function Update-DSVault { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a vault. .DESCRIPTION Updates a vault using the supplied parameters. If name is present, it cannot be null nor empty. Backend does not verify password complexity, so use New-DSPassword to generate a strong password with house policy. .EXAMPLE $UpdatedVault = @{ VaultID = "36120922-539d-4550-8567-fc4f21d77352" Name = "Test" Description = "Test" IsAllowedOffline = $false Password = 'Pa$$w0rd!' AllowedUsersList = @("User1") AllowedRolesList = @("Role1") AllowedApplicationList = @("App1") } Update-DSVault @UpdatedVault -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] #Vault's ID to update [guid]$VaultID = $(throw "Vault ID is null or empty. Please provide a valid vault ID and try again."), #Vault's name [string]$Name, #Vault's master password. Backend does not verify password complexity, so you should use New-DSPassword and choose a password in the list [string]$Password, #Vault's description [string]$Description = "", #Specify if the vault is allowed to be used while offline [bool]$IsAllowedOffline = $true, #Accept an array of strings containing usernames (not id) to add to the vault [string[]]$AllowedUsernameList = @(), #Accept an array of strings containing application names (not app id) to add to the vault [string[]]$AllowedApplicationList = @(), #Accept an array of strings containing user group's name (not id) to add to the vault [string[]]$AllowedRolesList = @() ) BEGIN { Write-Verbose "[Update-DSVault] Beginning..." if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:DSSessionToken)) { throw "Session invalid. Please call New-DSSession." } } PROCESS { try { if (!($res = Get-DSVault -VaultID $VaultID).isSuccess) { throw "Vault could not be found. Make sure you are using a valid vault ID or try creating a new one instead (New-DSVault)." } $VaultCtx = $ if ("Name" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { throw "You cannot update the vault's name with a null or empty value. Please provide a valid name for the vault or remove the field." } } $NewVault = @{ description = $Description hasPasswordChanged = if ($Password) { $true } else { $false } id = $VaultID idString = $VaultID.ToString() image = "" imageBytes = "" imageName = "" isAllowedOffline = if ("IsAllowedOffline" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $IsAllowedOffline } else { if ("isAllowedOffline" -in $VaultCtx.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $false } else { $true } } isLocked = $false isPrivate = $false modifiedLoggedUserName = "" modifiedUserName = "" name = $Name repositorySettings = @{ quickAddEntries = @() masterPasswordHash = "" } selected = $false } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VaultCtx.repositorySettings.masterPasswordHash) -or (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password))) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VaultCtx.repositorySettings.masterPasswordHash) -and ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password))) { $NewVault.repositorySettings.masterPasswordHash = $VaultCtx.repositorySettings.masterPasswordHash } else { $EncryptedPassword = Protect-ResourceToHexString $Password $NewVault += @{"password" = $EncryptedPassword } $NewVault.repositorySettings.masterPasswordHash = "" } $NewVault += @{"passwordDisplayValue" = "●●●●●●" } } if ((0 -ne $AllowedUsernameList.Count) -and (!(Set-DSVaultUsers $VaultID $AllowedUsernameList -Update).isSuccess)) { Write-Warning "[New-DSVault] Users could not be added to vault." } if ((0 -ne $AllowedRolesList.Count) -and (!(Set-DSVaultRoles $VaultID $AllowedRolesList -Update).isSuccess)) { Write-Warning "[New-DSVault] Roles could not be added to vault." } if ((0 -ne $AllowedApplicationList.Count) -and (!(Set-DSVaultApplications $VaultID $AllowedApplicationList -Update).isSuccess)) { Write-Warning "[New-DSVault] Applications could not be added to vault." } $RequestParams = @{ URI = "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/security/repositories" Method = "PUT" Body = ConvertTo-Json $NewVault } $res = Invoke-DS @RequestParams -Verbose return $res } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } END { if ($res.isSuccess) { Write-Verbose "[Update-DSVault] Completed successfully!" } else { Write-Verbose "[Update-DSVault] Ended with errors..." } } } |