
Function Convert-LegacyResponse {

            [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject] $Response

  RDM expected to always get HTTP 200, but analyzed the result field. During the transition to
  modern endpoints we need to map



            if ($Response -eq $null)
                return [ServerResponse]::new($false, $null, $null, $exc, "", 400)                        

            $responseContentHash = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
            $responseContent = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

            #some legacy apis return only result=1...
            if (($responseContentHash.Keys.Count -eq 1) -and ($responseContentHash.ContainsKey('result'))) {
                $newbody = $null
            } else {
                # some others return arrays of objects without ceremony
                if ($responseContent -is [system.array]) {
                    $newdata = $responseContent
                } elseif ($responseContent -is [Boolean]) {
                    $newdata = $responseContent
                elseif ($responseContentHash.ContainsKey('data')) {
                    $newdata = $
                } else {
                    throw "unexpected condition in Convert-LegacyResponse"

                #for standardization, we must push it down to a element
                $newbody = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    totalCount = -1
                    currentPage = -1
                    data = $newdata

            if($responseContent.result -eq 1)
                return [ServerResponse]::new($true, $Response, $newbody, $null, "", 200)                        

            $map = ""
            #Absent Result field means success (assume 1 when null...)
            $newStatusCode = 200
            if (!(Get-Member -inputobject $responseContent -name "result"))
                return [ServerResponse]::new($true, $Response, $newbody, $null, $null, $newStatusCode)                        

            switch ($responseContent.result) {
                2 {
                    $map = "AccessDenied"
                    $newStatusCode = 401
                3 {
                    $map = "InvalidData"
                    $newStatusCode = 400
                4 {
                    $map = "AlreadyExists"
                    $newStatusCode = 400
                5 {
                    $map = "MaximumReached"
                    $newStatusCode = 400
                6 {
                    $map = "NotFound"
                    $newStatusCode = 404
                7 {
                    $map = "LicenseExpired"
                    $newStatusCode = 401
                8 {
                    $map = "Unknown"
                    $newStatusCode = 500
                9 {
                    $map = "TwoFactorTypeNotConfigured"
                    $newStatusCode = 401
                10 {
                    $map = "WebApiRedirectToLogin"
                    $newStatusCode = 401
                11 {
                    $map = "DuplicateLoginEmail"
                    $newStatusCode = 400
            return [ServerResponse]::new($false, $Response, $responseContent, $null, $responseContent.errorMessage, $newStatusCode)                        


