# initialize global variable for ini config $Global:Ini = @{} # initialize global variable for README [string]$Global:DBLReadme = '' # initialize global variable for DefaultConfig INI [string]$Global:DBLDefaultConfig = '' # populated with domains currently being blocked using the RuleNamePrefix [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$Global:CurrentBlockList = @() # populated with domains from updated blocklists [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$Global:NewBlockList = @() # stores configuration loaded from CacheConfig.xml $Global:CacheConfig = @{} # stores data from recent http requests and will be written to CacheConfig.xml $Global:NewCache = @{} # Configure https protocol. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Function Clear-DnsBlockListQRPManually { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all DnsBlockList QRPs from the registry. Warning: This cmdlet will stop the DNS service until QRPs are removed from the registry. .DESCRIPTION Removes all DnsBlockList QRPs using the following steps. This process is fast since the loaded QRPs do not need to be reindexed. Only QRPs using the DnsBlockList prefix will be removed. 1) Stops the DNS service: Stop-Service DNS 2) Removes policies in the following registry location using the DnsBlockList Prefix "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server\Policies" 3) Starts the DNS service: Start-Service DNS .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [switch] # Required parameter to proceed with removing all DnsBlockList QRPs. $Confirm , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] # Required parameter if configuration file has not been loaded. $QrpNamePrefix ) [string]$RemoveQrpPrefix = '' if($Confirm){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($QrpNamePrefix) -eq $false){ $RemoveQrpPrefix = $QrpNamePrefix } elseif([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix) -eq $false) { $RemoveQrpPrefix = $Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix } else { Write-Output '[Error] No QRP rule name prefix specified.' } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RemoveQrpPrefix) -eq $false){ if(Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server\Policies'){ try { Stop-Service DNS -ErrorAction Stop Push-Location -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server\Policies' -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Item -Path ".\$($RemoveQrpPrefix)*" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop Pop-Location -ErrorAction Stop Start-Service DNS -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output $('[Error] Manually removing QRP with prefix {0}' -f $RemoveQrpPrefix) Write-Output $('[Error] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } else { Write-Output '[Error] Registry location not available' Write-Output "[Error] Command: Test-Path `'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server\Policies`'" } } } } # End Function Clear-DnsBlockListQRPManually Function Clear-DnsBlockListQRP { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all DnsBlockList QRPs using Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy cmdlet. .DESCRIPTION Removes all DnsBlockList QRPs using Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy cmdlet. Does NOT Start/Stop the DNS service. NOTE: if a large number of QRPs are being removed, this process will take some time since the QRP list must be re-indexed after each deletion. .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [switch] # Required parameter to proceed with removing all DnsBlockList QRPs. $Confirm , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] # Required parameter if configuration file has not been loaded. $QrpNamePrefix ) [string]$RemoveQrpPrefix = '' if($Confirm){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($QrpNamePrefix) -eq $false){ $RemoveQrpPrefix = $QrpNamePrefix } elseif([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix) -eq $false) { $RemoveQrpPrefix = $Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix } else { Write-Output '[Error] No QRP rule name prefix specified.' } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RemoveQrpPrefix) -eq $false){ $BlockListQRPs = Get-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy | Where-Object{ $_.Name.StartsWith($RemoveQrpPrefix) } | Sort-Object ProcessingOrder -Descending if($null -ne $BlockListQRPs){ foreach($QRP in $BlockListQRPs){ try { Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name $QRP.Name -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output '[Error] Removing QRP {0}' -f $QRP.Name Write-Output '[Error] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } } else { Write-Output '[Info] No QRP using the prefix: {0}' -f $RemoveQrpPrefix } } } } # End Function Clear-DnsBlockListQRP Function Get-BlockListDomainsFromFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the downloaded dns blocklist files. .DESCRIPTION Parses all of the downloaded dns blocklist files cached in the working directory. If a domain isn't whitelisted it will be added to the NewBlockList global variable. A valid line to be parsed must meet the following criteria: 1) must not begin with a hash (#) sign 2) must contain a period (.) 3) must be longer than 2 characters in length .OUTPUTS Object #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() foreach($key in $Global:NewCache.Keys){ [int]$ParseMethod = 0 if($Global:Ini.ParseMethod.ContainsKey($key)){ [int]$ParseMethod = $Global:Ini.ParseMethod[$key] } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:NewCache[$key]['File']) -eq $false){ if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Global:NewCache[$key]['File']){ try{ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $FileContents = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($Global:NewCache[$key]['File']) if($FileContents.Count -gt 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "ParseMethod=$($ParseMethod) Key=$($key)" [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$FileBlockList = @{} foreach($line in $FileContents){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($line) -eq $false){ if($line.Trim().StartsWith('#') -eq $false -and ` $line.Contains('.') -eq $true -and ` $line.Length -gt 2){ [string]$LineDomain = Get-DomainFromLine -ParseMethod $ParseMethod -ParseLine $line if($Global:Ini.AllowDomainsHash.ContainsKey($LineDomain) -eq $false){ $FileBlockList.Add($LineDomain) | Out-Null } } } } if($FileBlockList.Count -gt 0){ $Global:NewBlockList.UnionWith($FileBlockList) | Out-Null } } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Key: {0}' -f $key) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] File: {0}' -f $Global:NewCache[$key]['File']) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } } [string[]]$BlockDomains = $Global:Ini.BlockDomainsHash.Keys $Global:NewBlockList.UnionWith($BlockDomains) return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Get-BlockListDomainsFromFile Function Write-DnsBlockListNewCache { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports values in Global:NewCache to CacheConfig.xml .DESCRIPTION The Global:NewCache variable stores Last-Modified and ETag values from DnsBlockList requests. This xml is imported and it's values are used in future requests to only download updated files. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() $CacheConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -ChildPath 'CacheConfig.xml' try { Export-Clixml -LiteralPath $CacheConfigPath -InputObject $Global:NewCache -Force } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error] Write-DnsBlockListRunningConfig {0}' -f $ActiveConfigPath $ErrorMsg += '[Error] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Write-DnsBlockListNewCache Function Get-DnsBlockListChangeList { <# .SYNOPSIS Compares the NewBlockList with CurrentBlockList to determine what domains to add/remove. .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) $ChangeList = @{} $ChangeList.Add('Add',@()) $ChangeList.Add('Remove',@()) $ChangeList.Add('HasChanges',$false) [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$FullList = @() $FullList.UnionWith($Global:CurrentBlockList) $FullList.UnionWith($Global:NewBlockList) if($Global:Ini.ContainsKey('BlockDomainsHash') -eq $true){ if($Global:Ini.BlockDomainsHash.Keys.Count -gt 0){ [string[]]$k = $Global:Ini.BlockDomainsHash.Keys $FullList.UnionWith($k) | Out-Null } } foreach($domain in $FullList){ $OnCurrentList = $Global:CurrentBlockList.Contains($domain) $OnNewList = $Global:NewBlockList.Contains($domain) if($OnNewList -eq $true -and $OnCurrentList -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.AllowDomainsHash.ContainsKey($domain) -eq $false){ $ChangeList['Add'] += $domain } } if($OnNewList -eq $false -and $OnCurrentList -eq $true){ $ChangeList['Remove'] += $domain } if($OnNewList -eq $false -and $OnCurrentList -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.AllowDomainsHash.ContainsKey($domain) -eq $false){ $ChangeList['Add'] += $domain } } } if($ChangeList['Add'].Count -gt 0 -or $ChangeList['Remove'].Count -gt 0){ $ChangeList['HasChanges'] = $true } return $ChangeList } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListChangeList Function Update-DnsBlockListGit { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates git initiated working directory. .DESCRIPTION Runs the following GIT commands in the working directory: git add -A git commit -m "DnsBlockList-PowerShell-Module" git push origin master .OUTPUTS System.Boolean #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() try{ Push-Location -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory $null = & git add -A $null = & git commit -m "DnsBlockList-PowerShell-Module" $null = & git push origin master Pop-Location } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg =+ '[Error][Script] Failed to update git.' $ErrorMsg =+ '[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Update-DnsBlockListGit Function Get-CurrentQRPDomainBlockList { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses all Query Resolution Policies (QRP) using the RuleNamePrefix and populates the current DomainBlockList global variable. .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() try{ $CurrentQRPs = Get-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy | Where-Object{ $_.Name.ToString().StartsWith($Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix) } if($null -ne $CurrentQRPs){ foreach($QRP in $CurrentQRPs){ $QrpFqdn = Get-DomainFromCriteria -QRPCriteria $QRP.Criteria.Criteria $Global:CurrentBlockList.Add($QrpFqdn) | Out-Null } } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Failed to get current list of QRPs using: RuleNamePrefix = {0}' -f $Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Get-CurrentQRPDomainBlockList Function Get-DomainFromCriteria { <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts the domain from the QRP criteria. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # QRP criteria $QRPCriteria ) $entry = $QRPCriteria.Split(',')[-1] if($entry.StartsWith('*')){ $entry = $entry.Substring(1,$entry.Length - 1) } if($entry.StartsWith('.')){ $entry = $entry.Substring(1,$entry.Length - 1) } if($entry.EndsWith('.')){ $entry = $entry.Substring(0,$entry.Length - 1) } return $entry.Trim().ToLower() } # End Function Get-DomainFromCriteria Function Get-DnsBlockListQrpName { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the QRP name for a DnsBlockList domain. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # domain name to build QRP from $DomainName ) $QRPName = '{0}{1}' -f $Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix,$DomainName if($QRPName.Length -gt 255){ $QRPName = $QRPName.Substring(0,255) } Return $QRPName } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListQrpName Function Get-QrpNamesToRemove { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the QRP names to be removed ordered by descending ProcessingOrder. Removing QRPs in this order optimizes performance since QRPs with a higher ProcessingOrder must be reindexed. .INPUTS System.String[] .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] # List of domains with QRPs to remove $DomainNameList ) [string[]]$QrpNameList = $DomainNameList | ForEach-Object{ Get-DnsBlockListQrpName -DomainName $_ } [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$RemoveHashSet = @() $RemoveHashSet.UnionWith($QrpNameList) [string[]]$RemoveQRPNames = Get-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy | Where-Object{ $RemoveHashSet.Contains($_.Name) } | Sort-Object ProcessingOrder -Descending | ForEach-Object{ $_.Name } return $RemoveQRPNames } # End Function Get-QrpNamesToRemove Function Get-DnsBlockListQRPCommands { <# .SYNOPSIS Processes the ChangeList hashset to produce QRP Add/Remove commands. If ReadOnly=False, the command will be launched. .INPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] # Hashset containing Add/Remove domains $ChangeList ) $ReturnMsg = @{} $ReturnMsg.Add('ChangeCommands',@()) $ReturnMsg.Add('ErrorMsg',@()) $ReturnMsg.Add('HasError',$false) [string[]]$QrpChangeCommands = @('Import-Module DnsServer') if($ChangeList['Remove'].Count -gt 0){ [string[]]$QrpNamesRemove = Get-QrpNamesToRemove -DomainNameList $ChangeList['Remove'] foreach($QRP in $QrpNamesRemove){ $QrpChangeCommands += "Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name `'$QRP`' -Force" if($Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly -eq $false){ try { Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name $QRP -Force } catch { $e = $_ $ReturnMsg.HasError = $true $ReturnMsg.ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Remove-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name {0} -Force' -f $QRP $ReturnMsg.ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } } } if($ChangeList['Add'].Count -gt 0){ foreach($Domain in $ChangeList['Add']){ $QrpName = Get-DnsBlockListQrpName -DomainName $Domain $QrpChangeCommands += "Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name `'$QrpName`' -Action $($Global:Ini.Script.DnsResponse) -Fqdn `'EQ,$($Domain)`'" if($Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly -eq $false){ try{ Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name $QrpName -Action $Global:Ini.Script.DnsResponse -Fqdn "EQ,$($Domain)" } catch { $e = $_ $ReturnMsg.HasError = $true $ReturnMsg.ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name {0} -Action {1} -Fqdn "EQ,{2}"' -f $QrpName,$Global:Ini.Script.DnsResponse,$Domain $ReturnMsg.ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } } } $ReturnMsg.ChangeCommands = $QrpChangeCommands return $ReturnMsg } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListQRPCommands Function Write-DnsBlockListQRPCommands { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the QRP Add/Remove commands to Update-DnsServerQRP.ps1 .INPUTS System.String[] .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String[]] # String array containing QRP change commands. $ChangeCommands ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() if($ChangeCommands.Count -gt 1){ try{ [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($Global:Ini.Script.ChangeCmdFile, $ChangeCommands, [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) | Out-Null } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Failed writing change commands to {0}' -f $Global:Ini.Script.ChangeCmdFile $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Write-DnsBlockListQRPCommands Function Invoke-DnsBlockList { <# .SYNOPSIS Launches DnsBlockList PowerShell module which was created to automate the aggregation of DNS blocklists for the creation of Query Resolution Policies (QRP) on a Microsoft DNS server. .DESCRIPTION The DnsBlockList module first reads and validates the provided configuration file. Then the Query Resolution Policies (QRP) are processed to get domains currently loaded. Next, each [BlockListUrl] is queried for changes and updated files are downloaded to the [WorkingDirectory] as a .DnsBlockListCache file. All files are processed and the aggregated list of domains get compared with those currently loaded to produce the add/remove commands in Update-DnsServerQRP.ps1. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String[] #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('System.String[]')] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -LiteralPath $_})] [string] # Path to configuration file. $Configuration ) # Reset variables [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$Global:CurrentBlockList = @() [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$Global:NewBlockList = @() $Global:CacheConfig = @{} $Global:NewCache = @{} $Global:Ini = Get-IniConfig -Path $Configuration [bool]$ConfigFileError = Confirm-DnsBlockListSettings if($ConfigFileError -eq $false){ $n = 0 [string[]]$ReturnMsg = @() do{ $n++ if($ReturnMsg.Count -gt 0){ $n = 1000 } Write-Verbose -Message "Invoke-DnsBlockList: n=$($n)" switch($n) { 1 { $ReturnMsg = Get-CurrentQRPDomainBlockList } 2 { $ReturnMsg = Get-DnsBlockListWebFiles } 3 { $ReturnMsg = Get-BlockListDomainsFromFile } 4 { $ChangeObj = Get-DnsBlockListChangeList Publish-QRPStats -Changes $ChangeObj if($ChangeObj.HasChanges){ $CmdObj = Get-DnsBlockListQRPCommands -ChangeList $ChangeObj if($CmdObj.HasError -eq $false){ if($CmdObj.ChangeCommands.Count -gt 1){ $ReturnMsg += Write-DnsBlockListQRPCommands -ChangeCommands $CmdObj.ChangeCommands } } else { $ReturnMsg += $CmdObj.ErrorMsg } } } 5 { $ReturnMsg = Write-DnsBlockListNewCache } 6 { if($Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit){ $ReturnMsg = Update-DnsBlockListGit } } default { if($ReturnMsg.Count -gt 0){ $Global:Ini['Script']['HasError'] = $true [string[]]$ReturnMsg = @('[Error][Script] Terminating error.') + $ReturnMsg $Global:Ini['Script'].Add('ErrorMsg',$ReturnMsg) $ReturnMsg | ForEach-Object{ Write-Output $_ } Submit-Alert -Message $ReturnMsg -HasError } else { $Global:Ini['Script']['HasError'] = $false $Global:Ini.Script.Stats | ForEach-Object{ Write-Output $_ } Submit-Alert -Message $Global:Ini.Script.Stats } $n = 0 } } } while($n -gt 0) } else { $Global:Ini.Script.ErrorMsg | ForEach-Object{ Write-Output $_ } Submit-Alert -Message $Global:Ini.Script.ErrorMsg -HasError } } # End Function Invoke-DnsBlockList Function Submit-Alert { <# .SYNOPSIS Submits alert to Event Log or via SMTP. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String[]] # Message body. $Message , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] # Signifies an error. $HasError ) if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($HasError){ Write-EventAlert -Message $Message -HasError } else { Write-EventAlert -Message $Message } } if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($HasError){ Send-SmtpAlert -Message $Message -HasError } else { Send-SmtpAlert -Message $Message } } } # End Function Submit-Alert Function Write-EventAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes alert to windows event log. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String[]] # Message for alert. $Message , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] # Signifies an error. $HasError ) $EventEntryType = 'Information' $EventId = $Global:Ini.WinEvent.InfoEventId if($HasError){ $EventEntryType = 'Error' $EventId = $Global:Ini.WinEvent.ErrorEventId } try { Write-EventLog -LogName $Global:Ini.WinEvent.Logname ` -Source $Global:Ini.WinEvent.Source ` -EntryType $EventEntryType ` -EventId $EventId ` -Message $($Message -Join [System.Environment]::NewLine) ` -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output '[Error][Script] Event log write failed.' Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Write-EventAlert Function Send-SmtpAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS Sends alert via SMTP. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String[]] # Message body. $Message , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] # Signifies an error $HasError ) $EmailSubject = $Global:Ini.Smtp.Subject if($HasError){ $EmailSubject = '[Error] {0}' -f $EmailSubject } try { if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.CredentialXml)){ Send-MailMessage -To $Global:Ini.Smtp.To ` -From $Global:Ini.Smtp.From ` -Subject $EmailSubject ` -SmtpServer $Global:Ini.Smtp.Server ` -Port $Global:Ini.Smtp.Port ` -Body $($Message -Join [System.Environment]::NewLine) ` -UseSsl ` -ErrorAction Stop } else { $creds = Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $Global:Ini.Smtp.CredentialXml Send-MailMessage -To $Global:Ini.Smtp.To ` -From $Global:Ini.Smtp.From ` -Subject $EmailSubject ` -SmtpServer $Global:Ini.Smtp.Server ` -Port $Global:Ini.Smtp.Port ` -Body $($Message -Join [System.Environment]::NewLine) ` -Credential $creds ` -UseSsl ` -ErrorAction Stop Remove-Variable -Name creds } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output '[Error][Script] Smtp send failed.' Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Send-SmtpAlert Function Get-IniConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the configuration file into a hashtable. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable .LINK https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2011/08/20/use-powershell-to-work-with-any-ini-file/ #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('System.Collections.Hashtable')] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -LiteralPath $_})] [string] # Path to configuration file. $Path ) $config = @{} switch -regex -file $Path { "^.*\[(.+)\].*$" # Section { $section = $matches[1] if($section.ToString().Trim().StartsWith('#') -eq $false){ $config.Add($section.Trim(),@{}) } } "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key { $name,$value = $matches[1..2] if($name.ToString().Trim().StartsWith('#') -eq $false){ $config[$section].Add($name.Trim(), $value.Trim()) } } } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($config['Script'])){ $config.Add('Script',@{}) } $config['Script'].Add('ConfigPath',(Get-Item $Path).FullName) $config['Script'].Add('StartTS', (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) return $config } # End Function Get-IniConfig Function Confirm-DnsBlockListSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates DnsBlockList settings. .OUTPUTS System.Boolean #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) $i = 0 [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() do{ $i++ if($ErrorMsg.Count -gt 0){ $i = 1000 } Write-Verbose -Message "Confirm-DnsBlockListSettings: i=$($i)" switch($i) { 1 { # BEGIN validate [INI] try { $foo = Get-Variable -Name Ini -Scope Global } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error] No configuration file.' } if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ [string[]]$ConfigSections = 'Script','BlockListUrl','AllowDomains','BlockDomains','ParseMethod','Alert','Smtp','WinEvent' foreach($section in $ConfigSections){ if($Global:Ini.ContainsKey($section) -eq $false){ $Global:Ini.Add($section,@{}) } else { if($Global:Ini[$section].GetType().Name -ne 'Hashtable'){ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] unknown type: {0}' -f $section) } } } } } # END validate [INI] 2 { # BEGIN validate [Script] RuleNamePrefix if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('RuleNamePrefix') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix)){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] RuleNamePrefix not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] RuleNamePrefix not specified.' } } # END validate [Script] RuleNamePrefix 3 { # BEGIN validate [Script] DnsResponse if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('DnsResponse') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.DnsResponse) -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.Script.DnsResponse -notmatch "^(?i)(Allow|Deny|Ignore)$"){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] DnsResponse not valid.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] DnsResponse not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] DnsResponse not specified.' } } # END validate [Script] DnsResponse 4 { # BEGIN validate [Script] WorkingDirectory if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('WorkingDirectory') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory) -eq $false){ try { $WDItem = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -ErrorAction Stop if($WDItem.PSIsContainer -eq $false){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] WorkingDirectory not valid.' } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] WorkingDirectory not valid.' $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ try { $TestFile = New-Item -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -Name "$(([System.Guid]::NewGuid()).Guid).test" -Type File Remove-Item $TestFile } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] WorkingDirectory failed to create/delete test file.' $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] WorkingDirectory not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] WorkingDirectory not specified.' } } # END validate [Script] WorkingDirectory 5 { # BEGIN validate [Script] ReadOnly if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('ReadOnly') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly) -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly -match "^(?i)(false)$"){ $Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly = $false } else { $Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly = $true } } else { $Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly = $true } } else { $Global:Ini.Script.Add('ReadOnly',$true) } } # END validate [Script] ReadOnly 6 { # BEGIN validate [Script] UpdateGit if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('UpdateGit') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit) -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit -match "^(?i)(true)$"){ $Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit = $true } else { $Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit = $false } } else { $Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit = $false } } else { $Global:Ini.Script.Add('UpdateGit',$false) } } # END validate [Script] UpdateGit 7 { # BEGIN validate [BlockListUrl] if($Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.Count -gt 0){ $Keys = $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.Keys | Sort-Object foreach($key in $Keys){ if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ try{ [System.Uri]$URI = [System.Uri]$($Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockListUrl] {0} not valid.' -f $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockListUrl] {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockListUrl] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } } } # END validate [BlockListUrl] 8 { # BEGIN validate [AllowDomains] if($Global:Ini.AllowDomains.Count -gt 0){ $Keys = $Global:Ini.AllowDomains.Keys | Sort-Object $AllowDomainsHash = @{} foreach($key in $Keys){ if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ try{ [System.Uri]$URI = [System.Uri]$('http://{0}/' -f $Global:Ini.AllowDomains[$key]) if($AllowDomainsHash.ContainsKey($Global:Ini.AllowDomains[$key]) -eq $false){ $AllowDomainsHash.Add($Global:Ini.AllowDomains[$key],1) } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][AllowDomains] {0} not valid.' -f $Global:Ini.AllowDomains[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][AllowDomains] {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.AllowDomains[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][AllowDomains] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ $Global:Ini.Add('AllowDomainsHash',$AllowDomainsHash) } } else { $Global:Ini.Add('AllowDomainsHash',@{}) } } # END validate [AllowDomains] 9 { # BEGIN validate [BlockDomains] if($Global:Ini.BlockDomains.Count -gt 0){ $Keys = $Global:Ini.BlockDomains.Keys | Sort-Object $BlockDomainsHash = @{} foreach($key in $Keys){ if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ try{ [System.Uri]$URI = [System.Uri]$('http://{0}/' -f $Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key]) if($BlockDomainsHash.ContainsKey($Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key]) -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.AllowDomainsHash.ContainsKey($Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key]) -eq $false){ $BlockDomainsHash.Add($Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key],1) } } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockDomains] {0} not valid.' -f $Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockDomains] {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.BlockDomains[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][BlockDomains] {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } if($ErrorMsg.Count -eq 0){ $Global:Ini.Add('BlockDomainsHash',$BlockDomainsHash) } } else { $Global:Ini.Add('BlockDomainsHash',@{}) } } # END validate [BlockDomains] 10 { # BEGIN validate [ParseMethod] if($Global:Ini.ParseMethod.Count -gt 0){ foreach($key in $Global:Ini.ParseMethod.Keys){ [int]$DefaultParse = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($Global:Ini.ParseMethod[$key], [ref]$DefaultParse)){ if($DefaultParse -le 0){ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][ParseMethod] {0} Value must be a number greater than zero.' -f $Global:Ini.ParseMethod[$key]) } } if($Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.ContainsKey($key) -eq $false){ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][ParseMethod] {0} must correspond to a BlockListUrl key.' -f $key) } } } } # END validate [ParseMethod] 11 { # BEGIN validate Eventlog source try{ if([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists('DnsBlockList') -eq $false){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] DnsBlockList event source does not exist.' $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Run the following command as Administrator:' $ErrorMsg += ' New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source DnsBlockList' } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Source does not exist.' $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } # END validate Eventlog source 12 { # BEGIN validate DNS service if((Get-Service -Name "DNS").Status -ne 'Running'){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] DNS Server Service is not Running or DNS role is not installed.' } } # END validate DNS service 13 { # BEGIN DNS Server Management Module if($null -eq $(Get-Module -Name DnsServer)){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Failed to load DNS Server Management Module (DnsServer).' } } # END DNS Server Management Module 14 { # BEGIN validate Cache config import $CacheConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -ChildPath 'CacheConfig.xml' if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $CacheConfigPath){ try { $Global:CacheConfig = Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $CacheConfigPath } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] Failed to import {0}' -f $CacheConfigPath } } } # END validate Cache config import 15 { # BEGIN validate Cache Config variable foreach($key in $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.Keys){ if($Global:CacheConfig.ContainsKey($key) -eq $true -and $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.ContainsKey($key) -eq $true){ if($Global:CacheConfig[$key].Url -ne $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]){ if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Global:CacheConfig[$key].File){ Remove-Item -LiteralPath $Global:CacheConfig[$key].File } $Global:CacheConfig[$key].File = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].Url = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].etag = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].LastModified = '' } } } } # END validate Cache Config variable 16 { # BEGIN validate Git if($Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit){ try { Push-Location -LiteralPath $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory & git --version | Out-Null Pop-Location } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Script] git install verification failed.' $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } # END validate Git 17 { # BEGIN validate change cmd file $ChangeCmdFile = Join-Path -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -ChildPath 'Update-DnsServerQRP.ps1' if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $ChangeCmdFile){ Clear-Content -LiteralPath $ChangeCmdFile } else { New-Item -Path $ChangeCmdFile -Type File | Out-Null } if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('ChangeCmdFile') -eq $false){ $Global:Ini.Script.Add('ChangeCmdFile',$ChangeCmdFile) } else { $Global:Ini.Script.ChangeCmdFile = $ChangeCmdFile } } # END validate change cmd file 18 { # BEGIN validate [Alert] Method if($Global:Ini.Alert.ContainsKey('Method') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Alert.Method) -eq $false){ if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -notmatch "^(?i)Smtp|WinEvent|stdout$"){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][Alert] Method not valid.' } } else { $Global:Ini.Alert.Method = 'stdout' } } else { $Global:Ini.Alert.Add('Method','stdout') } } # END validate [Alert] Method 19 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] To if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('To') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.To) -eq $false){ try { $smtpTo = [System.Net.Mail.MailAddress]::New($Global:Ini.Smtp.To) } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] TO not valid.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] TO not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] TO not specified.' } } } # END validate [SMTP] To 20 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] From if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('From') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.From) -eq $false){ try { $smtpFrom = [System.Net.Mail.MailAddress]::new($Global:Ini.Smtp.From) } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] FROM not valid.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] FROM not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] FROM not specified.' } } } # END validate [SMTP] From 21 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] Subject if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('Subject') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.Subject) -eq $false){ try { $msg = [System.Net.Mail.MailMessage]::new() $msg.Subject = $Global:Ini.Smtp.Subject $msg.Dispose() Remove-Variable -Name msg } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] SUBJECT not valid.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] SUBJECT not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] SUBJECT not specified.' } } } # END validate [SMTP] Subject 22 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] Port if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('Port') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.Port) -eq $false){ [int]$intPort = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($Global:Ini.Smtp.Port, [ref]$intPort)){ if($intPort -gt 0){ [int]$Global:Ini.Smtp.Port = $intPort } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] PORT must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] PORT must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] PORT not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] PORT not specified.' } } } # END validate [SMTP] Port 23 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] Server if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('Server') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.Server) -eq $false){ try { $smtpServer = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($Global:Ini.Smtp.Server, $Global:Ini.Smtp.Port) if($smtpServer.Connected -eq $false){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] TCP connection failed to {0}:{1}' -f $Global:Ini.Smtp.Server,$Global:Ini.Smtp.Port } $smtpServer.Dispose() Remove-Variable -Name smtpServer } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] TCP connection failed to {0}:{1}' -f $Global:Ini.Smtp.Server,$Global:Ini.Smtp.Port $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][SMTP] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] SERVER not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] SERVER not specified.' } } } # END validate [SMTP] Server 24 { # BEGIN validate [SMTP] CredentialXml if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)Smtp(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.Smtp.ContainsKey('CredentialXml') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.Smtp.CredentialXml) -eq $false){ try { $credFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:Ini.Smtp.CredentialXml -ErrorAction Stop $credCheck = Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $credFile.FullName if($credCheck.GetType().Name -ne 'PSCredential'){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] CredentialXml import failed.' } Remove-Variable -Name credCheck,credFile } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][SMTP] CredentialXml import failed.' } } } } } # END validate [SMTP] CredentialXml 25 { # BEGIN validate [WinEvent] Logname if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ContainsKey('Logname') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.WinEvent.Logname) -eq $false){ try { Get-WinEvent -LogName $Global:Ini.WinEvent.Logname -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] no Logname {0}' -f $Global:Ini.WinEvent.Logname } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Logname not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Logname not specified.' } } } # END validate [WinEvent] Logname 26 { # BEGIN validate [WinEvent] Source if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ContainsKey('Source') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.WinEvent.Source) -eq $false){ try{ $result = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Global:Ini.WinEvent.Source) if ($result -eq $false){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Source does not exist.' } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Source does not exist.' $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Source not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] Source not specified.' } } } # END validate [WinEvent] Source 27 { # BEGIN validate [WinEvent] InfoEventId if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ContainsKey('InfoEventId') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.WinEvent.InfoEventId) -eq $false){ [int]$intInfoEventId = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($Global:Ini.WinEvent.InfoEventId, [ref]$intInfoEventId)){ if($intInfoEventId -gt 0){ [int]$Global:Ini.WinEvent.InfoEventId = $intInfoEventId } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] InfoEventId must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] InfoEventId must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] InfoEventId not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] InfoEventId not specified.' } } } # END validate [WinEvent] InfoEventId 28 { # BEGIN validate [WinEvent] ErrorEventId if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ContainsKey('ErrorEventId') -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ErrorEventId) -eq $false){ [int]$intErrorEventId = 0 if([System.Int32]::TryParse($Global:Ini.WinEvent.ErrorEventId, [ref]$intErrorEventId)){ if($intErrorEventId -gt 0){ [int]$Global:Ini.WinEvent.ErrorEventId = $intErrorEventId } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] ErrorEventId must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] ErrorEventId must be a positive number.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] ErrorEventId not specified.' } } else { $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] ErrorEventId not specified.' } } } # END validate [WinEvent] ErrorEventId 29 { # BEGIN validate [WinEvent] InfoEventId and ErrorEventId different if($Global:Ini.Alert.Method -match "^(?i)(.*)WinEvent(.*)$"){ if($Global:Ini.WinEvent.InfoEventId -eq $Global:Ini.WinEvent.ErrorEventId){ $ErrorMsg += '[Error][WinEvent] InfoEventId and ErrorEventId must different.' } } } # END validate [WinEvent] InfoEventId and ErrorEventId different 30 { # BEGIN cleanup DnsBlockListCache files $CacheFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory | Where-Object{ $_.Extension -eq '.DnsBlockListCache' } if($null -ne $CacheFiles){ foreach($file in $CacheFiles){ Write-Verbose -Message "CachedFile=$($file.FullName)" if($Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.ContainsKey($file.BaseName) -eq $false){ Remove-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName Write-Verbose -Message " Removed=$($file.FullName)" if($Global:CacheConfig.ContainsKey($key) -eq $true){ $Global:CacheConfig[$key].File = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].Url = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].etag = '' $Global:CacheConfig[$key].LastModified = '' } } } } } # END cleanup DnsBlockListCache files default { if($Global:Ini['Script'].ContainsKey('HasError') -eq $false){ $Global:Ini['Script'].Add('HasError',$false) } if($ErrorMsg.Count -gt 0){ $Global:Ini['Script']['HasError'] = $true $ErrorMsg = @('[Error][Script] Terminating error.') + $ErrorMsg if($Global:Ini['Script'].ContainsKey('ErrorMsg') -eq $false){ $Global:Ini['Script'].Add('ErrorMsg',$ErrorMsg) } else { $Global:Ini['Script']['ErrorMsg'] = $ErrorMsg } } else { $Global:Ini['Script']['HasError'] = $false } $i = 0 } } } while($i -gt 0) return $Global:Ini['Script']['HasError'] } # End Function Confirm-DnsBlockListSettings Function Publish-QRPStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the QRP stats for alerts. .INPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] # Change object $Changes ) [string[]]$StatMsg = @() [string[]]$AllQrpNames = @() [string[]]$DblQrp = @() [string[]]$AllQrpNames = Get-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy | ForEach-Object{ $_.Name } if($AllQrpNames.Count -gt 0){ [string[]]$DblQrpRules = $AllQrpNames | Where-Object{ $_.StartsWith($Global:Ini.Script.RuleNamePrefix) } if($null -ne $DblQrpRules){ if($DblQrpRules.Count -gt 0){ [string[]]$DblQrp = $DblQrpRules } } } $StatMsg += 'QRP-Total = {0}' -f $AllQrpNames.Count $StatMsg += 'QRP-DnsBlockList = {0}' -f $DblQrp.count if($Changes.HasChanges -eq $true){ $StatMsg += 'HasChanges = True' $StatMsg += 'Removed = {0}' -f $Changes.Remove.Count $StatMsg += 'Added = {0}' -f $Changes.Add.Count } else { $StatMsg += 'HasChanges = False' $StatMsg += 'Removed = 0' $StatMsg += 'Added = 0' } $StatMsg += 'ReadOnly = {0}' -f $Global:Ini.Script.ReadOnly $StatMsg += 'UpdateGit = {0}' -f $Global:Ini.Script.UpdateGit if($Global:Ini.Script.ContainsKey('Stats')){ $Global:Ini.Script.Stats = $StatMsg } else { $Global:Ini.Script.Add('Stats',$StatMsg) } } # End Function Publish-QRPStats Function Get-DnsBlockListWebHeaders { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the HTTP request headers for the BlockListUrl. .DESCRIPTION Builds an HTTP request header hashset using Last-Modified and ETag values from the prior request so only updated content is downloaded. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # Key used to specify the target DNS blocklist. $BlockListKey ) $RequestHeaders = @{ 'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0;)' } if($Global:CacheConfig.ContainsKey($BlockListKey) -eq $true){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:CacheConfig[$BlockListKey]['LastModified']) -eq $false){ $RequestHeaders.Add('If-Modified-Since',$Global:CacheConfig[$BlockListKey]['LastModified']) } if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:CacheConfig[$BlockListKey]['etag']) -eq $false){ $RequestHeaders.Add('If-None-Match',$Global:CacheConfig[$BlockListKey]['etag']) } } return $RequestHeaders } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListWebHeaders Function Get-DnsBlockListWebFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Sends HTTP GET using custom headers to BlockListUrl. .DESCRIPTION Only downloads files that have changed by using Last-Modified timestamps and ETag values. .OUTPUTS System.Boolean #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) [string[]]$ErrorMsg = @() foreach($key in $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl.Keys){ $SaveFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Global:Ini.Script.WorkingDirectory -ChildPath "$($key).DnsBlockListCache" $ClientRequestHeaders = Get-DnsBlockListWebHeaders -BlockList $key $Global:NewCache.Add($key,@{}) $Global:NewCache[$key].Add('Url',$Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $Global:NewCache[$key].Add('etag','') $Global:NewCache[$key].Add('LastModified','') $Global:NewCache[$key].Add('File','') $Global:NewCache[$key].Add('ResponseCode','ERROR') try{ $HttpResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key] -Headers $ClientRequestHeaders -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop $Global:NewCache[$key]['ResponseCode'] = [int]$HttpResponse.StatusCode $Global:NewCache[$key]['File'] = $SaveFilePath Out-File -LiteralPath $Global:NewCache[$key]['File'] -InputObject $HttpResponse.Content -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "HTTP_Response=200 Key=$($key)" if($HttpResponse.Headers.ContainsKey('ETag')){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HttpResponse.Headers['ETag']) -eq $false){ $Global:NewCache[$key]['etag'] = $HttpResponse.Headers['ETag'] } } if($HttpResponse.Headers.ContainsKey('Last-Modified')){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HttpResponse.Headers['Last-Modified']) -eq $false){ $Global:NewCache[$key]['LastModified'] = $HttpResponse.Headers['Last-Modified'] } } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { $e = $_ if($e.Exception.Message -match "^.*\([0-9]{3}\).*$"){ $Global:NewCache[$key]['ResponseCode'] = [int]([regex]::Match($e.Exception.Message,'[0-9]{3}')).Value switch($Global:NewCache[$key]['ResponseCode']){ 304 { # (304) Not Modified. Write-Verbose -Message "HTTP_Response=304 Key=$($key)" $Global:NewCache[$key]['File'] = $SaveFilePath if($ClientRequestHeaders.ContainsKey('If-Modified-Since')){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientRequestHeaders['If-Modified-Since']) -eq $false){ $Global:NewCache[$key]['LastModified'] = $ClientRequestHeaders['If-Modified-Since'] } } if($ClientRequestHeaders.ContainsKey('If-None-Match')){ if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientRequestHeaders['If-None-Match']) -eq $false){ $Global:NewCache[$key]['etag'] = $ClientRequestHeaders['If-None-Match'] } } } # (304) Not Modified. default { $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Processing: {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } } else { $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Processing: {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } catch { $e = $_ $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Processing: {0} = {1}' -f $key,$Global:Ini.BlockListUrl[$key]) $ErrorMsg += $('[Error][Http] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } return $ErrorMsg } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListWebFiles Function Set-ReadMeAndIniPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Set path for README and default configuration file in global variables. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Ini['Script'])){ $Global:Ini.Add('Script',@{}) } $ReadMePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'README.md' $Global:DBLReadme = $ReadMePath $DefaultConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'DnsBlockList.ini' $Global:DBLDefaultConfig = $DefaultConfigPath } # End Function Set-ReadMeAndIniPath Function Get-DnsBlockListREADME { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the DnsBlockList README file (README.md) to standard out. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) try { $ReadMeFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:DBLReadme -ErrorAction Stop Get-Content -LiteralPath $ReadMeFile.FullName | ForEach-Object{ Write-Output $_ } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListREADME Function Copy-DnsBlockListREADME { <# .SYNOPSIS Copies the DnsBlockList README file (README.md) to the destination folder. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -PathType Container})] [string] # Destination folder to copy README.md $DestinationFolder ) try { $ReadMeFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:DBLReadme -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Path $ReadMeFile.FullName -Destination $DestinationFolder } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Copy-DnsBlockListReadme Function Get-DnsBlockListDefaultConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the DnsBlockList default configuration file to standard out. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) try { $ConfigFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:DBLDefaultConfig -ErrorAction Stop Get-Content -LiteralPath $ConfigFile.FullName | ForEach-Object{ Write-Output $_ } } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Get-DnsBlockListDefaultConfiguration Function Copy-DnsBlockListDefaultConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Copies the DnsBlockList default configuration file to the destination folder. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -PathType Container})] [string] # Destination folder to copy DnsBlockList.ini $DestinationFolder ) try { $ConfigFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Global:DBLDefaultConfig -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Path $ConfigFile.FullName -Destination $DestinationFolder } catch { $e = $_ Write-Output $('[Error][Script] Exception: {0}' -f $e.Exception.Message) } } # End Function Copy-DnsBlockListDefaultConfiguration Function Get-DomainFromLine { <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts the domain name from the provided line of text. .DESCRIPTION This function will parse the provided line of text according to the ParseMethod defined in the configuration file. When a file needs an alternate parsing method, add the appropriate logic to the switch statement in this function. Then update the configuration file ParseMethod to reflect the switch value. .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] # ParseMethod value for DnsBlockList $ParseMethod , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # Line of text to parse. $ParseLine ) switch ($ParseMethod) { 1 { # malwaredomains return ($ParseLine.Trim().Split("`t")[0]).Trim().ToLower() } Default { # Default Parse is one domain per line return $ParseLine.Trim().ToLower() } } } # End Function Get-DomainFromLine Set-ReadMeAndIniPath |