.VERSION .GUID 523642c3-73da-49a0-8ae8-08b835c426e2 .AUTHOR Microsoft Corporation .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .TAGS Azure Stack Hub, ASDK, AzureStack, AzureStackHub, "Azure Stack", "Azure Stack Hub" .RELEASENOTES Author: Yagmur Sahin Twitter: @yagmurs Creation Date: 24 November 2020 Purpose/Change: Updated examples and minor changes #> <# .Synopsis Deploys Azure VM for Azure Stack Hub Development kit .DESCRIPTION Deploys Azure VM for Azure Stack Hub Development kit .EXAMPLE Deploy-AzureStackonAzureVM Deploy new Storage copy VM image and then deploys Azure Stack Hub Development kit VM to Resource Group: AzureStackVMOnAzureVM on East US 2 region, New VM Credentials will be prompted. .EXAMPLE Deploy-AzureStackonAzureVM -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Region = 'West Europe' Deploy new Storage Account (SA), copy VM image to new SA and then deploy Azure Stack Hub Development kit VM under Resource Group: myResourceGroup on West Europe region, New VM Credentials will be prompted. .EXAMPLE Deploy-AzureStackonAzureVM -UseExistingStorageAccount This option deploys Azure Stack Hub Development kit from predefined Uri, this can be used if there a storage account and the VHD file already copied or created beforehand, New VM Credentials will be prompted. The Uri of ASDK image (VHD file) on the Storage Account must belong to the same subscription that the VM is getting deployed. .EXAMPLE $VmCredential = Get-Credentail = "Administrator" Deploy-AzureStackonAzureVM -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -VmCredential $VmCredential Deploy new Storage copy VM image and then deploys Azure Stack Hub Development kit VM to Resource Group: AzureStackVMOnAzureVM Credential specified beforehand. May be used for silent deployment. .EXAMPLE $VmCredential = Get-Credential -Credential "Administrator" $AzureADTenant = "<TenantName>" $AzureADGlobalAdminCredential = Get-Credential "<Admin>@<TenantName>" #Make sure this account is Global Admin on the tenant Deploy-AzureStackonAzureVM.ps1 -AutoInstallASDK -AzureADTenant <TenantName> -AzureADGlobalAdminCredential <admin>@<TenantName> -Verbose Deploys with default options and start Azure Stack Hub Develoepment kit installation within the VM after VM starts. Currently there is no validation for credentials and Tenant existance Make sure tenant name and credentials are correct. #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='High')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$UseExistingStorageAccount, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Overwrite, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Region = 'East US 2', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ResourceGroupName = 'AzureStackVMOnAzureVM', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Version = "2008", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [pscredential]$VmCredential, #Local Administrator Credential for the VM [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PublicDnsName = "asdkonazure" + "$(get-random)", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$VhdUri, #this must a Azure Storage Account Uri and must be under the same subscription that the VM is getting deployed. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DataDiskCount = 6, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$AutoInstallASDK, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$AzureADTenant, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [pscredential]$AzureADGlobalAdminCredential ) #Requires -Version 5 #Requires -Module @{ ModuleName = 'Az.Accounts'; ModuleVersion = '2.2.1' }, @{ ModuleName = 'Az.Storage'; ModuleVersion = '3.0.0' }, @{ ModuleName = 'Az.Resources'; ModuleVersion = '3.0.1' } #region variables $sleepTimer = 60 $container = "asdk" $saPrefix = "asdk" #endregion #Testing if running on Cloudshell if (-not ($PSCloudShellUtilityModuleInfo)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Logging into Azure using Device Authentication option" Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication } else { Write-Verbose -Message "CloudShell detected, no need to login, using current credentials" } if ($Overwrite) { Write-Verbose -Message "Since Overwrite option is specified the current Resource Group and all resources belongs to RG will be deleted." Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName | Remove-AzResourceGroup -Force -Verbose -Confirm } if ($UseExistingStorageAccount) { if ($VhdUri) { $saName = $VhdUri.Split(".")[0].Split("/")[-1] $sa = Get-AzStorageAccount | Where-Object StorageAccountName -EQ $saName if ($sa) { Write-Verbose -Message "Storage account: $VhdUri exist in the same subscription" $uriSplit = $VhdUri.Split("/") Get-AzStorageBlob -Blob $uriSplit[-1] -Container $uriSplit[-2] -Context $sa.context if ($?) { Write-Verbose -Message "Blob file: $($uriSplit[-1]) exist under container: $($uriSplit[-2])" $osDiskVhdUri = $VhdUri } else { Write-Error -Message "Blob file: $uriSplit[-1] does not exist under container: $uriSplit[-2]" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "Storage account: $VhdUri is not belongs to the subscription, please specify Storage Account from same subscription" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "No VHD Uri specified" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { #Create new Resource Group New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Region $i = 0 do { #Randomizing new name for SA and testing for availiability, up to 10 retries. $saName = $saPrefix + (Get-Random) Write-Verbose -Message "Testing Storage Account name availability: $saName" if ($i -gt 10) { Write-Error "Randomization of Storage Account name failed after 10 retries, you may re-run the script to overcome the issue" -ErrorAction Stop } } until ((Get-AzStorageAccountNameAvailability -Name $saName).NameAvailable) Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Storage Account: $saName" $sa = New-AzStorageAccount -Location $Region -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -SkuName Standard_LRS -Name $saName $sourceUri = "$version.vhd" New-AzStorageContainer -Name $container -Context $sa.context Start-AzStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $sourceUri -DestContainer $container -DestContext $sa.context -DestBlob "$version.vhd" -ConcurrentTaskCount 100 -Force do { Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepTimer $result = Get-AzStorageAccount -Name $sa.StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $container | Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState $remaining = [Math]::Round(($result.TotalBytes - $result.BytesCopied) / 1gb,2) Write-Verbose -Message "Waiting copy to finish remaining $remaining GB" if ($remaining -lt 60) { $sleepTimer = 10 } } until ($result.Status -eq "success") $osDiskVhdUri = $sa.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob + "$container/$version.vhd" } Write-Verbose -Message $osDiskVhdUri if ($AutoInstallASDK) { if ($AzureADGlobalAdminCredential -and $AzureADTenant) { $templateParameterObject = @{ adminPassword = $VmCredential.Password publicDnsName = $publicDnsName dataDiskCount = $DataDiskCount osDiskVhdUri = $osDiskVhdUri autoInstallASDK = $true AzureADTenant = $AzureADTenant AzureADGlobalAdmin = $AzureADGlobalAdminCredential.UserName AzureADGlobalAdminPassword = $AzureADGlobalAdminCredential.Password } } else { Write-Error -Message "Make sure Azure AD Global Administrator Credentails and Azure AD Tenant name is specified" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { $templateParameterObject = @{ adminPassword = $VmCredential.Password publicDnsName = $publicDnsName dataDiskCount = $DataDiskCount osDiskVhdUri = $osDiskVhdUri autoInstallASDK = $false } } New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name AzureStackonAzureVM ` -TemplateUri "" ` -TemplateParameterObject $templateParameterObject |