
function Add-WatermarkToImage {
        Used to add a watermark text to Image
        Takes a string and add it as an 45 degree watermakr to the provided Image file.
        Add-WatermarkToImage ImageInput "c:\Image.png" DestinationPath "c:\Image_Edited.png" -WaterMarkText "Zen PR Solutions" -FontName 'Arial' -FontSize 20 -FontColor 'Red'
        Version: 0.2.14
        Author: Jonathan Colon
        Twitter: @jcolonfzenpr
        Github: rebelinux
    .PARAMETER ImageInputFile
        The Image file Path (PNG, TIFF, JPEG, JPG)
    .PARAMETER Base64Input
        The image in base64 format
    .PARAMETER ImageOutputFile
        The path of the resulting edited image
    .PARAMETER WaterMarkText
        The text to be inserted to the image as a watermark
    .PARAMETER FontName
        The font name
    .PARAMETER FontSize
        The font size
    .PARAMETER FontColor
        The font color [System.Drawing.Color] type (Red, Blue, Yellow etc..)
    .PARAMETER FontOpacity
        The font color opacity level

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the path to the image file path'
        [ValidateScript( {
            if (Test-Path -Path $_) {
            } else {
                throw "File $_ not found!"
        [string] $ImageInput,

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the complete filepath to export the diagram'
        [string] $DestinationPath,

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the text to transform'
        [string] $WaterMarkText,

            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the font name'
        [string] $FontName = 'Arial',

            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the font size'
        [int] $FontSize = 180,

            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the font color'
        [System.Drawing.Color] $FontColor = 'Red',

            HelpMessage = 'Please provide the font opacity level'
        [int] $FontOpacity = 20

    begin {
        # Initialize .net assemblies
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    process {

        $ImageName = Get-ChildItem -Path $ImageInput
        # Teporary Image file name
        $FileName = $ImageName.BaseName + "_WaterMark" + $ImageName.Extension

        # Get the image from the ImageInput path
        $Bitmap = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImageName.FullName)

        # Teporary Image file path
        $TempImageOutput = Join-Path -Path ([]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath $FileName

        # Initialize the font properties and brush
        $FontType = [System.Drawing.Font]::new($FontName, $FontSize, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Italic, [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Pixel, [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Bold)
        $FontColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb($FontOpacity, $FontColor)
        $SolidBrush = [System.Drawing.SolidBrush]::new($FontColor)

        If ($Bitmap, $FontType, $FontColor, $SolidBrush) {

            # Get the center of the image
            $Grid = [System.Drawing.Point]::new($Bitmap.Width / 2, $Bitmap.Height / 2)
            $Graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($Bitmap)

            # Set the properties to allow the text to be centered
            $StringFormat = [System.Drawing.StringFormat]::new()
            $StringFormat.Alignment = [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]::Center
            $StringFormat.LineAlignment = [System.Drawing.StringAlignment]::Center
            $StringFormat.FormatFlags = [System.Drawing.StringFormatFlags]::MeasureTrailingSpaces

            # Get the center of the image used to rotate the text in a -45 angle
            $Graphics.TranslateTransform($Bitmap.Width / 2, $Bitmap.Height / 2)

            # Apply the properties to the Bitmap
            $Graphics.DrawString($WaterMarkText, $FontType, $SolidBrush, - ($Grid.Width / 2), - ($Grid.Height / 2), $StringFormat)
            # Destroy the graphics object

        } else {
            Write-Information "Unable to add watermark to image!"

    end {
        try {
            # Save the Image to path define in $TempImageOutput
            # Destroy the Bitmap object

            if ($TempImageOutput) {
                Write-Verbose "Successfully added watermark text to $ImageInput image."
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationPath')) {
                    try {
                        Copy-Item -Path $TempImageOutput -Destination $DestinationPath
                        Write-Verbose "Successfully replaced $DestinationPath with $TempImageOutput rotated image."
                    } catch {
                        Write-Verbose "Unable to replace $DestinationPath rotated image to $TempImageOutput diagram."
                        Write-Debug $($_.Exception.Message)
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Successfully rotated $ImageInput diagram."
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $TempImageOutput

        } catch {