function Update-DSAdDomain { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [guid]$DomainId, [string]$DomainName, [string]$DisplayName, [string]$AdministrationUsername, [string]$AdministrationPassword, [bool]$IsLDAPS, [int]$LdapsCustomPort, [bool]$AutoCreateEnabled = $false, [DomainUsernameFormatType]$DomainUsernameFormatType, [bool]$DomainUserReadOnly, [string]$DefaultVault ) begin { Write-Verbose '[New-DSAdDomain] Beginning...' if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:DSSessionToken)) { throw 'Session invalid. Please call New-DSSession.' } } process { $Domain = ($res = Get-DSAdDomain).IsSuccess ? ($ | Where-Object { $ -eq $DomainId }) : ($(throw 'Could not fetch domains from Devolutions Server.')) if ($null -eq $Domain) { throw 'Could not find specified domain. Make sure the ID exists and try again.' } foreach ($Param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { switch ($Param.Key) { 'DisplayName' { $Domain.DisplayName = $Param.Value } 'DomainName' { $Domain.DomainName = $Param.Value } 'AdministrationPassword' { $Domain | Add-Member -NotePropertyName AdministrationPassword -NotePropertyValue (@{value = ($AdministrationPassword) }) } Default { $Domain | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ($Param.Key) -NotePropertyValue (@{value = $Param.Value }) -Force } } } $RequestParams = @{ URI = "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/active-directory/domain-configurations/$DomainId" Method = 'PUT' Body = (ConvertTo-Json $Domain) } $res = Invoke-DS @RequestParams return $res } end { $res.isSuccess ? (Write-Verbose '[New-DSAdDomain] Completed successfully!') : (Write-Verbose '[New-DSAdDomain] Ended with errors...') } } |