Set-StrictMode -Version Latest <# .SYNOPSIS Generates HTML documentation for PowerShell modules using the DocTreeGenerator engine. .DESCRIPTION This is a wrapper around Convert-HelpToHtmlTree that provides more flexibility. Convert-HelpToHtmlTree requires all the modules you are documenting to be siblings in a file tree, but Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree lets you specify modules from different areas of your source tree. The modules are copied (according to their manifests) to a temporary directory in the appropriate structure, then Convert-HelpToHtmlTree is invoked. Specify the modules and other parameters in a configuration file, which you pass to this cmdlet. A sample configuration file (module-doc.conf.SAMPLE) comes with this module. .PARAMETER ConfigFilePath Full path of configuration file; if not supplied, uses module-doc.conf in the current directory. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree. .OUTPUTS None. Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree does not generate any output. .LINK Convert-HelpToHtmlTree .LINK about_Comment_Based_Help .LINK [About Help Topics] ( .LINK [Cmdlet Help Topics] ( .LINK [How To Document Your PowerShell Library with Convert-HelpToHtmlTree]( .LINK [Documenting Your PowerShell Binary Cmdlets]( .LINK [Unified Approach to Generating Documentation for PowerShell Cmdlets]( #> function Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$ConfigFilePath ) if (!$ConfigFilePath) { $ConfigFilePath = '.\module-doc.conf' } $config = GetConfigData $ConfigFilePath $root = "$($env:temp)\DocGeneratorTemp" $tmpInstallDir = "$root\$($config.Namespace)" $script:proceed = $true Push-Location PrepModules Pop-Location if ($proceed) { GenerateDocs } } function GetConfigData($name) { Get-Content $name | Out-String | Invoke-Expression } function WriteSection($header) { Write-Output "=================================================" Write-Output $header Write-Output "=================================================" } function PrepModules() { WriteSection "Prepping $($config.Modules.length) modules..." if (Test-Path $tmpInstallDir) { Remove-Item $tmpInstallDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (Test-Path $tmpInstallDir) { Write-Warning 'Modules may be in use; try a fresh PowerShell session.' $script:proceed = $false return } New-Item -Path $tmpInstallDir -ItemType directory | Out-Null if ($config.ContainsKey('NamespaceOverviewPath') -and $config.NamespaceOverviewPath.Trim()) { $namespacePath = Join-Path $config.ProjectRoot $config.NamespaceOverviewPath Copy-Item "$namespacePath\namespace_overview.html" $tmpInstallDir } $config.Modules | ForEach-Object { Write-Output (' ' + $_.Name) cd (Join-Path $config.ProjectRoot $_.BinPath) $targetPath = "$tmpInstallDir\$($_.Name)" Copy-Module -Name $_.Name -Destination $targetPath $moduleFile = '{0}\{1}\module_overview.html' -f $config.ProjectRoot, $_.SourcePath Copy-Item $moduleFile $targetPath } } function GenerateDocs() { WriteSection 'Generating docs...' $docDir = $config.DocPath if (Test-Path "$docDir-bak") { Remove-Item "$docDir-bak" -Force -Recurse } if (Test-Path $docDir) { Rename-Item $docDir "$docDir-bak" } $params = @{ Namespaces = $config.Namespace SourceDir = $root TargetDir = $config.DocPath Copyright = $config.CopyrightYear RevisionDate = $config.RevisionDate Template = Join-Path $config.ProjectRoot $config.TemplatePath DocTitle = $config.DocTitle } Convert-HelpToHtmlTree @params } |