function Write-Log { <# .SYNOPSIS Logs a debug, info, or error message to the console .FUNCTIONALITY CI/CD .DESCRIPTION Logs a debug, info, or error message to the console .PARAMETER Msg The message to log .PARAMETER Level The level of the message. Options are Error, Info, and Debug .EXAMPLE Log-Msg "This is an error message" -Level Error .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)][string]$Msg, [LogLevels]$Level = [LogLevels]::Info ) If ($Level -eq [LogLevels]::Error) { Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red } ElseIf ($Level -eq [LogLevels]::Info) { Write-Host $Msg } Else { Write-Debug $Msg } } enum LogLevels { Error = 1 Info Debug } |