Param( [string[]]$CustomScriptPath ) function Select-CompletionResult { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [NativeCommandCompletionResult[]]$CompletionResult, [switch]$OptionWithArg, [switch]$LegacyOrTopLevelCommand, [switch]$SubCommand, [switch]$ManagementCommand ) Process { if ($OptionWithArg) { $CompletionResult = $CompletionResult | Where-Object { $_.CompletionText -Like '-*' -and $_.TextType -NE 'Switch' } } if ($LegacyOrTopLevelCommand) { $CompletionResult = $CompletionResult | Where-Object { $_.TextType -eq 'LegacyCommand' -or $_.TextType -eq 'TopLevelCommand' } } if ($SubCommand) { $CompletionResult = $CompletionResult | Where-Object TextType -EQ SubCommand } if ($ManagementCommand) { $CompletionResult = $CompletionResult | Where-Object TextType -EQ ManagementCommand } $CompletionResult } } function Invoke-CompletionCustomScript { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$Path ) Process { foreach ($p in $Path) { . $p } } } Invoke-CompletionCustomScript $PSScriptRoot\completers.ps1, $PSScriptRoot\completers4arguments.ps1 if ($CustomScriptPath) { Invoke-CompletionCustomScript $CustomScriptPath } $argumentCompleter = { Param([string]$wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) $completerName = 'docker' $optionWithArg = $null $managementCommand = $null $subCommand = $null $legacyOrTopLevelCommand = $null $indexOfFirstArg = -1 $counter = 1 for (; $counter -lt $commandAst.CommandElements.Count; $counter++) { $ce = $commandAst.CommandElements[$counter] if ($cursorPosition -lt $ce.Extent.EndColumnNumber) { break } if ($optionWithArg) { # The argument of $optionWithArg is completed by this $ce $optionWithArg = $null continue } $text = $ce.Extent.Text if ($text.StartsWith('-')) { if ($text -in (Invoke-Completer $completerName -Option -ArgumentList $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition | Select-CompletionResult -OptionWithArg).CompletionText) { $optionWithArg = $text } } elseif (!$managementCommand -and !$legacyOrTopLevelCommand) { if ($text -in (Invoke-Completer $completerName -Completer -ArgumentList $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition | Select-CompletionResult -LegacyOrTopLevelCommand).CompletionText) { $legacyOrTopLevelCommand = $text $completerName += "_$legacyOrTopLevelCommand" } else { $managementCommand = $text $completerName += "_$managementCommand" } } elseif ($managementCommand -and !$subCommand) { $results = Invoke-Completer $completerName -Completer -ArgumentList $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition if ($text -in ($results | Select-CompletionResult -SubCommand).CompletionText) { $subCommand = $text $completerName += "_$subCommand" } elseif ($text -in ($results | Select-CompletionResult -ManagementCommand).CompletionText) { $managementCommand = $text $completerName += "_$managementCommand" } } elseif ($indexOfFirstArg -lt 0) { $indexOfFirstArg = $counter } } if ($optionWithArg) { $completerName += "_$optionWithArg" } # At this point, $completerName is any of the following: # 'docker' # 'docker_optionWithArg' # 'docker_legacyOrTopLevelCommand' # 'docker_legacyOrTopLevelCommand_optionWithArg' # 'docker_managementCommand' # 'docker_managementCommand_subCommand' # 'docker_managementCommand_subCommand_optionWithArg' # These managementCommand can be followed by managementCommand (`trust` command) if ($wordToComplete) { $ceElements = $commandAst.CommandElements[$counter].Elements if ($ceElements) { # comma-separated args (e.g. `--mount type=bind,src=/c/Users/matt9ucci,dst=/root`) foreach ($cee in $ceElements) { if (($wordToComplete -eq $cee.Value) -and ($cursorPosition -ge $cee.Extent.StartOffset)) { $wordToCompleteSubstring = $wordToComplete.Substring(0, $cursorPosition - $cee.Extent.StartOffset) } } $wordToComplete = $wordToCompleteSubstring } else { $wordToCompleteSubstring = $wordToComplete.Substring(0, $cursorPosition - $commandAst.CommandElements[$counter].Extent.StartOffset) } } if ($wordToComplete.StartsWith('-')) { $completionResult = Invoke-Completer $completerName -Option -ArgumentList $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition } else { $completionResult = Invoke-Completer $completerName -Completer -ArgumentList $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition, $indexOfFirstArg } $completionResult | Where-Object CompletionText -Like "$wordToCompleteSubstring*" } Register-NativeCommandArgumentCompleter docker $argumentCompleter |