BeforeAll { . $PSScriptRoot\_InitializeTests.ps1 . $ProjectRoot\SRC\private\Get-DiaNodeIcon.ps1 } Describe Get-DiaNodeIcon { BeforeAll { $Images = @{ "Main_Logo" = "Diagrammer.png" "ForestRoot" = "RootDomain.png" } $DC = "Server-DC-01v" $DCRows = [ordered]@{ Memory = "4GB" } $HTMLOutPut = Get-DiaNodeIcon -Name $DC -IconType "ForestRoot" -Align "Center" -Rows $DCRows -ImagesObj $Images $HTMLOutPutDebug = Get-DiaNodeIcon -Name $DC -IconType "ForestRoot" -Align "Center" -Rows $DCRows -ImagesObj $Images -IconDebug $true } It "Should return a HMLT table" { $HTMLOutPut | Should -BeExactly "<TABLE border='0' cellborder='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0'><TR><TD ALIGN='Center' colspan='1'><img src='RootDomain.png'/></TD></TR><TR><TD align='Center'><B>Server-DC-01v</B></TD></TR><TR><TD align='Center' colspan='1'><FONT POINT-SIZE='14'>Memory: 4GB</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>" } It "Should return a HMLT table with the IMG tag" { $HTMLOutPut | Should -Match "<img src='RootDomain.png'/>" } It "Should return a HMLT table with red colored table" { $HTMLOutPutDebug | Should -Match "color='red'" } It "Should return a HMLT table without the IMG tag" { $HTMLOutPutDebug | Should -Not -Match "<img src='RootDomain.png'/>" } } |