
function New-DSCredentialEntry {
    Creates a new entry of type 'Credentials - Username/Password' (Default)
    Creates a new entry of type 'Credentials - Username/Password' (Default) with the parameters supplied.
    $NewCredEntry = @{
        VaultId = ([guid]::Empty)
        EntryName = 'rootlocal '
        Username = 'root'
        Password = 'Pa$$w0rd!'
        Folder = 'Powershell rules'
        credentialViewedCommentIsRequired = $true
        credentialViewedPrompt = $true
        ticketNumberIsRequiredOnCredentialViewed = $true
        checkOutMode = 'Default'
        Description = 'This is a description'
        Tags = '1 2 3 4 5'
    > New-DSCredentialEntry @NewCredEntry

        PARAM (
            #Connection sub-type. Used for connections of type Credentials. (Supported sub-type are Default or PrivateKey)
            [CredentialResolverConnectionType]$ConnectionSubType = [CredentialResolverConnectionType]::Default,
            #Entry's name
            #Entry's domain
            #Entry's username
            #Entry's password
            #Entry's mnemonic passwordF
            #Entry's vault ID
            [guid]$VaultID = [guid]::Empty,
            #Entry's location in the vault (Folder name, not ID)
            #Entry's prompt for password when checkout
            <# -- More tab -- #>
            #Entry's description
            #Entry's tags (Keywords). Each word separeted by a space is considered a keyword.
            #Entry's expiration date (ISO-8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z)
            <# -- Events tab -- #>
            #A comment is required to view entry's credentials
            [bool]$CredentialViewedCommentIsRequired = $False,
            #A ticket number is required to view entry's credentials
            [bool]$TicketNumberIsRequiredOnCredentialViewed = $False,
            #Prompt the user for comment/ticket number
            [bool]$CredentialViewedPrompt = $False,
            <# -- Security tab -- #>
            #Entry's checkout mode
            [CheckOutMode]$CheckoutMode = [CheckOutMode]::Default,
            #Entry's offline mode
            [AllowOffline]$AllowOffline = [AllowOffline]::Default,
            <# -- PrivateKey specifics... -- #>
            #Private key type
            [ValidateSet('NoKey', 'Data')]
            [PrivateKeyType]$PrivateKeyType = [PrivateKeyType]::Data,
            #Full private key path (*.ppk)
            #Private key passphrase
            #Prompt for passphrase before checkout

    BEGIN {
        Write-Verbose '[New-DSCredentialEntry] Beginning...'

        $SupportedSubType = @(

        try {
            $ParamList = Get-ParameterValues
            if ($ParamList.ConnectionSubType -notin $SupportedSubType) {
                throw "Credential of type $($ParamList.ConnectionSubType) are not supported yet."

            #Validate if vault exists
            if ((Set-DSVaultsContext $ParamList.VaultID).Body.result -ne [SaveResult]::Success) { 
                throw [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]::new("Vault could not be found. Please make sure you provide a valid vault ID.") 

            #Validate private key, if path was provided
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParamList.PrivateKeyPath)) { 
                $PrivateKeyCtx = Confirm-PrivateKey $ParamList.PrivateKeyPath
                if ($PrivateKeyCtx.Body.result -ne [SaveResult]::Success) {
                    throw [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]::new("Private key could not be parsed. Please make sure you provide a valid .ppk file.") 
                $ParamList.Add("PrivateKeyCtx", $PrivateKeyCtx)

            #Get the encrypted data, such as username/password/privatekey content/passphrase/etc...
            $EncryptedDataSegment = New-DSDataSegment $ParamList

            #Get "events" segment
            $EventsSegment = New-DSCredentialEventsSegment $ParamList

            #Prepare request body (parts of partialConnection object)
            $CredentialBody = @{
                checkOutMode      = $ParamList.CheckoutMode
                group             = $Folder
                connectionType    = 26
                connectionSubType = $ParamList.ConnectionSubType.ToString()
                data              = $EncryptedDataSegment
                repositoryId      = $ParamList.VaultID
                name              = $ParamList.EntryName
                events            = $EventsSegment
                description       = $ParamList.Description
                keywords          = $ParamList.Tags
                expiration        = $ParamList.Expiration

            $res = New-DSEntryBase (ConvertTo-Json $CredentialBody)
            return $res
        catch {
            $Exception = $_.Exception

    END {
        if ($res.isSuccess) {
            Write-Verbose "[New-DSCredentialEntry] Completed successfully!"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "[New-DSCredentialEntry] Ended with errors..."