Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\DocTreeGenerator.psd1" -force InModuleScope DocTreeGenerator { Describe 'Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree' { Mock Write-Output Mock Remove-Item Mock Rename-Item Mock New-Item Mock Copy-Item Mock Copy-Module Mock Set-Location Mock Test-Path -MockWith { $true } ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match [regex]::Escape($config.DocPath) } Mock Test-Path -MockWith { $false } ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match [regex]::Escape($env:temp) } Mock Rename-Item -MockWith { $script:calls += 'rename to backup' } ` -ParameterFilter { $NewName -eq "$($config.DocPath)-bak" } Mock Remove-Item -MockWith { $script:calls += 'remove backup' } ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$($config.DocPath)-bak" } Mock Convert-HelpToHtmlTree -MockWith { $script:calls += 'regenerate' } Mock GetConfigData { return $configData } BeforeEach { $script:calls = @() $configData = @{ Namespace = 'myNamespace' ProjectRoot = 'my\Project\Root' NamespaceOverviewPath = 'ns\path\here' DocPath = 'doc\path\here' DocTitle = 'My API' TemplatePath = 'template\path\here' CopyrightYear = '2016' RevisionDate = '2016.12.05' Modules = @( @{ Name = 'name1' SourcePath = 'some\srcpath1' BinPath = 'some\binpath1' }, @{ Name = 'name2' SourcePath = 'some\srcpath2' BinPath = 'some\binpath2' } ) } } It 'uses the supplied config file name' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree 'myConfig.conf' Assert-MockCalled GetConfigData 1 { $name -eq 'myConfig.conf'} } It 'uses a default config file name if none supplied' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree Assert-MockCalled GetConfigData 1 { $name -eq '.\module-doc.conf'} } It 'copies a single namespace overview for the entire project' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -Exactly 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Destination -match $configData.Namespace -and $Path -match "$([regex]::Escape($configData.NamespaceOverviewPath)).*namespace_overview" } } It 'does not copy namespace overview if NamespaceOverviewPath is not supplied' { $configData.Remove('NamespaceOverviewPath') Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -Exactly 0 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match "namespace_overview" } } It 'does not copy namespace overview if NamespaceOverviewPath is whitespace' { $configData.NamespaceOverviewPath = ' ' Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -Exactly 0 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match "namespace_overview" } } It 'copies each module in the config file' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" Assert-MockCalled Copy-Module -Exactly $configData.Modules.Length -Scope It $configData.Modules | ForEach-Object { Assert-MockCalled Copy-Module -Exactly 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $_.Name -and $Destination -match $_.Name } } } It 'copies a module overview for each module in the config file' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" $configData.Modules | ForEach-Object { Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -Exactly 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match "module_overview" -and $Destination -match $_.Name } } } It 'gets module overview for each module from the module source directory' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" $configData.Modules | ForEach-Object { Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -Exactly 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Path -match [regex]::Escape($_.SourcePath) -and $Path -match [regex]::Escape($configData.ProjectRoot) } } } It 'removes existing backup directory if present before renaming new dir to backup' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" $calls.length | Should Be 3 $calls[0] | Should Be 'remove backup' $calls[1] | Should Be 'rename to backup' } It 'backs up generated directory before re-generating' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" $calls.length | Should Be 3 $calls[1] | Should Be 'rename to backup' $calls[2] | Should Be 'regenerate' } It 'invokes Convert-HelpToHtmlTree with expected parameters' { Publish-ModuleDocumentationTree "any" Assert-MockCalled Convert-HelpToHtmlTree -Exactly 1 -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Namespaces -eq $configData.Namespace -and $TargetDir -eq $configData.DocPath -and $Copyright -eq $configData.CopyrightYear -and $RevisionDate -eq $configData.RevisionDate -and $DocTitle -eq $configData.DocTitle -and $TemplateName -match ('{0}.*{1}' -f ` [regex]::Escape($configData.ProjectRoot), [regex]::Escape($configData.TemplatePath)) } } } } |