function Get-DiagSiteInventory { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to diagram Microsoft Active Directory Sites Inventory. .DESCRIPTION Build a diagram of the configuration of Microsoft Active Directory in PDF/PNG/SVG formats using Psgraph. .NOTES Version: 0.2.1 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] Param ( ) begin { Write-Verbose "Generating Sites Inventory Diagram" } process { Write-Verbose -Message ($translate.connectingSites -f $($ForestRoot)) try { if ($ForestRoot) { $SitesGroups = Get-ADSitesInventoryInfo if ($SitesGroups) { SubGraph ForestSubGraph -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label $ForestRoot -IconType "ForestRoot" -IconDebug $IconDebug -SubgraphLabel -IconWidth 50 -IconHeight 50) ; fontsize = 24; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = $ ; color = $SubGraphDebug.color } { SubGraph MainSubGraph -Attributes @{Label = ' ' ; fontsize = 24; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = $; color = $SubGraphDebug.color } { SubGraph SitesTopology -Attributes @{Label = 'Sites'; fontsize = 22; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { if (($SitesGroups | Measure-Object).Count -ge 1) { foreach ($SiteGroupOBJ in $SitesGroups) { $SubGraphName = Remove-SpecialChar -String $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\-. ' SubGraph $SubGraphName -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -IconType "AD_Site" -SubgraphLabel -IconDebug $IconDebug); fontsize = 20; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { if ($SiteGroupOBJ.DomainControllers.DCsArray) { $SubGraphNameSN = Remove-SpecialChar -String $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\-. ' SubGraph "$($SubGraphNameSN)DC" -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label "Domain Controllers" -IconType "AD_DC" -SubgraphLabel -IconDebug $IconDebug); fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node -Name $SiteGroupOBJ.DomainControllers.Name -Attributes @{Label = $SiteGroupOBJ.DomainControllers.Label; shape = "plain"; fillColor = 'transparent' } } } else { $SubGraphNameSN = Remove-SpecialChar -String $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\-. ' SubGraph "$($SubGraphNameSN)DC" -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label "Domain Controllers" -IconType "AD_DC" -SubgraphLabel -IconDebug $IconDebug); fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed, rounded' } { Node -Name "Dummy$($SubGraphName)NoSiteDC" -Attributes @{Label = $translate.NoSiteDC; shape = "rectangle"; labelloc = 'c'; fillColor = 'transparent'; penwidth = 0 } } } if ($SiteGroupOBJ.Subnets.SubnetArray) { $SubGraphNameSN = Remove-SpecialChar -String $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\-. ' SubGraph "$($SubGraphNameSN)SN" -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label "Subnets" -IconType "AD_Site_Subnet" -SubgraphLabel -IconDebug $IconDebug); fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node -Name $SiteGroupOBJ.Subnets.Name -Attributes @{Label = $SiteGroupOBJ.Subnets.Label; shape = "plain"; fillColor = 'transparent' } } } else { $SubGraphNameSN = Remove-SpecialChar -String $SiteGroupOBJ.Name -SpecialChars '\-. ' SubGraph "$($SubGraphNameSN)SN" -Attributes @{Label = (Get-DiaHTMLLabel -ImagesObj $Images -Label "Subnets" -IconType "AD_Site_Subnet" -SubgraphLabel -IconDebug $IconDebug); fontsize = 18; penwidth = 1.5; labelloc = 't'; style = 'dashed,rounded' } { Node -Name "Dummy$($SubGraphName)NoSiteSN" -Attributes @{Label = $translate.NoSiteSubnet; shape = "rectangle"; labelloc = 'c'; fillColor = 'transparent'; penwidth = 0 } } } } } } else { Node -Name NoSites -Attributes @{Label = $translate.NoSites; shape = "rectangle"; labelloc = 'c'; fixedsize = $true; width = "3"; height = "2"; fillColor = 'transparent'; penwidth = 0 } } } } } } } } catch { $_ } } end {} } |