
Function Get-NodeIcon {
        Function to convert a Graphviz node label to a HTML Table with Icon
        Takes a string and converts it to a HTML table used for GraphViz Node label
        $DC = "Server-DC-01v"
        $DCRows = @{
            Memory = "4GB"
            CPU = "2"
        Get-NodeIcon -Name $DC -IconType "ForestRoot" -Align "Center" -Rows $DCRows
                    | |
                    | Icon |
                    | |
                    | Server-DC-01V |
                    | |
                    | CPU = 2 |
                    | Memory = 4GB |
        Version: 0.1.6
        Author: Jonathan Colon
        Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr
        Github: rebelinux
        The string to process
    .PARAMETER Align
        Align content inside table cell
        Object used to specified aditional node information
    .PARAMETER IconType
        Icon used to draw the node type



    if ($IconType -eq 'NoIcon') {
        $ICON = 'NoIcon'
    } elseif ($URLIcon) {
        $ICON = 'NoIcon'
    } elseif ($images[$IconType]) {
        $ICON = $images[$IconType]
    } else { $ICON = "no_icon.png" }

    $TR = @()
    foreach ($r in $Rows) {
        $TR += $r.getEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "<TR><TD align='$Align' colspan='1'><FONT POINT-SIZE='14'>$($_.Key): $($_.Value)</FONT></TD></TR>" }

    if ($ICON -ne 'NoIcon') {
        if ($Align -eq "Center") {
            "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'><TR><TD ALIGN='$Align' colspan='1'><img src='$($ICON)'/></TD></TR><TR><TD align='$Align'><B>$Name</B></TD></TR>$TR</TABLE>"
        } else {
            "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'><TR><TD ALIGN='$Align' rowspan='4' valign='Bottom'><img src='$($ICON)'/></TD></TR><TR><TD align='$Align'><B> $Name</B></TD></TR> $TR</TABLE>"
    } else {
        if ($Align -eq "Center") {
            "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'><TR><TD ALIGN='$Align' colspan='1'></TD></TR><TR><TD align='$Align'><B>$Name</B></TD></TR>$TR</TABLE>"
        } else {
            "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'><TR><TD ALIGN='$Align' rowspan='4' valign='Bottom'></TD></TR><TR><TD align='$Align'><B> $Name</B></TD></TR> $TR</TABLE>"
