If ($PSEdition -Eq "Desktop" -Or $IsWindows -Eq $True) { $ExecutableSuffixes = $Env:PATHEXT -Split ";" } $script:IgnoredDirColorsTokens = ("COLOR", "TERM", "EIGHTBIT") $script:ESC = [char]27 $script:ws = [char[]]" `t`r" $script:LSColorsTokensToSchemeProperties = @{ "no" = "Default"; "rs" = "Reset"; "fi" = "File"; "di" = "Directory"; "ln" = "Link"; "mh" = "MultiHardLink"; "pi" = "Pipe"; "so" = "Socket"; "do" = "Door"; "bd" = "BlockDevice"; "cd" = "CharacterDevice"; "or" = "Orphan"; "mi" = "Missing"; "su" = "SetUid"; "sg" = "SetGid"; "ca" = "Capability"; "tw" = "StickyOtherWritable"; "ow" = "OtherWritable"; "st" = "Sticky"; "ex" = "Executable"; } $script:SchemePropertiesToLSColors = @{ "Default" = "no"; "Reset" = "rs"; "File" = "fi"; "Directory" = "di"; "Link" = "ln"; "MultiHardLink" = "mh"; "Pipe" = "pi"; "Socket" = "so"; "Door" = "do"; "BlockDevice" = "bd"; "CharacterDevice" = "cd"; "Orphan" = "or"; "Missing" = "mi"; "SetUid" = "su"; "SetGid" = "sg"; "Capability" = "ca"; "StickyOtherWritable" = "tw"; "OtherWritable" = "ow"; "Sticky" = "st"; "Executable" = "ex"; } $script:DirColorsTokensToSchemeProperties = @{ "NORMAL" = "Default"; "RESET" = "Reset"; "FILE" = "File"; "DIR" = "Directory"; "LINK" = "Link"; "MULTIHARDLINK" = "MultiHardLink"; "FIFO" = "Pipe"; "SOCK" = "Socket"; "DOOR" = "Door"; "BLK" = "BlockDevice"; "CHR" = "CharacterDevice"; "ORPHAN" = "Orphan"; "MISSING" = "Missing"; "SETUID" = "SetUid"; "SETGID" = "SetGid"; "CAPABILITY" = "Capability"; "STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE" = "StickyOtherWritable"; "OTHER_WRITABLE" = "OtherWritable"; "STICKY" = "Sticky"; "EXEC" = "Executable"; } Function New-ColorScheme { Return [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = "ColorScheme"; Default = "0"; Reset = "0"; File = "0"; Directory = "01;34"; Link = "01;36"; MultiHardLink = "0"; Pipe = "00;33"; Socket = "01;35"; Door = "01;35"; BlockDevice = "01;33"; CharacterDevice = "01;33"; Orphan = "01;36"; Missing = "0"; SetUid = "37;41"; SetGid = "30;43"; Capability = "30;41"; StickyOtherWritable = "30;42"; OtherWritable = "34;42"; Sticky = "37;44"; Executable = "01;32"; Extensions = @{}; Matches = @{}; } } $DefaultColors = New-ColorScheme $DirColors = $DefaultColors Function Import-DirColors() { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$Path ) $out = New-ColorScheme ForEach ($_ In (Get-Content -Path:$Path -ReadCount 0) -Split "`n") { If ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($_)) { Continue } $param, $arg = $_.Split($script:ws, 3, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[0, 1] If ($param -In $script:IgnoredDirColorsTokens) { Continue } $canon = $script:DirColorsTokensToSchemeProperties[$param.ToUpper()] If ($null -Eq $canon) { $i = $param.IndexOf('.') If ($i -Le 1 -And $i -Eq $param.LastIndexOf('.')) { # *.x with no other periods: fast path If ($param[0] -Eq '*') { $param = $param.Substring(1) } $out.Extensions[$param] = $arg } Else { If (!$param.Contains('*')) { # dircolors enforces a leading * when generating LS_COLORS $param = '*' + $param } $out.Matches[$param] = $arg } } Else { $out.$canon = $arg } } Return $out } Function ConvertFrom-LSColors { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$LSColors ) $out = New-ColorScheme ForEach ($_ In $LSColors -Split ":") { $param, $arg = $_ -Split "=" $canon = $script:LSColorsTokensToSchemeProperties[$param.ToLower()] If ($null -Eq $canon) { $i = $param.IndexOf('.') If ($i -Gt -1 -And $i -Eq $param.LastIndexOf('.')) { # *.x with no other periods: fast path If ($param[0] -Eq '*') { $param = $param.Substring(1) } $out.Extensions[$param] = $arg } Else { # dircolors enforces a leading * when generating LS_COLORS $out.Matches[$param] = $arg } } Else { $out.$canon = $arg } } # $_ Return $out } Function ConvertTo-LSColors { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [PSTypeName("ColorScheme")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $ColorScheme ) $tokens = ForEach($_ In $script:SchemePropertiesToLSColors.GetEnumerator()) { "{0}={1}" -F $_.Value, $ColorScheme.($_.Name) } $tokens += ForEach($_ in $ColorScheme.Extensions.GetEnumerator()) { "*{0}={1}" -F $_.Name, $_.Value } $tokens += ForEach($_ in $ColorScheme.Matches.GetEnumerator()) { "{0}={1}" -F $_.Name, $_.Value } Return $tokens -Join ":" } Function Update-DirColors { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$Path ) $script:DirColors = Import-DirColors -Path:$Path $Env:LS_COLORS = ConvertTo-LSColors $script:DirColors } Function Get-ContainingDirectoryInfo($fi) { If ($fi -Is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { Return $fi.Parent } Return $fi.Directory } Function Get-ColorCode($fi) { If ($fi.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint)) { If ($fi.LinkType -Eq "SymbolicLink" -Or $fi.LinkType -Eq "Junction") { $tfn = [System.IO.Path]::Combine((Get-ContainingDirectoryInfo($fi)).FullName, $fi.Target) $tfi = (Get-Item $tfn -EA Ignore) If ($null -Eq $tfi) { Return $script:DirColors.Orphan } ElseIf ($script:DirColors.Link -Eq "target") { Return Get-ColorCode($tfi) } Return $script:DirColors.Link } Return $script:DirColors.BlockDevice } If ($fi -Is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { Return $script:DirColors.Directory } Else { $ext = $fi.Extension # This is likely to be wrong: Extensions are quicker since we've mapped # them all to colors, but ls probably matches wildcards more strongly # than extensions (since they're more expressive, and therefore more # specific) If (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ext)) { # Fast path: extension matching (pre-hashed) If ($ext -In $script:ExecutableSuffixes) { return $script:DirColors.Executable } $cc = $script:DirColors.Extensions[$ext] If ($cc) { Return $cc } } ForEach($k in $script:DirColors.Matches.Keys) { # Slow path: wildcard matching If ($fi.Name -Like $k) { Return $script:DirColors.Matches.Item($k) } } } Return $script:DirColors.Default } Function Format-ColorizedFilename() { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$FileInfo ) $cc = Get-ColorCode($FileInfo) Return "$ESC[${cc}m$($FileInfo.Name)$ESC[$($script:DirColors.Reset)m" } Function Format-ColorizedLinkTarget() { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$FileInfo ) # Looking up LinkType requires opening the file; this is expensive. If ($FileInfo.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint)) { If ($FileInfo.LinkType -Eq "SymbolicLink" -Or $FileInfo.LinkType -Eq "Junction") { $tfn = [System.IO.Path]::Combine((Get-ContainingDirectoryInfo($FileInfo)).FullName, $FileInfo.Target) $tfi = (Get-Item $tfn -EA Ignore) If ($null -Eq $tfi) { Return "$ESC[$($script:DirColors.Missing)m$($FileInfo.Target)$ESC[$($script:DirColors.Reset)m" } Else { $tcc = Get-ColorCode($tfi) Return "$ESC[${tcc}m$($FileInfo.Target)$ESC[$($script:DirColors.Reset)m" } } } Return $null } function Format-ColorizedFilenameAndLinkTarget() { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$FileInfo ) $lt = Format-ColorizedLinkTarget $FileInfo If ($null -Ne $lt) { Return (Format-ColorizedFilename $FileInfo) + " -> " + $lt } Return (Format-ColorizedFilename $FileInfo) } Update-FormatData -Prepend (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "DirColors.format.ps1xml") If (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:LS_COLORS)) { $script:DirColors = ConvertFrom-LSColors $Env:LS_COLORS } # vim: ts=4 sw=4 et |