlag 'IP Address of machine' COMPGEN --generic-ssh-key StringFlag 'SSH private key path (if not provided, default SSH key will be used)' COMPGEN --generic-ssh-port IntFlag 'SSH port' COMPGEN --generic-ssh-user StringFlag 'SSH user' } google { COMPGEN --google-address StringFlag 'GCE Instance External IP' COMPGEN --google-disk-size IntFlag 'GCE Instance Disk Size (in GB)' COMPGEN --google-disk-type StringFlag 'GCE Instance Disk type' COMPGEN --google-machine-image StringFlag 'GCE Machine Image Absolute URL' COMPGEN --google-machine-type StringFlag 'GCE Machine Type' COMPGEN --google-network StringFlag 'Specify network in which to provision vm' COMPGEN --google-open-port StringSliceFlag 'Make the specified port number accessible from the Internet, e.g, 8080/tcp' COMPGEN --google-preemptible Switch 'GCE Instance Preemptibility' COMPGEN --google-project StringFlag 'GCE Project' COMPGEN --google-scopes StringFlag 'GCE Scopes (comma-separated if multiple scopes)' COMPGEN --google-subnetwork StringFlag 'Specify subnetwork in which to provision vm' COMPGEN --google-tags StringFlag 'GCE Instance Tags (comma-separated)' COMPGEN --google-use-existing Switch 'Don''t create a new VM, use an existing one' COMPGEN --google-use-internal-ip Switch 'Use internal GCE Instance IP rather than public one' COMPGEN --google-use-internal-ip-only Switch 'Configure GCE instance to not have an external IP address' COMPGEN --google-username StringFlag 'GCE User Name' COMPGEN --google-zone StringFlag 'GCE Zone' } hyperv { COMPGEN --hyperv-boot2docker-url StringFlag 'URL of the boot2docker ISO. Defaults to the latest available version.' COMPGEN --hyperv-cpu-count IntFlag 'number of CPUs for the machine' COMPGEN --hyperv-disk-size IntFlag 'Maximum size of dynamically expanding disk in MB.' COMPGEN --hyperv-memory IntFlag 'Memory size for host in MB.' COMPGEN --hyperv-static-macaddress StringFlag 'Hyper-V network adapter''s static MAC address.' COMPGEN --hyperv-virtual-switch StringFlag 'Virtual switch name. Defaults to first found.' COMPGEN --hyperv-vlan-id IntFlag 'Hyper-V network adapter''s VLAN ID if any' } none { COMPGEN --url StringFlag 'URL of host when no driver is selected' } openstack { COMPGEN --openstack-active-timeout IntFlag 'OpenStack active timeout' COMPGEN --openstack-auth-url StringFlag 'OpenStack authentication URL' COMPGEN --openstack-availability-zone StringFlag 'OpenStack availability zone' COMPGEN --openstack-cacert StringFlag 'CA certificate bundle to verify against' COMPGEN --openstack-domain-id StringFlag 'OpenStack domain ID (identity v3 only)' COMPGEN --openstack-domain-name StringFlag 'OpenStack domain name (identity v3 only)' COMPGEN --openstack-endpoint-type StringFlag 'OpenStack endpoint type (adminURL, internalURL or publicURL)' COMPGEN --openstack-flavor-id StringFlag 'OpenStack flavor id to use for the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-flavor-name StringFlag 'OpenStack flavor name to use for the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-floatingip-pool StringFlag 'OpenStack floating IP pool to get an IP from to assign to the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-image-id StringFlag 'OpenStack image id to use for the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-image-name StringFlag 'OpenStack image name to use for the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-insecure Switch 'Disable TLS credential checking.' COMPGEN --openstack-ip-version IntFlag 'OpenStack version of IP address assigned for the machine' COMPGEN --openstack-keypair-name StringFlag 'OpenStack keypair to use to SSH to the instance' COMPGEN --openstack-net-id StringFlag 'OpenStack network id the machine will be connected on' COMPGEN --openstack-net-name StringFlag 'OpenStack network name the machine will be connected on' COMPGEN --openstack-nova-network Switch 'Use the nova networking services instead of neutron.' COMPGEN --openstack-password StringFlag 'OpenStack password' COMPGEN --openstack-private-key-file StringFlag 'Private keyfile to use for SSH (absolute path)' COMPGEN --openstack-region StringFlag 'OpenStack region name' COMPGEN --openstack-sec-groups StringFlag 'OpenStack comma separated security groups for the machine' COMPGEN --openstack-ssh-port IntFlag 'OpenStack SSH port' COMPGEN --openstack-ssh-user StringFlag 'OpenStack SSH user' COMPGEN --openstack-tenant-id StringFlag 'OpenStack tenant id' COMPGEN --openstack-tenant-name StringFlag 'OpenStack tenant name' COMPGEN --openstack-user-data-file StringFlag 'File containing an openstack userdata script' COMPGEN --openstack-username StringFlag 'OpenStack username' } rackspace { COMPGEN --rackspace-active-timeout IntFlag 'Rackspace active timeout' COMPGEN --rackspace-api-key StringFlag 'Rackspace API key' COMPGEN --rackspace-docker-install StringFlag 'Set if docker have to be installed on the machine' COMPGEN --rackspace-endpoint-type StringFlag 'Rackspace endpoint type (adminURL, internalURL or the default publicURL)' COMPGEN --rackspace-flavor-id StringFlag 'Rackspace flavor ID. Default: General Purpose 1GB' COMPGEN --rackspace-image-id StringFlag 'Rackspace image ID. Default: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (PVHVM)' COMPGEN --rackspace-region StringFlag 'Rackspace region name' COMPGEN --rackspace-ssh-port IntFlag 'SSH port for the newly booted machine. Set to 22 by default' COMPGEN --rackspace-ssh-user StringFlag 'SSH user for the newly booted machine. Set to root by default' COMPGEN --rackspace-username StringFlag 'Rackspace account username' } softlayer { COMPGEN --softlayer-api-endpoint StringFlag 'softlayer api endpoint to use' COMPGEN --softlayer-api-key StringFlag 'softlayer user API key' COMPGEN --softlayer-cpu IntFlag 'number of CPU''s for the machine' COMPGEN --softlayer-disk-size IntFlag 'Disk size for machine, a value of 0 uses the default size on softlayer' COMPGEN --softlayer-domain StringFlag 'domain name for machine' COMPGEN --softlayer-hostname StringFlag 'hostname for the machine - defaults to machine name' COMPGEN --softlayer-hourly-billing Switch 'set hourly billing for machine - on by default' COMPGEN --softlayer-image StringFlag 'OS image for machine' COMPGEN --softlayer-local-disk Switch 'use machine local disk instead of softlayer SAN' COMPGEN --softlayer-memory IntFlag 'Memory in MB for machine' COMPGEN --softlayer-network-max-speed IntFlag 'Max speed of public and private network' COMPGEN --softlayer-private-net-only Switch 'Use only private networking' COMPGEN --softlayer-private-vlan-id IntFlag '' COMPGEN --softlayer-public-vlan-id IntFlag '' COMPGEN --softlayer-region StringFlag 'softlayer region for machine' COMPGEN --softlayer-user StringFlag 'softlayer user account name' } virtualbox { COMPGEN --virtualbox-boot2docker-url StringFlag 'The URL of the boot2docker image. Defaults to the latest available version' COMPGEN --virtualbox-cpu-count IntFlag 'number of CPUs for the machine (-1 to use the number of CPUs available)' COMPGEN --virtualbox-disk-size IntFlag 'Size of disk for host in MB' COMPGEN --virtualbox-host-dns-resolver Switch 'Use the host DNS resolver' COMPGEN --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr StringFlag 'Specify the Host Only CIDR' COMPGEN --virtualbox-hostonly-nicpromisc StringFlag 'Specify the Host Only Network Adapter Promiscuous Mode' COMPGEN --virtualbox-hostonly-nictype StringFlag 'Specify the Host Only Network Adapter Type' COMPGEN --virtualbox-hostonly-no-dhcp Switch 'Disable the Host Only DHCP Server' COMPGEN --virtualbox-import-boot2docker-vm StringFlag 'The name of a Boot2Docker VM to import' COMPGEN --virtualbox-memory IntFlag 'Size of memory for host in MB' COMPGEN --virtualbox-nat-nictype StringFlag 'Specify the Network Adapter Type' COMPGEN --virtualbox-no-dns-proxy Switch 'Disable proxying all DNS requests to the host' COMPGEN --virtualbox-no-share Switch 'Disable the mount of your home directory' COMPGEN --virtualbox-no-vtx-check Switch 'Disable checking for the availability of hardware virtualization before the vm is started' COMPGEN --virtualbox-share-folder StringFlag 'Mount the specified directory instead of the default home location. Format: dir:name' COMPGEN --virtualbox-ui-type StringFlag 'Specify the UI Type: (gui|sdl|headless|separate)' } vmwarefusion { } vmwarevcloudair { COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-catalog StringFlag 'vCloud Air Catalog (default is Public Catalog)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-catalogitem StringFlag 'vCloud Air Catalog Item (default is Ubuntu Precise)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-computeid StringFlag 'vCloud Air Compute ID (if using Dedicated Cloud)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-cpu-count IntFlag 'vCloud Air VM Cpu Count (default 1)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-docker-port IntFlag 'vCloud Air Docker port' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-edgegateway StringFlag 'vCloud Air Org Edge Gateway (Default is <vdcid>)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-memory-size IntFlag 'vCloud Air VM Memory Size in MB (default 2048)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-orgvdcnetwork StringFlag 'vCloud Air Org VDC Network (Default is <vdcid>-default-routed)' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-password StringFlag 'vCloud Air password' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-publicip StringFlag 'vCloud Air Org Public IP to use' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-ssh-port IntFlag 'vCloud Air SSH port' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-username StringFlag 'vCloud Air username' COMPGEN --vmwarevcloudair-vdcid StringFlag 'vCloud Air VDC ID' } vmwarevsphere { COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-boot2docker-url StringFlag 'vSphere URL for boot2docker image' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-cfgparam StringSliceFlag 'vSphere vm configuration parameters (used for guestinfo)' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-cloudinit StringFlag 'vSphere cloud-init file or url to set in the guestinfo' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-cpu-count IntFlag 'vSphere CPU number for docker VM' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-datacenter StringFlag 'vSphere datacenter for docker VM' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-datastore StringFlag 'vSphere datastore for docker VM' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-disk-size IntFlag 'vSphere size of disk for docker VM (in MB)' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-hostsystem StringFlag 'vSphere compute resource where the docker VM will be instantiated. This can be omitted if using a cluster with DRS.' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-memory-size IntFlag 'vSphere size of memory for docker VM (in MB)' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-network StringFlag 'vSphere network where the docker VM will be attached' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-password StringFlag 'vSphere password' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-pool StringFlag 'vSphere resource pool for docker VM' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-username StringFlag 'vSphere username' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-vcenter StringFlag 'vSphere IP/hostname for vCenter' COMPGEN --vmwarevsphere-vcenter-port IntFlag 'vSphere Port for vCenter' } } } Register-Completer docker-machine_env -Option { COMPGEN --no-proxy Switch 'Add machine IP to NO_PROXY environment variable' COMPGEN --shell StringFlag 'Force environment to be configured for a specified shell: [fish, cmd, powershell, tcsh], default is auto-detect' COMPGEN --swarm Switch 'Display the Swarm config instead of the Docker daemon' COMPGEN --unset Switch 'Unset variables instead of setting them' COMPGEN '-u' Switch 'Unset variables instead of setting them' } Register-Completer docker-machine_inspect -Option { COMPGEN --format StringFlag 'Format the output using the given go template.' COMPGEN '-f' StringFlag 'Format the output using the given go template.' } Register-Completer docker-machine_ls -Option { COMPGEN --filter StringSliceFlag 'Filter output based on conditions provided' COMPGEN --format StringFlag 'Pretty-print machines using a Go template' COMPGEN '-f' StringFlag 'Pretty-print machines using a Go template' COMPGEN --quiet Switch 'Enable quiet mode' COMPGEN '-q' Switch 'Enable quiet mode' COMPGEN --timeout IntFlag 'Timeout in seconds, default to 10s' COMPGEN '-t' IntFlag 'Timeout in seconds, default to 10s' } Register-Completer docker-machine_regenerate-certs -Option { COMPGEN --force Switch 'Force rebuild and do not prompt' COMPGEN '-f' Switch 'Force rebuild and do not prompt' } Register-Completer docker-machine_rm -Option { COMPGEN --force Switch 'Remove local configuration even if machine cannot be removed, also implies an automatic yes (`-y`)' COMPGEN '-f' Switch 'Remove local configuration even if machine cannot be removed, also implies an automatic yes (`-y`)' COMPGEN '-y' Switch 'Assumes automatic yes to proceed with remove, without prompting further user confirmation' } Register-Completer docker-machine_scp -Option { COMPGEN --delta Switch 'Reduce amount of data sent over network by sending only the differences (uses rsync)' COMPGEN '-d' Switch 'Reduce amount of data sent over network by sending only the differences (uses rsync)' COMPGEN --recursive Switch 'Copy files recursively (required to copy directories)' COMPGEN '-r' Switch 'Copy files recursively (required to copy directories)' } |