function Update-TabularCubeDataSource { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the tabular cube's connection to the source SQL database. .DESCRIPTION Connects to the deployed tabular cube and updates the connection to the source SQL database. Supports the newer PowerQuery style tabular cubes with CompatibilityLevel = 1400. .PARAMETER Server SSAS Server Name or IP address. Include the instance name and port if necessary (e.g. myserver\\myinstance,myport) .PARAMETER CubeDatabase The name of the deployed tabular cube database. .PARAMETER Credential [Optional] A PSCredential object containing the credentials to connect to the AAS server. .PARAMETER SourceSqlServer The name of the source SQL Server server or its IP address. Include the instance name and port if necessary. .PARAMETER SourceSqlDatabase The name of the database which will act as a source of data for the tabular cube database. .PARAMETER ImpersonationMode Defines how the cube will connect to the data source. Possible options are 'ImpersonateServiceAccount' which connects to the SQL Server database using , or 'ImpersonateAccount' which uses a specific username/password. When using 'ImpersonateAccount' it is best to use a domain based service account with a static password. .PARAMETER ImpersonationAccount The username of the account that will be used to connect to the SQL Server database. Required for ImpersonationMode='ImpersonateAccount'. .PARAMETER ImpersonationPwd The password of the account that will be used to connect to the SQL Server database. Required for ImpersonationMode='ImpersonateAccount'. .EXAMPLE Update-TabularCubeDataSource -Server localhost -CubeDatabase MyCube -SourceSqlServer localhost -SourceSqlDatabase MyDB -ImpersonationMode ImpersonateServiceAccount; .OUTPUTS Returns true if the cube's data source was updated successfully. .LINK .NOTES Written by (c) Dr. John Tunnicliffe, 2019-2021 This PowerShell script is released under the MIT license #> [OutputType([Boolean])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Server, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $CubeDatabase, [PSCredential] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Credential = $null, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $SourceSqlServer, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $SourceSqlDatabase, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $SqlUserID, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $SqlUserPwd, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('ImpersonateServiceAccount', 'ImpersonateAccount')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $ImpersonationMode, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $ImpersonationAccount, [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $ImpersonationPwd ) # validate inputs if ($ImpersonationMode -eq 'ImpersonateAccount') { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ImpersonationAccount)) { throw "ImpersonationAccount not set but ImpersonationMode=ImpersonateAccount"; } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ImpersonationPwd)) { throw "ImpersonationPwd not set but ImpersonationMode=ImpersonateAccount"; } } # note that Get-CubeDatabaseCompatibilityLevel will throw and error if the cube of server do not exist, which is exactly what we want! [int]$CompatibilityLevel = Get-CubeDatabaseCompatibilityLevel -Server $Server -CubeDatabase $CubeDatabase -Credential $Credential; if ($null -eq $Credential) { $returnResult = Invoke-ASCmd -Server $Server -ConnectionTimeout 1 -Query "<Discover xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis'><RequestType>TMSCHEMA_DATA_SOURCES</RequestType><Restrictions><RestrictionList><DatabaseName>$CubeDatabase</DatabaseName></RestrictionList></Restrictions><Properties/></Discover>"; } else { $returnResult = Invoke-ASCmd -Server $Server -Credential $Credential -ConnectionTimeout 1 -Query "<Discover xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis'><RequestType>TMSCHEMA_DATA_SOURCES</RequestType><Restrictions><RestrictionList><DatabaseName>$CubeDatabase</DatabaseName></RestrictionList></Restrictions><Properties/></Discover>"; } $returnXml = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument; $returnXml.LoadXml($returnResult); [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager] $nsmgr = $returnXml.NameTable; $nsmgr.AddNamespace('xmlAnalysis', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis'); $nsmgr.AddNamespace('rootNS', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset'); $rows = $returnXML.SelectNodes("//xmlAnalysis:return/rootNS:root/rootNS:row", $nsmgr); if ($rows.Count -ge 1) { [string]$DataSourceName = $rows[0].Name; [int]$MaxConnections = $rows[0].MaxConnections; if ($CompatibilityLevel -ge 1400) { # SQL Server 2017 new style data source connection $connObj = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $rows[0].ConnectionDetails; $protocol = $connObj.protocol; $authentication = $connObj.authentication; $query = $connObj.query; $CredentialDetails = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $rows[0].Credential; $kind = $CredentialDetails.kind; $EncryptConnection = $CredentialDetails.EncryptConnection; switch ($ImpersonationMode) { 'ImpersonateServiceAccount' { $credential = [pscustomobject]@{ AuthenticationKind = 'ServiceAccount' kind = $kind path = "$SourceSqlServer;$SourceSqlDatabase" EncryptConnection = $EncryptConnection } } 'ImpersonateAccount' { $credential = [pscustomobject]@{ AuthenticationKind = 'Windows' kind = $kind path = "$SourceSqlServer;$SourceSqlDatabase" Username = $ImpersonationAccount Password = $ImpersonationPwd EncryptConnection = $EncryptConnection } } } $dataSource = [pscustomobject]@{ type = 'structured' name = $DataSourceName connectionDetails = [pscustomobject]@{ protocol = $protocol address = [pscustomobject]@{ server = $SourceSqlServer database = $SourceSqlDatabase } authentication = $authentication query = $query } credential = $credential } } else { # $CompatibilityLevel -lt 1400 $ExistingConnectionString = $rows[0].ConnectionString; $ConnectionString = Get-SqlConnectionString -SourceSqlServer $SourceSqlServer -SourceSqlDatabase $SourceSqlDatabase -ExistingConnectionString $ExistingConnectionString -SqlUserID $SqlUserID -SqlUserPwd $SqlUserPwd; if ($ImpersonationMode -eq 'ImpersonateAccount') { $dataSource = [pscustomobject]@{ name = $DataSourceName connectionString = $ConnectionString maxConnections = $MaxConnections impersonationMode = $ImpersonationMode account = $ImpersonationAccount password = $ImpersonationPwd } } else { $dataSource = [pscustomobject]@{ name = $DataSourceName connectionString = $ConnectionString maxConnections = $MaxConnections impersonationMode = $ImpersonationMode } } } $tmslStructure = [pscustomobject]@{ createOrReplace = [pscustomobject]@{ object = [pscustomobject]@{ database = $CubeDatabase dataSource = $DataSourceName } dataSource = $dataSource } } $tmsl = $tmslStructure | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5; #Write-Output $tmsl # now send the createOrReplace command to the cube #Write-Output "Updating SQL data source $DataSourceName with a connection to $SourceSqlServer.$SourceSqlDatabase using cube compatibility level $CompatibilityLevel"; if ($null -eq $Credential) { $returnResult = Invoke-ASCmd -Server $Server -ConnectionTimeout 1 -Query $tmsl; } else { $returnResult = Invoke-ASCmd -Server $Server -Credential $Credential -ConnectionTimeout 1 -Query $tmsl; } return ($returnResult -like '*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:empty*'); } else { throw "CubeDatabase $CubeDatabase not found or does not have a data source"; } } |