@{ RootModule = "DisplayConfig.dll" ModuleVersion = '1.0.5' CompatiblePSEditions = @("Core", "Desktop") GUID = '869da43f-8ec3-4ee1-8820-f531dbc455d6' Author = 'MartinGC94' CompanyName = 'Unknown' Copyright = '(c) 2024 MartinGC94. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Manage Windows display settings like resolution, DPI scale, HDR and more.' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' RequiredAssemblies = if ($PSEdition -eq "Desktop") {"DisplayConfig.dll"} else {$null} TypesToProcess = @('DisplayConfigType.ps1xml') FormatsToProcess = @('DisplayConfigFormat.ps1xml') FunctionsToExport = @() CmdletsToExport = @('Copy-DisplaySource','Disable-DisplayAdvancedColor','Disable-Display','Enable-DisplayAdvancedColor','Enable-Display','Get-DisplayColorInfo','Get-DisplayConfig','Get-DisplayInfo','Get-DisplayProfile','Get-DisplayScale','Set-DisplayPosition','Set-DisplayPrimary','Set-DisplayProfile','Set-DisplayRefreshRate','Set-DisplayResolution','Set-DisplayRotation','Set-DisplayScale','Undo-DisplayConfigChanges','Use-DisplayConfig') VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() DscResourcesToExport = @() FileList = @('DisplayConfig.deps.json','DisplayConfig.dll','DisplayConfig.psd1','DisplayConfigFormat.ps1xml','DisplayConfigType.ps1xml','en-US\DisplayConfig.dll-Help.xml') PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("Display", "Monitor", "Settings","Options","Configuration", "Resolution", "DPI", "Scale", "HDR", "Rotation") ProjectUri = 'https://github.com/MartinGC94/DisplayConfig' ReleaseNotes = @' 1.0.5: Add an argumenter completer for the Set-DisplayPosition -SwapDisplays 1.0.4: Add new SwapDisplays parameter to Set-DisplayPosition. This parameter can be used to swap the desktop position of 2 different displays. 1.0.3: Add "Unknown" as a fallback to the display ID completer tooltip for displays where the friendlyname hasn't been set. 1.0.2: Fix error where Get-DisplayInfo would sometimes throw an error, or find the wrong display. Fix a problem with the DeviceId completer would sometimes throw an internal error, and not return any completion results. Fix a problem where the tooltip in the DeviceID completer would sometimes show the wrong monitor name. 1.0.1: Fix issue where a displayID did not always match the correct display. 1.0: Initial release. '@ } } } |