<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.3.3 .GUID c623da06-d9d6-4890-8171-627b0023c972 .AUTHOR zhangkq2000@hotmail.com .COMPANYNAME ExcelBDD.com .COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2023 by ExcelBDD Team, licensed under Apache 2.0 License. .TAGS Excel Diff Compare .LICENSEURI https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html .PROJECTURI https://dev.azure.com/simplopen/ExcelBDD/_wiki/wikis/ExcelBDD.wiki/39/ExcelBDD-Homepage .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES now supports the following features: compare two excel files, support git diff after the responding configuration #> <# .SYNOPSIS Compare two excel files .DESCRIPTION Compare two excel files. and support git diff, for example: git diff theChangedExcelFile. The git diff config is needed, which is described in the below online version link. It provides great supports to ExcelBDD to check changes in excel file. .INPUTS The two files .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE DiffExcel oldfile.xlsx newfile.xlsx .EXAMPLE DiffExcel oldfile.xlsx newfile.xlsx -Open #Because -Open is set, then the new file will open in Excel if any change is found. .EXAMPLE git diff theExcelfile.xlsx #if git diff config is setup,the above command will invoke DiffExcel automatically to find latest changes after last commit .EXAMPLE git diff head~2 theExcelfile.xlsx .LINK Online version: https://dev.azure.com/simplopen/ExcelBDD/_wiki/wikis/ExcelBDD.wiki/57/DiffExcel-Guideline .LINK ExcelBDD website: https://dev.azure.com/simplopen/ExcelBDD/ #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [String] # Specifies the old file path and name. $OldFile, [Parameter()] [String] # Specifies the new file path and name. $NewFile, [Switch] # if Open switch is set, the new Excel file will open if any change is found. $Open ) # $script:StartPath = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot").Path # Write-Host $StartPath # $modulePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "DiffExcel.psm1" # Import-Module $modulePath Write-Host "==== DiffExcel ===" Write-Host " V1.3" Write-Host "Author: Zhang Keqiang Mike" Write-Host "Email: zhangkq2000@hotmail.com" if ((-not $OldFile) -or (-not $NewFile)) { Write-Host "lack of file." return } if ($NewFile.IndexOf(":") -lt 0) { $NewFile = Join-Path $(Get-Location) $NewFile } if ($OldFile.IndexOf(":") -lt 0) { $OldFile = Join-Path $(Get-Location) $OldFile } Write-Host "New File: $NewFile" Write-Host "Old File: $OldFile" if ($Open) { Write-Host "The new file will open if any change is found." } #================== #Functions of DiffExcel function Compare-Excel { param ( $OldFile, $NewFile, [Switch]$Open ) $ExcelApp1 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $ExcelApp2 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application $NewWorkBook = $ExcelApp1.Workbooks.Open($NewFile) try { $OldWorkBook = $ExcelApp2.Workbooks.Open($OldFile) } catch { Write-Host "Old file is missing." return } if ($null -eq $NewWorkBook) { Write-Host "New file is missing." return } if ($null -eq $OldWorkBook) { Write-Host "Old file is missing." return } $Result = @{} $IsChanged = $false foreach ($Worksheet in $NewWorkBook.Worksheets) { # Write-Host $Worksheet.Name try { $Result[$Worksheet.Name] = Compare-Worksheet $OldWorkBook.Worksheets[$Worksheet.Name] $Worksheet if ($Result[$Worksheet.Name].GetType().Name -ne "String") { $IsChanged = $true } } catch { # Write-Host $_ $IsChanged = $true $Result[$Worksheet.Name] = "New" } } foreach ($Worksheet in $OldWorkBook.Worksheets) { try { if (-Not $NewWorkBook.Worksheets[$Worksheet.Name]) { $IsChanged = $true $Result[$Worksheet.Name] = "Missing worksheet" } } catch { # Write-Host $_ $IsChanged = $true $Result[$Worksheet.Name] = "Missing" } } if ($IsChanged) { Show-Result $Result } else { Write-Host "No change." } [void]$OldWorkBook.Close($false) [void]$ExcelApp2.Quit() [void][System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelApp2) if ($Open -and $IsChanged) { $ExcelApp1.Visible = $true Write-Host "The new file is open, please check." } else { [void]$NewWorkBook.Close($false) [void]$ExcelApp1.Quit() [void][System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelApp1) } return $Result } function Compare-Worksheet { param ( $OldWorksheet, $NewWorksheet ) # Write-Host "===Compare-Worksheet===" $DiffList = @() $NewRowsCount = $NewWorksheet.UsedRange.Row + $NewWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1 # Write-Host "RowsCount $NewRowsCount" $NewColumnsCount = $NewWorksheet.UsedRange.Column + $NewWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1 # Write-Host "ColumnsCount $NewColumnsCount" $OldRowsCount = $OldWorksheet.UsedRange.Row + $OldWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1 # Write-Host "OldRowsCount $OldRowsCount" $OldColumnsCount = $OldWorksheet.UsedRange.Column + $OldWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1 # Write-Host "OldColumnsCount $OldColumnsCount" for ($iRow = 1; $iRow -le $NewRowsCount; $iRow++) { for ($iColumn = 1; $iColumn -le $NewColumnsCount; $iColumn++) { try { if ($NewWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text -cne $OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text) { $DiffItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Cell = "$([char]($iColumn+64))$iRow" # Row = $iRow # Column = $iColumn Old = $OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text New = $NewWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text } $DiffList += $DiffItem } } catch { # Write-Host $_ $DiffItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Cell = "$([char]($iColumn+64))$iRow" # Row = $iRow # Column = $iColumn Old = $null New = $NewWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text } $DiffList += $DiffItem } } } if ($OldRowsCount -gt $NewRowsCount) { $MaxRowCount = $OldRowsCount for ($iRow = $NewRowsCount + 1; $iRow -le $OldRowsCount; $iRow++) { for ($iColumn = 1; $iColumn -le $NewColumnsCount; $iColumn++) { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text)) { $DiffItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Cell = "$([char]($iColumn+64))$iRow" # Row = $iRow # Column = $iColumn Old = $OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text New = $null } $DiffList += $DiffItem } } } } else { $MaxRowCount = $NewRowsCount } if ($OldColumnsCount -gt $NewColumnsCount) { for ($iRow = 1; $iRow -le $MaxRowCount; $iRow++) { for ($iColumn = $NewColumnsCount + 1; $iColumn -le $OldColumnsCount; $iColumn++) { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text)) { $DiffItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Cell = "$([char]($iColumn+64))$iRow" # Row = $iRow # Column = $iColumn Old = $OldWorksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iColumn).Text New = $null } $DiffList += $DiffItem } } } } if ($DiffList.Count -gt 0) { return $DiffList } return "No Change" } function Show-Result { param ( $Result ) foreach ($WorksheetName in $Result.Keys) { Write-Host "--- Worksheet $WorksheetName ---" foreach ($DiffItem in $Result[$WorksheetName]) { if ($DiffItem.GetType().Name -eq "String") { Write-Host $DiffItem } else { Write-Host "Diff Cell:$($DiffItem.Cell), New:'$($DiffItem.New)', old:'$($DiffItem.Old)'" } } } } #End of Functions of DiffExcel #================== Compare-Excel $OldFile $NewFile -Open:$Open | Out-Null |