# culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData @' outputfolderpatherror = OutputFolderPath {0} is not a valid folder path. runasadmin = The requested operation requires elevation: Run PowerShell console as administrator signaturerequirements = New-ADDiagram : AuthorName and CompanyName must be defined if the Signature option is specified forestgraphlabel = Active Directory Forest Architecture domaingraphlabel = Active Directory Domain Architecture emptyForest = No Forest Infrastructure available to diagram psSession = Clearing PowerShell Session {0} cimSession = Clearing CIM Session {0} unableToConnect = Unable to connect to {0} Domain Controller Server. connectingDomain = Collecting Microsoft AD Domain information from {0}. connectingForest = Collecting Microsoft AD Forest information from {0}. DiagramLabel = Child Domains contiguous = Contiguous noncontiguous = NonContiguous osType = {0} is required to run the Diagrammer.Microsoft.AD. Run 'Install-WindowsFeature -Name '{0}'' to install the required modules. osTypelast = Unable to validate if {0} is installed. DiagramDummyLabel = Child Domains NoChildDomain = No Child Domains funcLevel = <B>Func Level</B>: {0} schemaVersion = <B>Schema Ver</B>: {0} infrastructure = <B>Infrastructure:</B> {0} rID = <B>RID:</B> {0} pdcEmulator= <B>PDC Emulator:</B> {0} schema = <B>Schema:</B> {0} domainNaming = <B>Domain Naming:</B> {0} fsmoRoles = FSMO Roles forestRootInfo = Forest Root Information MicrosoftLogo = Microsoft Logo SitesDiagramLabel = Sites SitesDiagramDummyLabel = Sites sitesgraphlabel = Active Directory Site Inventory emptySites = No Site topology available to diagram connectingSites = Collecting Microsoft AD Sites information from {0}. NoSites = No Site Topology NoSiteSubnet = No Site Subnets NoSiteDC = No Site Domain Controllers '@ |