function Get-SqlAsPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the path to a specific cube database in the form: SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\YourServer\DEFAULT\Databases\YourCubeDatabase or SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\YourServer\YourInstance\Databases\YourCubeDatabase Useful, when wishing to use the SqlServer module to navigate a cube structure. .DESCRIPTION Returns the path to a specific cube database in the form: SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\YourServer\DEFAULT\Databases\YourCubeDatabase or SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\YourServer\YourInstance\Databases\YourCubeDatabase Useful, when wishing to use the SqlServer module to navigate a cube structure. .PARAMETER Server Name of the SSAS server, including instance and port if required. .PARAMETER CubeDatabase The name of the cube database to be deployed. .EXAMPLE Get-SqlAsPath -Server localhost -CubeDatabase MyTabularCube; Returns SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\localhost\DEFAULT\Databases\MyTabularCube .LINK .NOTES Written by (c) Dr. John Tunnicliffe, 2019-2021 This PowerShell script is released under the MIT license #> [OutputType([String])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Server, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $CubeDatabase ) if ($Server -like "*\*") { $returnValue = "SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\$Server\Databases\$CubeDatabase"; } else { $returnValue = "SQLSERVER:\SQLAS\$Server\DEFAULT\Databases\$CubeDatabase"; } return $returnValue; } |