
    Exports all the .txt files to the specified container
    Joins all the .txt files in the specified directory, exports the objects to the database and compiles the exported objects
    Export-ITIObject -ContainerName bccontainer -SourcePath ~/MyProject/Apps
    The command uses commands from NavContainerHelper to export and compile the objects

function Export-ITIObject {
    param (
        # Container to export the objects to
        [string] $ContainerName,
        # Directory where the .txt objects are stored
        [string] $Destination = './Apps',
        # Exported objects filter
        [string] $Filter = "Date='';Time=''",
        # Specifies whether to export the .fob file
        [bool] $ExportFobFile = $false,
        # Specifies whether to export the .txt file
        [bool] $ExportTxtFile = $true,
        # Specifies whether to split the .txt file into single object files and place them in subfolders based on the object type
        [bool] $SplitTxtFile = $true
    if(Test-Path -Path $Destination -PathType Leaf) {
        $Filename = ([System.IO.FileInfo]"$(Split-Path $Destination -Leaf)").BaseName
        $Destination = Split-Path $Destination
    $objectsTempPath = NewContainerSharedTempDirectory($ContainerName)
    if ($ExportTxtFile) {
        Export-NavContainerObjects -containerName $ContainerName -filter $Filter -objectsFolder $objectsTempPath -exportTo 'txt file'
        if ($SplitTxtFile) {
            $sourceFile = (Get-ChildItem $objectsTempPath -Filter '*.txt')[0].FullName
            Split-ITIObjectsTxtFile -Source $sourceFile -Destination $Destination
            Remove-Item $sourceFile -Force
    if ($ExportFobFile) {
        Export-NavContainerObjects -containerName $ContainerName -filter $Filter -objectsFolder $objectsTempPath -exportTo 'fob file'
        Get-ChildItem $objectsTempPath | Move-Item -Destination $Destination
    if($Filename) {
        Get-ChildItem $objectsTempPath | ForEach-Object { Rename-Item $_ -NewName "$Filename$($_.Extension)"}
    Get-ChildItem $objectsTempPath | Move-Item -Destination $Destination
    Remove-Item -Path $objectsTempPath -Force -Recurse
Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-ITIObject