Function Get-HTMLLabel { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to set the Report Main Logo .DESCRIPTION Takes a string and converts it to a HTML table used for the report main logo an title .Example $MainGraphLabel = Switch ($DiagramType) { 'Forest' { $translate.forestgraphlabel } 'Domain' { $translate.domaingraphlabel } 'Sites' { $translate.sitesgraphlabel } 'SitesTopology' { $translate.sitesgraphlabel } } $CustomLogo = "Logo Path" $URLIcon = False Get-HTMLLabel -Label $MainGraphLabel -IconType $CustomLogo -URLIcon $URLIcon __________________ | | | Main Logo | _________________ | | | Diagram Title | __________________ .NOTES Version: 0.1.6 Author: Jonathan Colon Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr Github: rebelinux .PARAMETER Label The string used to set the Diagram Title .PARAMETER SubgraphLabel Allow to create a table used to add a logo to a Graphviz subgraph .PARAMETER IconType Main Diagram Logo #> param( [string] $Label, [string] $IconType, [Switch] $SubgraphLabel ) if ($IconType -eq 'NoIcon') { $ICON = 'NoIcon' } elseif ($URLIcon) { $ICON = 'NoIcon' } elseif ($images[$IconType]) { $ICON = $images[$IconType] } else { $ICON = "no_icon.png" } if (-Not $SubgraphLabel) { if ($ICON -ne 'NoIcon') { return "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='20' cellpadding='10'> <TR> <TD ALIGN='center' colspan='1'><img src='$($ICON)'/></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN='center'>$Label</TD> </TR> </TABLE>" } else { return "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='20' cellpadding='10'> <TR> <TD bgcolor='#FFCCCC' ALIGN='center' colspan='1'>$($translate.MicrosoftLogo)</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD bgcolor='#FFCCCC' ALIGN='center'>$Label</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN='center'><font color='red'>Debug ON</font></TD> </TR> </TABLE>" } } if ($SubgraphLabel) { if ($ICON -ne 'NoIcon') { return "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='5'> <TR> <TD ALIGN='center' colspan='1' fixedsize='true' width='40' height='40'><img src='$($ICON)'/></TD> <TD ALIGN='center'>$Label</TD> </TR> </TABLE>" } else { return "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='20' cellpadding='10'> <TR> <TD bgcolor='#FFCCCC' ALIGN='center' colspan='1'>Subgraph Logo</TD> <TD bgcolor='#FFCCCC' ALIGN='center'>$Label</TD> </TR> </TABLE>" } } } |