Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Join-HtmlPath([String[]]$path) { $path -join "/" } function Get-HtmlLink($href, $value) { "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>" -f $href, $value } function Get-HtmlCell([String]$text, [int]$columnCount) { if ($columnCount) { " <td colspan='{0}' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>{1}</td>" -f $columnCount, $text } else { " <td>{0}</td>" -f $text } } function Get-HtmlRow([String[]]$items, [int]$columnCount) { $cells = $items | % { Get-HtmlCell $_ $columnCount } | Out-String " <tr>`n{0} </tr>`n" -f $cells } function Get-HtmlTable([String[]]$items) { "`n<table border='1'>`n{0}</table>`n" -f ($items | Out-String) } function Get-HtmlDiv([string[]]$text, $class) { if ($class) { $class = (" class='{0}'" -f $class) } "<div{1}>`n{0}</div>`n" -f [string]::join("`n", $text), $class } function Get-HtmlSpan($text, $class) { if ($class) { $class = (" class='{0}'" -f $class) } "<span{1}>{0}</span>" -f [string]::join("`n", $text), $class } function Get-HtmlPara([string[]]$text, $class) { if ($class) { $class = (" class='{0}'" -f $class) } "<p{1}>{0}</p>`n" -f [string]::join("`n", $text), $class } function Get-HtmlPre($text) { # allow for possible array with join "<pre>{0}</pre>" -f [string]::join("`n", $text) } function Get-HtmlBold([string]$text) { "<strong>{0}</strong>" -f $text } function Get-HtmlHead($text, $level) { "<h{0}>{1}</h{0}>`n" -f $level, $text } function Get-HtmlLineBreak() { "<br/>" } function Get-HtmlBreadCrumbs([String[]] $items) { $items -join " » " } function Get-HtmlListItem($text) { "<li>{0}</li>" -f $text } function Get-HtmlList($list) { if ($list) { "<ul>`n{0}`n</ul>" -f [string]::join("`n", $list) } } function HtmlEncode($text) { # The full [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode() method would do too much, # eradicating newlines in particular. This is sufficient here. $text -replace "<", "<" -replace ">", ">" } function HtmlEncodeAndStylizeSyntax($text) { $text -replace '<(.*?)>','<i><$1></i>' ` -replace '^\s*(\S+)','<b>$1</b>' } |