
function Update-DSRDPEntry {
        Updates an RDP entry.
        Updates an RDP entry using supplied parameters.
        $UpdatedRDPEntry = @{
            Name = ...
            Domain = ...
            Password = ...

        > Update-DSRDPEntry @UpdatedRDPEntry

    PARAM (
        [guid]$EntryID = $(throw 'Entry ID is null or empty. Please provide a valid RDP entry ID and try again.'),
        [bool]$ForceAlternateShellProgram = $false,

        #Entry's name
        #Entry's domain
        #Entry's username
        #Entry's password
        #Entry's mnemonic passwordF
        #Entry's vault ID
        #Entry's location in the vault (Folder name, not ID)
        #Entry's prompt for password when checkout
        #Entry's description
        #Entry's tags (Keywords). Each word separeted by a space is considered a keyword.
        #Entry's expiration date (ISO-8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000Z)

        #Warns the user if RDP session is already opened
        [bool]$WarnIfAlreadyOpened = $False,
        #A comment is required to view entry's credentials
        [bool]$CredentialViewedCommentIsRequired = $False,
        #A ticket number is required to view entry's credentials
        [bool]$TicketNumberIsRequiredOnCredentialViewed = $False,
        #Prompt the user for comment/ticket number on credential viewed
        [bool]$CredentialViewedPrompt = $False,
        #Prompt the user for comment/ticket number on open
        [bool]$OpenCommentPrompt = $False,
        #A comment is required on open
        [bool]$OpenCommentIsRequired = $False,
        #A ticket number is required on open
        [bool]$TicketNumberIsRequiredOnOpen = $False,
        #Prompt the user for comment/ticket number on close
        [bool]$CloseCommentPrompt = $False,
        #A comment is required on close
        [bool]$CloseCommentIsRequired = $False,
        #A ticket number is required on close
        [bool]$TicketNumberIsRequiredOnClose = $False,

        #Entry's checkout mode
        #Entry's offline mode

        #RDP's host name (Address)
        #Opens the adminstration console
        #Port used by RDP
        #RDP Type
        #Azure Cloud Services role name
        #Azure Cloud Service's instance ID
        #Hyper-V Instance
        #Hyper-V enhanced session (Uses machine's local resources, such as USB drive or printer)
        #RDP access to clipboard
        #RDP access to "devices" (Such as cameras...)
        #RDP access to hard drives
        #RDP access to printers
        #RDP access to serial ports
        #RDP access to smart devices
        #Choose destination for sounds
        #RDP Audio quality
        #Record audio from RDP session
        #Sets the destination for Windows key combinations (ALT+TAB, for example)

        #Path (including filename) of application to launch in alternate shell
        #Path for alternate shell directory
        #Path (including filename and extension) of application to launch after login
        #Delay (in miliseconds) to launch application after login
        #Path (including filename and extension) of application to launch
        #Parameters for the remote application

        #Connection speed to use for RDP
        #Enable desktop background
        #Enable font smoothing
        #Enable desktop composition
        #Enable animations
        #Enable visual styles
        #Enable network autodetection
        #Enable automatic reconnection if RDP drop
        #Enable DirectX redirection
        #Enable video playback redirection
        #Enable content showing while dragging across screen
        #Enable data compression
        #Enable persistent bitmap caching
        #Enable bandwith autodetection
        #Sets if addons load in embedded or not
        #Display mode used by RDP
        #Display monitor used by RDP
        #Virtual desktop used by RPD

    BEGIN {
        Write-Verbose '[Update-DSRDPEntry] Beginning...'

        $RootProperties = @('Group', 'Name', 'DisplayMode', 'DisplayMonitor', 'DisplayVirtualDesktop')
        $EventsProperties = @('WarnIfAlreadyOpened', 'CredentialViewedCommentIsRequired', 'TicketNumberIsRequiredOnCredentialViewed', 
            'CredentialViewedPrompt', 'OpenCommentPrompt', 'OpenCommentIsRequired', 'TicketNumberIsRequiredOnOpen', 'CloseCommentPrompt', 'CloseCommentIsRequired', 'TicketNumberIsRequiredOnClose')
        try {
            if (($EntryCtx = Get-DSEntry $EntryID -IncludeAdvancedProperties).isSuccess) {
                $RDPEntry = $

                if ($RDPEntry.connectionType -ne [ConnectionType]::RDPConfigured) {
                    throw 'Provided entry is not of type RDPConfigured. Please use the appropriate CMDlet for this entry.'
            else {
                throw "Entry couldn't be found. Please provide a valid entry ID and try again."

            foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                #Parameter is in root of partialConnection
                if ($param.Key -in $RootProperties) {
                    switch ($param.Key -in $RDPEntry.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
                        $true { $RDPEntry.($param.Key) = $param.Value; break }
                        $false { $RDPEntry | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Key -NotePropertyValue $param.Value; break }
                        Default { Write-Warning "[Update-DSRDPEntry] Error with param: $($param.Key)"; break }
                elseif ($param.Key -in $EventsProperties.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Key -NotePropertyValue $param.Value -Force
                #Parameter is in
                else {
                    switch ($param.Key) {
                        'Password' { 
                            $RDPEntrySensitiveData = (Get-DSEntrySensitiveData $EntryID)

                            $ = @{
                                hasSensitiveData = $true
                                sensitiveData    = ($param.Value, $RDPEntrySensitiveData.Credentials.Password)[!($param.Value -ne $RDPEntrySensitiveData.Credentials.Password)]

                        { $_ -in @('AfterLoginProgram') } {
                            #Check if entry already has an after login program
                            if ($ {
                                #If AfterLoginProgram is empty, meaning user meant to delete it
                                if ($param.Value -eq '') {
                                    $ = $false
                                #If it's not empty, meaning user meant to update value
                                else {
                                    $ = $param.Value
                                    $ = if ('AfterLoginDelay' -in $PSBoundParameters.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
                                        switch ($PSBoundParameters['AfterLoginDelay']) {
                                            { $_.value -lt 0 } { 500 }
                                            { $_ -gt 60000 } { 60000 }
                                            default { $PSBoundParameters['AfterLoginDelay'] }
                                    elseif ($ {
                                    else {
                            #Entry doesn't have after login program
                            else {
                                $AfterLoginDelay = switch ($PSBoundParameters['afterLoginDelay']) {
                                    $null { if ($ { $ } else { 500 } }
                                    { $_ -lt 0 } { 0 }
                                    { $_ -gt 60000 } { 60000 }
                                    default { $PSBoundParameters['afterLoginDelay'] }

                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'afterLoginExecuteProgram' -NotePropertyValue $true
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'afterLoginProgram' -NotePropertyValue $param.Value
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'afterLoginDelay' -NotePropertyValue $AfterLoginDelay

                        { $_ -in @('RemoteApplicationProgram') } {
                            if ($ {
                                if ($param.Value -eq '') {
                                    $ = $false
                                else {
                                    $ = $param.Value
                            else {
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'remoteApp' -NotePropertyValue $true
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'remoteApplicationProgram' -NotePropertyValue $param.Value

                        { $_ -in @('AlternateShell') } {
                            if ($ {
                                if ($ForceAlternateShellProgram) {
                                    $ = $false
                                    $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'useAlternateShell' -NotePropertyValue $true
                                    $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'alternateShell' -NotePropertyValue $param.Value
                                else {
                                    Write-Warning '[Update-DSRDPEntry] RemoteApp is preferred over launching program in alternate shell. If using alternate shell is the desired outcome, try again with -ForceAlternateShellProgram parameter.'
                            else {
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'useAlternateShell' -NotePropertyValue $true
                                $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'alternateShell' -NotePropertyValue $param.Value
                        Default {
                            switch ($param.Key -in $ {
                                $true { $$param.Key) = $param.Value; break }
                                $false { $ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Key -NotePropertyValue $param.Value; break }
                                Default { Write-Warning "[Update-DSRDPEntry] Error with param: $($param.Key)"; break }

            foreach ($Param in $NewFieldsList.GetEnumerator()) {
                switch ($Param.Depth) {
                    'root' { $RDPEntry | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Name -NotePropertyValue $param.Value -Force } 
                default {
                    if ($RDPEntry.($Param.Depth)) {
                        $RDPEntry.($param.Depth) | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Name -NotePropertyValue $param.Value -Force
                    else {
                        $RDPEntry |c Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Depth -NotePropertyValue $null -Force
                        $RDPEntry.($param.Depth) | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $param.Name -NotePropertyValue $param.Value -Force
            $ = Protect-ResourceToHexString (ConvertTo-Json $

            $res = Update-DSEntryBase -jsonBody (ConvertTo-Json $RDPEntry)
            return $res
        catch {
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
    END {
        if ($res.isSuccess) {
            Write-Verbose '[Update-DSRDPEntry] Completed successfully!'
        else {
            Write-Verbose '[Update-DSRDPEntry] Ended with errors...'