Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\DocTreeGenerator.psd1" -force InModuleScope DocTreeGenerator { $2space = ' ' * 2 $4space = ' ' * 4 $8space = ' ' * 8 $stdProperties = @( $8space "$($8space)Required? false" "$($8space)Position? 3" "$($8space)Default value" "$($8space)Accept pipeline input? false" "$($8space)Accept wildcard characters? false" ) $stdDescription = @( "$($8space)para one, line one." "$($8space)para one, line two." $8space "$($8space)para two." ) function Stringify([string[]]$text, [switch]$stripHtml) { $result = $text -join '' -replace "`r" -replace "`n" if ($stripHtml) { $result -replace '<.*?>' } else { $result } } function StripLineBreaks([string]$text) { $text -replace "`r`n" } function SplitToArray([string]$text) { $text -split "`r`n" } function GenerateText([string]$paramName, [string[]]$description) { $text = ," -$paramName" if ($description) { $description | % { $text += $_ } } $stdProperties | % { $text += $_ } $text } function GetArrayIndex([string[]]$list, [string]$target) { $matchIndex = -1 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $list.Count; $i++) { if ($list[$i] -match $target) { $matchIndex = $i break } } $matchIndex } Describe 'Body/links' { Mock Write-Host Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks Mock Get-Template { "any" } Init-Variables BeforeEach { $stdSections = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' 'RELATED LINKS' = '' } $stdSectionOrder = @( 'NAME' 'SYNOPSIS' 'SYNTAX' 'DESCRIPTION' 'PARAMETERS' 'INPUTS' 'OUTPUTS' 'EXAMPLES' 'RELATED LINKS' ) } It 'Reports no links if no links present' { $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') -stripHtml $result | Should Match 'RELATED LINKS-none-' } It 'Reports one link if link present' { $stdSections['RELATED LINKS'] = 'foo' $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') $result | Should Match ('RELATED LINKS.*' + (Get-HtmlListItem 'foo')) } It 'Reports multiple links if links present' { $stdSections['RELATED LINKS'] = 'foo','bar' $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') $result | Should Match ('RELATED LINKS.*' + (Get-HtmlListItem 'foo') + (Get-HtmlListItem 'bar')) } It 'Reports description present when present' { $stdSections.DESCRIPTION = 'my description here' $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') $result | Should Match ("DESCRIPTION.*" + (Stringify (Get-HtmlDiv $stdSections.DESCRIPTION))) } It 'Reports description missing when missing' { $source = 'mySource' $stdSections.Remove('DESCRIPTION') $stdSections.NAME[0] = $source $stdSectionOrder = $stdSectionOrder | ? { $_ -ne 'DESCRIPTION' } $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') $result | Should Match "DESCRIPTION.*missing description.*$source" } } Describe 'Body/examples' { Mock Write-Host Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks Mock Get-Template { "any" } Init-Variables $cmd = 'Get-Foobar' $cmdStyle = $CSS_PS_CMD $docStyle = $CSS_PS_DOC_SECTION $exampleHeader = '<h2>EXAMPLES</h2>' $stdExample1 = ' -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------', '', " $cmd", '', '', ' This gets the foobar for the current shebang.' $stdExample2 = ' -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------', '', ' Get-SomethingElse', '', '', ' This gets the foobar for the current shebang.' $multiLineToSingleLine = ' -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------', '', ' Get-Something1 |', ' Get-Something2', '', '', ' This gets the foobar for the current shebang.' # Add a crucial leading space (at least one, less than four, in front of second line) $multilineToMultiLine = ' -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------', '', ' Get-Something1 |', ' Get-Something2', '', '', ' This gets the foobar for the current shebang.' $multilineWithPrompts = ' -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------', '', ' Get-Something1 | Got-Something', ' PS> Get-Something2', '', '', ' This gets the foobar for the current shebang.' It 'Adds example header in front of first example when just one example' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $stdExample1 } $expected = @" <div class=['"]$docStyle['"]> \s*$exampleHeader \s*<div> \s*<br/> \s*\S+\s*----+ EXAMPLE 1 ----+ "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'Adds example header in front of first example with multiple examples' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $stdExample1,'','',$stdExample2 } $expected = @" <div class=['"]$docStyle['"]> \s*$exampleHeader \s*<div> \s*<br/> \s*\S+\s*----+ EXAMPLE 1 ----+ "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'Wraps command in span element' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $stdExample1 } $expected = @" <span class=['"]$cmdStyle['"]>$cmd</span> "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'Adds 2 breaks after the example header before the command' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $stdExample1 } $expected = @" ----+ EXAMPLE 1 ----+\S+ \s*<br/> \s*<br/> \s*.*$cmd "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'Adds 2 breaks after the command before the description' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $stdExample1 } $expected = @" $cmd\S+ \s*<br/> \s*<br/> \s*This gets the foobar for the current shebang. "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'treats multiple standard lines as a single paragraph (like a browser would)' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $multiLineToSingleLine } $expected = @" <span class=['"]$cmdStyle['"]>\s*Get-Something1 \|\s*Get-Something2\s*</span> "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'Wraps multi-line command in span element' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $multiLineToMultiLine } $expected = @" <span class=['"]$cmdStyle['"]>\s*Get-Something1 \|\s*<br/>\s*Get-Something2\s*</span> "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } It 'treats multiple lines with ps prompt as multiple paragraphs' { $examples = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' EXAMPLES = $multilineWithPrompts } $expected = @" <span class=['"]$cmdStyle['"]>\s*Get-Something1 \| Got-Something<br/>\s*PS> Get-Something2\s*</span> "@ $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $examples EXAMPLES 'any') $result | Should Match (StripLineBreaks $expected) } } Describe 'Body/parameters' { Mock Write-Host Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks Mock Get-Template { "any" } Init-Variables BeforeEach { $stdSections = @{ NAME = @('any') DESCRIPTION = 'any' PARAMETERS = ' -Param1 <PSObject[]>', ' List of project items ', ' used by the project`', ' in the course of its work.', ' ', ' Required? false', ' Position? 1', ' Default value $auditItems', ' Accept pipeline input? false', ' Accept wildcard characters? false', ' ', ' -TestFilter <String>', ' This parameter is not used here.', ' ', ' Required? false', ' Position? 2', ' Default value ', ' Accept pipeline input? false', ' Accept wildcard characters? false', ' ', ' <CommonParameters>', ' This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,', ' ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,', ' OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see ', ' about_CommonParameters (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).', ' ' } $stdSectionOrder = @( 'NAME' 'SYNOPSIS' 'SYNTAX' 'DESCRIPTION' 'PARAMETERS' 'INPUTS' 'OUTPUTS' 'EXAMPLES' 'RELATED LINKS' ) } $expected = (@('<h2>PARAMETERS</h2>', '<div>', '<br/>', ' -<strong>Param1 <PSObject[]></strong>', '<br/>', ' List of project items ', 'used by the project`', 'in the course of its work.', '<br/>', '<br/>', '<pre> Required? false</pre>', '<pre> Position? 1</pre>', '<pre> Default value $auditItems</pre>', '<pre> Accept pipeline input? false</pre>', '<pre> Accept wildcard characters? false</pre>', '<br/>', ' -<strong>TestFilter <String></strong>', '<br/>', ' This parameter is not used here.', '<br/>', '<br/>', '<pre> Required? false</pre>', '<pre> Position? 2</pre>', '<pre> Default value </pre>', '<pre> Accept pipeline input? false</pre>', '<pre> Accept wildcard characters? false</pre>', '<br/>', ' <CommonParameters>', '<pre> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,</pre>', '<pre> ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,</pre>' '<pre> OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see </pre>', '<pre> about_CommonParameters (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).</pre>', '<br/></div>' ) -join '') -replace '[$[+*?()\\.]','\$&' It 'correctly renders entire parameter section' { $result = Stringify (ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any') $result | Should Match $expected } It 'Separates parameter name from properties with blank line' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $stdSections.Parameters = GenerateText $paramName $result = ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any' $paramResult = ($result | ? { $_ -match 'PARAMETERS' }) -split "`n" $i = GetArrayIndex $paramResult $paramName $paramResult[$i+1] | Should Match '<br/>' $paramResult[$i+2] | Should Match '<br/>' $paramResult[$i+3] | Should Match 'Required' } It 'Does not separate parameter name from description with blank line but includes a line break' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $stdSections.Parameters = GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription $result = ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any' $paramResult = ($result | ? { $_ -match 'PARAMETERS' }) -split "`n" $i = GetArrayIndex $paramResult $paramName $paramResult[$i+1] | Should Match '<br/>' $paramResult[$i+2] | Should Match ($stdDescription[0] -replace $8space) } It 'Separates description from properties with blank line' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $stdSections.Parameters = GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription $result = ConvertTo-Body $stdSections $stdSectionOrder 'any' $paramResult = ($result | ? { $_ -match 'PARAMETERS' }) -split "`n" $descCount = $stdDescription.Count $i = GetArrayIndex $paramResult ($stdDescription[$descCount-1] -replace $8space) $paramResult[$i+1] | Should Match '<br/>' $paramResult[$i+2] | Should Match '<br/>' $paramResult[$i+3] | Should Match 'Required' } } Describe 'Indenting and line breaks' { It 'omits break for single words' { $text = 'one', 'two', 'three' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join ' ' | Should Be 'one two three' } It 'omits break for multiple words' { $text = 'one word', 'two words', 'three words' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join ' ' | Should Be 'one word two words three words' } It 'omits break for normal text' { $text = 'one word.', 'two words?', 'three words,', 'done' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join ' ' | Should Be 'one word. two words? three words, done' } It 'omits break for text with less than 4 header characters' { $text = 'one word.', 'it -- the green one --', 'is true' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join ' ' | Should Be 'one word. it -- the green one -- is true' } It 'includes auto-break after header-like text' { $text = 'title1 ----', 'title2 ====', 'title3 ####' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/><strong>title1 ----</strong><br/><strong>title2 ====</strong><br/><strong>title3 ####</strong><br/>' } It 'includes auto-break after header-like text plus extra whitespace at the end' { $text = 'title1---- ', "title2 ====`t", 'plain text' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be "<br/><strong>title1---- </strong><br/><strong>title2 ====`t</strong><br/>plain text" } It 'includes auto-break before and after header-like text' { $text = '---- title1 ----', '====title2====' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/><strong>---- title1 ----</strong><br/><strong>====title2====</strong><br/>' } It 'includes auto-break before header-like text' { $text = '---- title1', '==== title2' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/><strong>---- title1</strong><br/><strong>==== title2</strong><br/>' } It 'includes auto-break before header-like text plus extra whitespace at the start' { $text = ' ---- title1', ' ====== title2', 'plain text' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/><strong> ---- title1</strong><br/><strong> ====== title2</strong><br/>plain text' } It 'uses preformat block for single indented line' { $text = ($8space + 'one'), ($4space + 'two') (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<pre> one</pre> two' } It 'uses preformat block for multiple indented lines' { $text = ($8space + 'one'), ($8space + 'two') (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<pre> one</pre><pre> two</pre>' } It 'includes auto-break for list-like text with no preamble' { $text = '* item1', '- item2', '+ item3' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/>* item1<br/>- item2<br/>+ item3' } It 'includes auto-break for list-like text with immediate preamble' { $text = 'my list:','* item1', '- item2', '+ item3' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be 'my list:<br/>* item1<br/>- item2<br/>+ item3' } It 'includes auto-break for list-like text with whitespace after preamble' { $text = 'my list:','','','* item1', '- item2', '+ item3' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be 'my list:<br/><br/>* item1<br/>- item2<br/>+ item3' } It 'includes auto-break for list-like text plus extra whitespace at start' { $text = ' * item1', ' - item2', ' + item3' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/> * item1<br/> - item2<br/> + item3' } It 'no line breaks with standard 4-space indent produced by Get-Help' { $text = ($4space+'line one'), ($4space+'line two'), ($4space+'line three') (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be ' line one line two line three' } $testCases = @( @{ spaces = ' '; description = '1' } @{ spaces = ' '; description = '2' } @{ spaces = ' '; description = '3' } ) It 'includes auto-break for <description> leading spaces beyond standard 4-space indent' -testcases $testCases { param ($spaces) $text = ($4space+'line one'), ($4space+$spaces+'line two'), ($4space+'line three') (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be "${4space}line one<br/>${4space}${spaces}line two${4space}line three" } It 'includes auto-break for ps prompt on second line' { $text = ' cmdlet1', ' PS> cmdlet2' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be "${4space}cmdlet1<br/>${4space}PS> cmdlet2" } It 'applies double-space for a blank line' { $text = 'one','','two' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be 'one<br/><br/>two' } It 'applies just one double-space for multiple blank lines' { $text = 'one','','','','two' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be 'one<br/><br/>two' } It 'applies just one double-space for list item followed by blank line' { $text = '* item1', '* item2', '','next para...' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<br/>* item1<br/>* item2<br/><br/>next para...' } It 'omits break following a pre-formatted item' { $text = ($8space + 'one'), '------ header ----' (ApplyLineBreaks $text) -join '' | Should Be '<pre> one</pre><strong>------ header ----</strong><br/>' } } Describe 'Template available' { Mock Get-Content It 'Uses default if parameter not supplied' { $script:TemplateName = $null Get-Template 'default' Assert-MockCalled Get-Content 1 { $Path -eq 'default' } -Scope It } It 'Uses supplied value when default supplied' { $script:TemplateName = 'foo' Get-Template 'default' Assert-MockCalled Get-Content 1 { $Path -eq 'foo' } -Scope It } It 'Uses supplied value when default not supplied' { $script:TemplateName = 'foo' Get-Template Assert-MockCalled Get-Content 1 { $Path -eq 'foo' } -Scope It } } Describe 'Template not available' { It 'Reports error if default template not found' { $script:TemplateName = $null { Get-Template 'non-existent-file' } | Should Throw 'Cannot find path' } It 'Reports error if supplied template not found' { $script:TemplateName = 'non-existent-file' { Get-Template } | Should Throw 'Cannot find path' } } Describe 'Links' { Mock Write-Host Mock Get-Template { "any" } $stdTestCases = @( @{ template = '{0}'; description = 'no extra spaces'} @{ template = ' {0}'; description = 'extra spaces at start of line'} @{ template = '{0} '; description = 'extra spaces at end of line'} ) It 'Generates link for standard cmdlet with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $url = 'http://any.com' $cmdlet = 'Get-ChildItem' $inputText = $template -f $cmdlet Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ $cmdlet = $url } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='$url'>$cmdlet</a></li>" } It 'Generates link for "about" topic with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $url = 'http://any.com' $aboutTopic = 'about_Aliases' $inputText = $template -f $aboutTopic Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ $aboutTopic = $url } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='$url'>$aboutTopic</a></li>" } It 'Generates link for custom function in same module with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $currModule = 'myModule' $cmd = 'New-Frobdingnab' $inputText = $template -f $cmd Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Mock Get-Command ` -MockWith { return @{ ModuleName = $currModule Module = @{ Path = 'gparent\parent\self'} # any -- not used } } ` -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $cmd } Init-Variables Add-Links $currModule $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='$cmd.html'>$cmd</a></li>" } It 'Generates link for custom function in different module with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $someModule = 'someModule' $namespace = 'someNS' $cmd = 'New-Frobdingnab' $inputText = $template -f $cmd Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Mock Get-Command ` -MockWith { return @{ ModuleName = $someModule Module = @{ Path = "$namespace\$someModule\$someModule.psm1"} } } ` -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $cmd } Init-Variables Add-Links 'currentModule' $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='../../$namespace/$someModule/$cmd.html'>$cmd</a></li>" } It 'Generates no link for unidentified custom function in different module' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $someModule = 'someModule' $namespace = 'someNS' $cmd = 'New-Frobdingnab' $inputText = $template -f $cmd Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Mock Get-Command ` -MockWith { return $null } ` -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $cmd } Init-Variables Add-Links 'currentModule' $inputText | Should Be "<li>$cmd</li>" } It 'Generates no link for plain text with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $plainText = 'not a cmdlet' $inputText = $template -f $plainText Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li>$plainText</li>" } $testCases = @( @{ inputText = 'not a cmdlet'; description = 'multiple words'} @{ inputText = 'one_word'; description = 'single word'} @{ inputText = '!#$@'; description = 'stray characters'} ) It 'Generates no link for plain text with <description>' -TestCases $testCases { param ($inputText, $description) Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li>$inputText</li>" } $testCases = @( @{ template = '[{0}]({1})'; description = 'no extra spaces'} @{ template = '[ {0} ]({1})'; description = 'extra spaces in label'} @{ template = '[{0}]( {1} )'; description = 'extra spaces in url'} @{ template = '[{0}] ({1})'; description = 'extra spaces between label and url'} @{ template = '[{0}]({1}) '; description = 'extra spaces at end of line'} @{ template = ' [{0}]({1})'; description = 'extra spaces at start of line'} ) It 'Generates link for explicit link with label with <description>' -TestCases $testCases { param ($template, $description) $url = 'http://any.com' $label = 'explicit label' $inputText = $template -f $label, $url Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='$url'>$label</a></li>" } It 'Generates link for explicit link without label with <description>' -TestCases $stdTestCases { param ($template, $description) $url = 'http://any.com' $inputText = $template -f $url Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks { return @{ } } Init-Variables Add-Links 'any' $inputText | Should Be "<li><a href='$url'>$url</a></li>" } } Describe 'Parameters' { It 'Emboldens parameter name by itself' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $text = " -$paramName" CorrectParamIndents $text | Should Be " -<strong>$paramName</strong>" } It 'Emboldens parameter name with properties' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' (CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName)) -join '' | Should Match "^ -<strong>$paramName</strong>" } It 'Emboldens parameter name with description and properties' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' (CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription)) -join '' | Should Match "^ -<strong>$paramName</strong>" } It 'Separates parameter name from properties with blank line' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $result = CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName) $result.Count | Should Be ($stdProperties.Count + 1) $result[0] | Should Match $paramName $result[1] | Should Match '^\s*$' $result[2] | Should Match 'Required' } It 'Does not separate parameter name from description with blank line' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' $result = CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription) $result.Count | Should Be ($stdProperties.Count + 1 + $stdDescription.Count) $result[0] | Should Match $paramName $result[1] | Should Match ($stdDescription[0] -replace $8space) } It 'Separates description from properties with blank line' { $descCount = $stdDescription.Count $paramName = 'SomeParam' $result = CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription) $result[$descCount] | Should Be ($stdDescription[$descCount-1] -replace $8space) $result[$descCount+1] | Should BeNullOrEmpty $result[$descCount+2] | Should Match 'Required' } It 'Removes leading spaces on description except for the first line' { $descCount = $stdDescription.Count $paramName = 'SomeParam' $result = CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription) $result[1] | Should Be ($stdDescription[0] -replace $8space, "${4space}${2space}") 2..$descCount | % { $result[$_] | Should be ($stdDescription[$_-1] -replace $8space) } } It 'Retains leading spaces on properties when no description' { $paramName = 'SomeParam' (CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName)) -join '' | Should Match "$($8space)Required.*$($8space)Position.*$($8space)Default.*($8space)Accept pipeline.*($8space)Accept wildcard" } It 'Retains leading spaces on properties when description present' { $descCount = $stdDescription.Count $paramName = 'SomeParam' $result = CorrectParamIndents (GenerateText $paramName $stdDescription) 1..($stdProperties.Length-1) | % { $result[$descCount+1+$_] | Should Be $stdProperties[$_] } } } Describe 'Overview' { Mock Write-Host Mock Get-CmdletDocLinks Mock Get-Template { 'any' } Mock Test-Path { $true } Mock Handle-MissingValue { 'missing value' } Init-Variables $testCases = @( @{ content='foo'; description='non-html' } @{ content='<html>'; description='mal-formed html 1' } @{ content='<html></html'; description='mal-formed html 2' } @{ content='<html><body></html>'; description='mal-formed html 3' } ) It 'Reports <description> as invalid content' -TestCases $testCases { param ($content, $msg) $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { $content } Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename Assert-MockCalled Handle-MissingValue 1 -ParameterFilter { $message -match "cannot convert.*$content" } -Scope It Assert-MockCalled Handle-MissingValue 1 -ParameterFilter { $message -match "missing summary.*$filename" } -Scope It } $testCases = @( @{ content='<p></p>'; msg='Overview.*must be a complete, valid HTML file'; description='no root html element' } @{ content='<html></html>'; msg='Overview.*must contain.*body'; description='empty html' } @{ content='<html><head></head></html>'; msg='Overview.*must contain.*body'; description='html with no body' } @{ content='<html><body></body></html>'; msg='body.*must be non-empty'; description='empty body' } @{ content='<html><body>raw text</body></html>'; msg='body.*must be in a child element'; description='raw body' } ) It 'Reports <description> as invalid content' -TestCases $testCases { param ($content, $msg) $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { $content } Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename Assert-MockCalled Handle-MissingValue 1 -ParameterFilter { $message -match $msg } -Scope It Assert-MockCalled Handle-MissingValue 1 -ParameterFilter { $message -match "missing summary.*$filename" } -Scope It } $testCases = @( @{ content='<p></p>'; description='empty element' } @{ content='<p>overview text</p>'; description='nominal paragraph' } ) It 'Returns <description> as body content' -TestCases $testCases { param ($content) $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { "<html><body>$content</body></html>" } $result = Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename $result | Should Match $content } It 'Handles nominal paragraph, multi-line' { $content = @' <p> Module Description </p> '@ $frame = @" <html> <body> $content </body> </html> "@ $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { $frame } $result = Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename Stringify $result | Should Match (Stringify $content) } It 'Handles standard attributes on html element' { $content = @' <p>Module Description</p> '@ $frame = @" <html xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml http://www.w3.org/2002/08/xhtml/xhtml1-transitional.xsd" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <body> $content </body> </html> "@ $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { $frame } $result = Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename Stringify $result | Should Match (Stringify $content) } It 'Handles standard doctype' { $content = @' <p>Module Description</p> '@ $frame = @" <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <body> $content </body> </html> "@ $filename = 'anyfile.html' Mock Get-Content { $frame } $result = Get-Overview $moduleRoot $filename Stringify $result | Should Match (Stringify $content) } } } |