function Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns checkout policy(ies) or checkout policies count. .DESCRIPTION Using a switch parameter (-Count), it is possible to return the checkout policies current count. If a policy ID is supplied, it will try to return that policy. If a policy ID and the switch parameter are both supplied, the checkout policies current count will be returned. If neither policy ID nor switch parameter are supplied, it will return all checkout policies. .EXAMPLE Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies #Returns all checkout policies currently in place. Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies $policyID #Returns the checkout policy, if found. Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies -Count #Return the number of checkout policies in place. Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies $policyID -Count #Return the number of checkout policies in place. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [guid]$policyID #TODO:the count is the sole content returned, it should be converted in the body #[System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$Count ) BEGIN { Write-Verbose '[Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies] Begin...' if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Global:DSSessionToken)) { throw "Session does not seem authenticated, call New-DSSession." } } PROCESS { try { $URI = if ($Count) { "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/pam/checkout-policies/count" } else { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($policyID)) { "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/pam/checkout-policies/$policyID" } else { "$Script:DSBaseURI/api/pam/checkout-policies" } } $params = @{ Uri = $URI Method = 'GET' } Write-Verbose "[Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies] About to call with $params.Uri..." $response = Invoke-DS @params If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) { Write-Debug "[Response.Body] $($response.Body)" } return $response } catch { $exc = $_.Exception If ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) { Write-Debug "[Exception] $exc" } } } END { If ($?) { Write-Verbose '[Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies] Completed Successfully.' } else { Write-Verbose '[Get-DSPamCheckoutPolicies] ended with errors...' } } } |