function Get-AddPSSnapinFromAST { <# .SYNOPSIS Function finds calls of Add-PSSnapin command (including its alias asnp) in given AST and returns objects with used parameters and their values for each call. .DESCRIPTION Function finds calls of Add-PSSnapin command (including its alias asnp) in given AST and returns objects with used parameters and their values for each call. .PARAMETER AST AST object which will be searched. Can be retrieved like: $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile("C:\script.ps1", [ref] $null, [ref] $null) .EXAMPLE $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile("C:\script.ps1", [ref] $null, [ref] $null) Get-AddPSSnapinFromAST -AST $AST #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $AST ) $usedCommand = $AST.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst ] }, $true) if (!$usedCommand) { Write-Verbose "No command detected in given AST" return } $addPSSnapinCommandList = $usedCommand | ? { $_.CommandElements[0].Value -in "Add-PSSnapin", "asnp" } if (!$addPSSnapinCommandList) { Write-Verbose "No 'Add-PSSnapin' or its alias 'asnp' detected" return } foreach ($addPSSnapinCommand in $addPSSnapinCommandList) { $addPSSnapinCommandElement = $addPSSnapinCommand.CommandElements $addPSSnapinCommandElement = $addPSSnapinCommandElement | select -Skip 1 # skip Add-PSSnapin command itself Write-Verbose "Getting Add-PSSnapin parameters from: '$($addPSSnapinCommand.extent.text)' (file: $($addPSSnapinCommand.extent.File))" #region get parameter name and value for NAMED parameters $param = @{} $paramName = '' foreach ($element in $addPSSnapinCommandElement) { if ($paramName) { # variable is set true when parameter was found # this foreach cycle therefore contains parameter value if ($element.StaticType.Name -eq "String") { # one module was specified $param.$paramName = $element.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($element.Elements) { # multiple modules were specified $param.$paramName = ($element.Elements | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } else { # value passed from pipeline etc probably Write-Verbose "Unknown Add-PSSnapin '$paramName' parameter value" $param.$paramName = '<unknown>' } $paramName = '' continue } if ($element.ParameterName) { $paramName = $element.ParameterName # transform param. name shortcuts to their full name if necessary switch ($paramName) { { $_ -match "^n" } { $paramName = "Name" } } } } #endregion get parameter name and value for NAMED parameters if (!$param.Name) { Write-Verbose "PSSnapins are imported using positional parameter" # 'Name' parameter wasn't specified by name, but by position, search for entered values # 'Name' parameter is on first position $firstAddPSSnapinCommandElement = $addPSSnapinCommandElement | select -First 1 if ($firstAddPSSnapinCommandElement.Elements) { # multiple PSSnapin values were specified $param.Name = ($firstAddPSSnapinCommandElement.Elements | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($firstAddPSSnapinCommandElement.StaticType.Name -eq "String") { # one PSSnapin value was specified $param.Name = ($firstAddPSSnapinCommandElement | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } else { Write-Verbose "Unknown Add-PSSnapin 'Name' parameter value" } } if (!$param.Name -or $param.Name -eq '<unknown>') { Write-Warning "Unable to detect PSSnapins added through Add-PSSnapin command: '$($addPSSnapinCommand.extent.text)' (file: $($addPSSnapinCommand.extent.File))" continue } # output object for each added PSSnapin $param.Name | % { [PSCustomObject]@{ Command = $addPSSnapinCommand.extent.text File = $addPSSnapinCommand.extent.File AddedPSSnapin = $_ } } } } function Get-CodeDependency { <# .SYNOPSIS Function finds dependencies/requirements for given PSH code/script/module. .DESCRIPTION Function finds dependencies/requirements for given PSH code/script/module. a) When code/script is given: - code #requires statement is searched for required modules and their dependencies are gathered using option b) - all commands used in the code are searched and: -if command is known (Get-Command founds it): - dependencies for command source module are searched using option b) - if command definition exists, it is searched too using option a) recursively - else it is skipped b) When module is given: - module is searched in locally available modules ($env:PSModulePath) using name and optionally version - if not found, it is searched again online in PowerShell Gallery - #requires statements is checked and option b) is called upon for every required module recursively - (if 'processDefinedCommand' switch is used) text definition of every command in module is searched for dependencies using option a) recursively TIP: Built-in modules and corresponding commands are skipped during search (because everyone have them). .PARAMETER scriptPath Path to PSH script whose dependencies should be searched. .PARAMETER scriptContent PSH code whose dependencies should be searched. .PARAMETER moduleName PSH module name whose dependencies should be searched. .PARAMETER moduleVersion (optional) PSH module version whose dependencies should be searched. .PARAMETER moduleBasePath Base path of the module that should be checked. .PARAMETER checkModuleFunctionsDependencies Switch for searching dependencies also for all commands defined in processed modules. Such command cannot be binary a.k.a. plaintext definition has to be available so it is possible to process it using AST. By default just required modules defined in module manifest are used for getting module dependencies. .PARAMETER availableModules To speed up repeated function runs, save all available modules into variable and use it as value for this parameter. By default this function caches all available modules before each run which can take several seconds. .EXAMPLE # cache available modules to make following calls faster $availableModules = @(Get-Module -ListAvailable) Get-CodeDependency -scriptPath "C:\scripts\Get-AzureADServicePrincipalOverview.ps1" -availableModules $availableModules -Verbose Get dependencies of given script. .EXAMPLE $code = @' Import-Module AzureAD Connect-MsolService ... '@ Get-CodeDependency -scriptContent $code -Verbose Get dependencies of given code. .EXAMPLE Get-CodeDependency -moduleName MyModule Get dependencies of module MyModule. Such module has to be placed in any folder from $env:PSModulePath or must exist in PowerShell Gallery. Only dependencies defined in module manifest will be processed. .EXAMPLE Get-CodeDependency -moduleName MyModule -checkModuleFunctionsDependencies Get dependencies of module MyModule. Such module has to be placed in any folder from $env:PSModulePath or must exist in PowerShell Gallery. Dependencies defined in module manifest AND all commands it defines will be processed. .EXAMPLE Get-CodeDependency -moduleBasePath 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233' -Verbose Get dependencies of module AWS.Tools.Common. Such module does NOT have to be placed in folder from $env:PSModulePath. Only dependencies defined in module manifest will be processed. .EXAMPLE #save current variable content, so it can be restored later $PSModulePathBkp = $env:PSModulePath # path to modules folder that is outside module auto-discovery paths and that contains module 'MyCustomModule' $myPrivateModules = "C:\useful_powershell_modules" # add modules path if necessary if ($myPrivateModules -notin ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")) { $env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ";$myPrivateModules" } # cache available modules including the extra ones $availableModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-CodeDependency -moduleName MyCustomModule -availableModules $availableModules # restore previous version of $env:PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath = $PSModulePathBkp Example of getting dependencies of MyCustomModule module that is placed outside of $env:PSModulePath. Only dependencies defined in module manifest will be processed. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Get-Dependency", "Get-PSHCodeDependency")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "scriptPath")] [ValidateScript( { if ((Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf) -and $_ -match "\.ps1$") { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a ps1 file or it doesn't exist" } })] [string] $scriptPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "scriptContent")] [string] $scriptContent, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [string] $moduleName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [string] $moduleVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleBasePath")] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container) { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a path to folder where module is stored. For example 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common' or 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233'" } })] [string] $moduleBasePath, [switch] $checkModuleFunctionsDependencies, [System.Collections.ArrayList] $availableModules = @(), [switch] $noReccursion ) # modules available by default, will be therefore skipped $builtInModule = 'AppBackgroundTask', 'AppLocker', 'AppvClient', 'Appx', 'AssignedAccess', 'BitLocker', 'BitsTransfer', 'BranchCache', 'CimCmdlets', 'ConfigCI', 'Defender', 'DeliveryOptimization', 'DirectAccessClientComponents', 'Dism', 'DnsClient', 'EventTracingManagement', 'International', 'iSCSI', 'ISE', 'Kds', 'LanguagePackManagement', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Host', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Management', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtils', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility', 'Microsoft.WSMan.Management', 'MMAgent', 'MsDtc', 'NetAdapter', 'NetConnection', 'NetEventPacketCapture', 'NetLbfo', 'NetNat', 'NetQos', 'NetSecurity', 'NetSwitchTeam', 'NetTCPIP', 'NetworkConnectivityStatus', 'NetworkSwitchManager', 'NetworkTransition', 'PcsvDevice', 'PersistentMemory', 'PKI', 'PnpDevice', 'PrintManagement', 'ProcessMitigations', 'Provisioning', 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration', 'PSDiagnostics', 'PSScheduledJob', 'PSWorkflow', 'PSWorkflowUtility', 'ScheduledTasks', 'SecureBoot', 'SmbShare', 'SmbWitness', 'StartLayout', 'Storage', 'StorageBusCache', 'TLS', 'TroubleshootingPack', 'TrustedPlatformModule', 'UEV', 'VpnClient', 'Wdac', 'Whea', 'WindowsDeveloperLicense', 'WindowsErrorReporting', 'WindowsSearch', 'WindowsUpdate', 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.Validation', 'PackageManagement', 'Pester', 'PowerShellGet', 'PSReadline' # here will be saved downloaded modules from PowerShell Gallery $moduleTmpPath = "$env:TEMP\PSHModules" #region set default parameters $PSDefaultParameterValuesBkp = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone() if (!$PSDefaultParameterValues) { $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{} } # to minimize clutter in verbose output $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Import-Module:Verbose' = $false $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-Module:Verbose' = $false $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ScriptDependency:ignoreModule' = $builtInModule $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ModuleDependency:ignoreModule' = $builtInModule $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ModuleDependency:moduleTmpPath' = $moduleTmpPath if ($checkModuleFunctionsDependencies) { $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ModuleDependency:processDefinedCommand' = $true } else { $PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove('Get-ModuleDependency:processDefinedCommand') } if ($noReccursion) { $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ModuleDependency:noReccursion' = $true $PSDefaultParameterValues.'Get-ScriptDependency:noReccursion' = $true } else { $PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove('Get-ModuleDependency:noReccursion') $PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove('Get-ScriptDependency:noReccursion') } #endregion set default parameters #region cache if ($availableModules) { Write-Verbose "Using given 'availableModules' as list of available modules" [System.Collections.ArrayList] $global:availableModules = $availableModules } else { Write-Warning "Caching locally available modules. To skip this step, use parameter 'availableModules'" [System.Collections.ArrayList] $global:availableModules = @(Get-Module -ListAvailable) } # array of already processed modules saved as psobjects where each object contains module name and (optionally) its version $global:processedModules = @() # array of already processed commands $global:processedCommands = @() # array of already processed PSSnapins saved as psobjects where each object contains snapin name and (optionally) its version $global:processedPSSnapins = @() # if the code or some of its dependencies requires elevation $global:isElevationRequired = $false # hash where key is module BasePath and value are module private functions $global:modulePrivateFunction = @{} #endregion cache #region helper functions function _getModulePrivateFunction { # get & cache module private functions [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $moduleBasePath ) if ($global:modulePrivateFunction.keys -contains $moduleBasePath) { return $global:modulePrivateFunction.$moduleBasePath } $result = Get-ModulePrivateFunction -moduleBasePath $moduleBasePath $global:modulePrivateFunction.$moduleBasePath = $result return $result } function Get-ModulePrivateFunction { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $moduleBasePath ) $moduleObj = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $moduleBasePath -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false if (!$moduleObj) { Write-Error "Module in path '$moduleBasePath' doesn't exist" } $exportedCommand = $moduleObj.ExportedCommands.keys $modulePsm1 = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $moduleBasePath "*") -Include "*.psm1" -Recurse | select -ExpandProperty FullName foreach ($psm1 in $modulePsm1) { # get AST $errors = [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]@() $tokens = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Token[]]@() $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($psm1, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) # get functions defined in the code, so I can ignore them when searching for dependencies (their content is checked though) $definedFunction = $AST.FindAll( { param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $AST) $AST -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and # Class methods have a FunctionDefinitionAst under them as well, but we don't want them. ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or $AST.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst]) }, $false) $privateFunction = $ | ? { $_ -notin $exportedCommand } $privateFunction } } function Get-ModuleDependency { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleObj")] [System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo] $module, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [string] $moduleName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [version] $moduleVersion, [switch] $processDefinedCommand, [switch] $processBuiltinModule, [int] $indent = 1, [switch] $firstRun, [string] $source, [string] $command, [string[]] $ignoreModule, [string] $moduleTmpPath = "$env:TEMP\PSHModules", [switch] $noReccursion ) #region helper functions function _getModule { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $moduleName, $moduleVersion, [int] $indent) Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Searching for '$moduleName' (ver. $moduleVersion) in available modules") $module = $global:availableModules | ? Name -EQ $moduleName if ($moduleVersion) { $module = $module | ? Version -EQ $moduleVersion } #TODO muze byt vic se stejnym jmenem $module | select -First 1 } function _moduleIsProcessed { param ($moduleName, $moduleVersion) if (($moduleVersion -and ($global:processedModules | ? { $_.ModuleName -eq $moduleName -and $_.ModuleVersion -eq $moduleVersion })) -or (!$moduleVersion -and ($moduleName -in $global:processedModules.ModuleName))) { $true } else { $false } } # function Get-ExtModule { # # Get-Module for modules outside $env:PSModulePath # param ( # [string] $moduleBasePath, # [string] $moduleRootPath # ) # $PSModulePathBkp = $env:PSModulePath # if (($env:PSModulePath -split ";") -notcontains $moduleRootPath) { # # required because using Get-Module for modules outside $env:PSModulePath isn't possible # # Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Making source module available for search $moduleRootPath") # $env:PSModulePath += ";$moduleRootPath" # } # $module = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $moduleBasePath -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # # restore original data # $env:PSModulePath = $PSModulePathBkp # return $module # } #endregion helper functions #region check if ($module) { $mName = $ $mVersion = $module.Version } else { $mName = $moduleName $mVersion = $moduleVersion } Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Processing module '$mName' (ver. $mVersion)") if (_moduleIsProcessed -moduleName $mName -moduleVersion $mVersion) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Module '$mName' (ver. $mVersion) was already processed. Skipping") return } if ($mName -in $ignoreModule -and !$processBuiltinModule) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Module '$mName' (ver. $mVersion) is built-in. Skipping") return } # OUTPUT module that is being processed if (!$firstRun) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'Module' Name = $mName Version = $mVersion Source = $source Command = $command } if ($noReccursion) { return } } # make a note $global:processedModules += [PSCustomObject]@{ ModuleName = $mName ModuleVersion = $mVersion } #endregion check if ($moduleName) { # searching using module name (and version) $module = _getModule -moduleName $moduleName -moduleVersion $moduleVersion -indent $indent #region get module data from PSH Gallery if (!$module) { Write-Warning "- Module '$moduleName' (ver. $moduleVersion) isn't present on this machine. Trying to find it in online PowerShell Gallery" # if ('Trusted' -ne ($Policy = (Get-PSRepository PSGallery).InstallationPolicy)) { # Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted # } # get dependencies for every command this module defines # officially defined requirements don't have to be 100% correct if ($processDefinedCommand) { # module commands should be processed, therefore I try to download the module locally # if successful I will process the module as any other local module # define module path $modulePath = Join-Path $moduleTmpPath $moduleName # C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common if ($moduleVersion) { $modulePath = Join-Path $modulePath $moduleVersion # C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233 } # $module = Get-ExtModule -moduleBasePath $modulePath -moduleRootPath $moduleTmpPath $module = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $modulePath -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($module) { # module is already downloaded } else { # download missing module from PowerShell Gallery $param = @{ Name = $moduleName Path = $moduleTmpPath ErrorAction = 'Stop' Verbose = $false } if ($moduleVersion) { $param.RequiredVersion = $moduleVersion } try { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Downloading module from the PowerShell Gallery to the '$moduleTmpPath'") [Void][System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($moduleTmpPath) Save-Module @param # $module = Get-ExtModule -moduleBasePath $modulePath -moduleRootPath $moduleTmpPath $module = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $modulePath -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # cache the result $null = $global:availableModules.add($module) } catch { if ($_ -like "*No match was found for the specified search criteria*") { Write-Warning "- Module isn't available in the PowerShell Gallery either" } else { Write-Error $_ } return } } } else { # commands defined in the module shouldn't be processed, just officially defined dependencies # therefore module won't be downloaded locally, information will be gathered from Gallery instead $param = @{ Name = $moduleName ErrorAction = 'Stop' Verbose = $false } if ($moduleVersion) { $param.RequiredVersion = $moduleVersion } try { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Searching for module in the PowerShell Gallery") $pshgModule = Find-Module @param } catch { if ($_ -like "*No match was found for the specified search criteria*") { Write-Warning "- Module isn't available in the PowerShell Gallery either" } else { Write-Error $_ } return } #region get dependencies for every required module $moduleDependency = $pshgModule.Dependencies if ($moduleDependency) { $moduleDependency | % { $dependency = $_.getenumerator() if ($dependency.gettype().name -eq 'SZArrayEnumerator') { # multiple dependencies defined, expand once more $dependency = $dependency.getenumerator() } foreach ($moduleUrl in ($dependency | ? key -EQ 'CanonicalId' | select -exp Value)) { # CanonicalId looks like: powershellget:Microsoft.Graph.Authentication/[1.19.0]# $reqModuleName = ($moduleUrl -split "/")[0] -replace "powershellget:" $reqModuleVersion = ([regex]"\d+\.\d+\.\d+").Match($moduleUrl).value Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Module '$moduleName' (ver. $moduleVersion) requires module $reqModuleName (ver. $reqModuleVersion)") # get dependencies of dependency :) $param = @{ moduleName = $reqModuleName indent = $indent + 1 Source = $moduleName Command = "<module manifest>" } if ($reqModuleVersion) { $param.moduleVersion = $reqModuleVersion } Get-ModuleDependency @param } } } else { Write-Verbose "`t- Didn't find any dependency" } #endregion get dependencies for every required module return } } # module was searched in PowerShell Gallery #endregion get module data from PSH Gallery } # module was searched using its name #region get dependencies for every command this module defines # officially defined requirements don't have to be 100% correct if ($processDefinedCommand) { # get private functions so I can ignore them later $modulePrivateFunction = _getModulePrivateFunction -moduleBasePath $module.ModuleBase Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Getting commands defined in module '$mName'") $module.ExportedCommands.keys | ? { $_ -notin $module.ExportedAliases.keys } | % { $cmdName = $_ Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Processing command '$cmdName'") # skip errors, because some module exports commands that doesn't exist $cmdData = Get-Command $cmdName -Module $module -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? Name -EQ $cmdName # just exact matches (name can contain wildcard) $cmdDefinition = $cmdData.ScriptBlock # command body if ($cmdDefinition) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Getting command '$cmdName' dependencies from its definition") Get-ScriptDependency -scriptContent $cmdDefinition -indent ($indent + 1) -source $mName -ignoreCommand $modulePrivateFunction } else { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Unable to get command '$cmdName' definition") } } } #endregion get dependencies for every command this module defines #region get dependencies for every required module $requiredModules = $module.RequiredModules if ($requiredModules) { $requiredModules | % { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Module '$($' (ver. $($module.version)) requires module $($ (ver. $($_.version))") # required modules definition doesn't contain requirements for required modules :) # get dependencies of dependency :) Get-ModuleDependency -moduleName $ -moduleVersion $_.version -indent ($indent + 1) -source $ -command "<module manifest>" } } else { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Module $($ (ver. $($module.version)) doesn't require any modules") } #TODO vytahnout i dalsi DotNetFrameworkVersion, PowerShellVersion, RequiredAssemblies #endregion get dependencies for every required module } # end of Get-ModuleDependency function function Get-ScriptDependency { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "scriptPath")] [ValidateScript( { if ((Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf) -and $_ -match "\.ps1$") { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a ps1 file or it doesn't exist" } })] $scriptPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "scriptContent")] $scriptContent, [int] $indent = 1, [string] $source, [string[]] $ignoreCommand, [string[]] $ignoreModule, [switch] $noReccursion ) # get AST $errors = [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]@() $tokens = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Token[]]@() if ($scriptPath) { $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile((Resolve-Path $scriptPath), [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) } else { $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($scriptContent, [ref] $tokens, [ref] $errors) } # get functions defined inside the code, so I can ignore them when searching for dependencies (their content is checked though) $definedFunction = $AST.FindAll( { param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $AST) $AST -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and # Class methods have a FunctionDefinitionAst under them as well, but we don't want them. ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or $AST.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst]) }, $true) $usedCommand = $AST.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst ] }, $true) #region get&add used PSSnapins #region added using requires statement $requiresPSSnapIns = $AST.ScriptRequirements.RequiresPSSnapIns foreach ($PSSnapin in $requiresPSSnapIns) { Write-Verbose "PSSnapin '$($PSSnapin.Name)' is required" if ($PSSnapin.Name -in $global:processedPSSnapins.Name) { Write-Verbose "PSSnapin was already processed. Skipping" } else { # take a note $global:processedPSSnapins += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $PSSnapin.Name Version = $PSSnapin.Version } # OUTPUT processing pssnapin [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'PSSnapin' Name = $PSSnapin.Name Version = $PSSnapin.Version Source = $source Command = "<requires statement>" } # add pssnapin Write-Verbose "Importing used PSSnapin '$($PSSnapin.Name)' (to be able to get details using Get-Command later)" try { Add-PSSnapin -Name $($PSSnapin.Name) -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to add PSSnapin '$($PSSnapin.Name)'. Some used commands won't be processed probably. Error was $_" } } } #endregion added using requires statement #region added using Add-PSSnapin $addedPSSnapin = Get-AddPSSnapinFromAST $AST foreach ($PSSnapin in $addedPSSnapin) { $PSSnapinName = $PSSnapin.AddedPSSnapin Write-Verbose "PSSnapin '$PSSnapinName' is required" if ($PSSnapinName -in $global:processedPSSnapins.Name) { Write-Verbose "PSSnapin was already processed. Skipping" } else { # take a note $global:processedPSSnapins += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $PSSnapinName Version = $null } # OUTPUT processing pssnapin [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'PSSnapin' Name = $PSSnapinName Version = $null Source = $source Command = $PSSnapin.Command } # add pssnapin Write-Verbose "Importing used PSSnapin '$PSSnapinName' (to be able to get details using Get-Command later)" try { Add-PSSnapin -Name $PSSnapinName -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to add PSSnapin '$PSSnapinName'. Some used commands won't be processed probably. Error was $_" } } } #endregion added using Add-PSSnapin #endregion get&add used PSSnapins #region required modules #TODO detekovat pouziti using Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Getting dependencies (for used MODULES)") # get all required modules defined in requires statement if ($AST.ScriptRequirements.RequiredModules) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Processing modules from #requires statement") $AST.ScriptRequirements.RequiredModules | ? { $_ } | % { $minimumVersion = $_.version $maximumVersion = $_.MaximumVersion $requiredVersion = $_.RequiredVersion Get-ModuleDependency -moduleName $_.Name -moduleVersion $requiredVersion -indent ($indent + 1) -source $source -command "<requires statement>" } } #region get all modules imported using Import-Module or ipmo alias # ma smysl jen kvuli modulum ktere definuji promenne, typy atp a zjisteni konkretni verze modulu..jinak najdu moduly pres pouzite prikazy v kodu $importModuleCommandList = Get-ImportModuleFromAST $AST if ($importModuleCommandList) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Processing modules from Import-Module command calls") $importModuleCommandList | % { $importedModule = $_.ImportedModule # Write-Verbose "Module '$($importedModule -join ', ')' is imported via command: $($_.Command)" foreach ($module in $importedModule) { #TODO resit i minimum/maximum verzi? Get-ModuleDependency -moduleName $module -moduleVersion $_.RequiredVersion -indent ($indent + 1) -source $source -command $_.Command } } } #endregion get all modules imported using Import-Module #endregion required modules #TODO hledat i pres promenne ( i v param bloku!)? pokud pouziva takove ktere jsou nekde exportovane... #region used functions/cmdlets/aliases #TODO prikazy s prefixem z naimportovaneho modulu (ziskat explicitne importovane moduly a pouzity prefix) # skip internal functions of the module where processed command is defined a.k.a. omit unnecessary warnings about unknown(private) commands if ($source) { # WARNING: I cannot be sure if I select correct command/module if there are multiple matches! $gcmData = Get-Command $source -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -First 1 if ($gcmData.Module.ModuleBase) { $modulePrivateFunction = _getModulePrivateFunction -moduleBasePath $gcmData.Module.ModuleBase $ignoreCommand += @($modulePrivateFunction) } } Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Getting dependencies (for used COMMANDS)") # list of prefixes added to commands imported from modules $importModulePrefix = $importModuleCommandList.Prefix | ? { $_ } foreach ($cmd in $usedCommand) { $cmdName = $cmd.CommandElements[0].Value $cmdCommand = $cmd.Extent.Text # remove command prefix added when importing command source module if ($importModulePrefix) { foreach ($prefix in $importModulePrefix) { $regPrefix = [regex]::escape($prefix) if ($cmdName -match "-$regPrefix") { $cmdNewName = $cmdName -replace "-$regPrefix", "-" Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Replacing command to process '$cmdName' for '$cmdNewName'. Because name matches module prefix '$prefix'") $cmdName = $cmdNewName break } } } Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Processing command '$cmdName'") if ($cmdName -in $ { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Locally defined function. Skipping") } elseif ($cmdName -in $ignoreCommand) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Ignored function. Skipping") } elseif ($cmdName -match "\.exe$") { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Native or 3rd party binary. Skipping") } elseif ($cmdName -in $global:processedCommands) { # ignore (but what about same named functions in different modules?) Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Already processed. Skipping") } else { # make a note $global:processedCommands += $cmdName # zavislosti z kodu dane fce $cmdData = Get-Command $cmdName -All -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { ($_.ModuleName -or $_.CommandType -eq "Alias") -and $_.Name -EQ $cmdName } # just exact matches (name can contain wildcard) and defined in module if ($cmdData.count -gt 1) { # try to limit the data just to module of the "source" if ($source) { $sourceCmdData = $cmdData | ? ModuleName -EQ $source if ($sourceCmdData) { # limit the command to the source module, but its just guessing! $cmdData = $sourceCmdData } else { # source isn't module probably, try to search it as command instead $sourceCmdData = Get-Command $source -All -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { ($_.ModuleName -or $_.CommandType -eq "Alias") -and $_.Name -eq $cmdName } # just exact matches (name can contain wildcard) and defined in module if ($sourceCmdData) { $sourceCmdData = $cmdData | ? ModuleName -In $sourceCmdData.ModuleName if ($sourceCmdData) { # limit the command to the source module (where source command is defined), but its just guessing! $cmdData = $sourceCmdData } } } } if ($cmdData.count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "Command '$cmdName' is defined multiple times ($($cmdData.ModuleName -join ', '))" } } if ($cmdData) { # Get-Command found the command foreach ($data in $cmdData) { if ($data.commandType -eq "alias") { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- '$cmdName' is alias for '$($data.ResolvedCommandName)'") $data = Get-Command $data.ResolvedCommandName -Verbose:$false } $cmdDefinition = $data.ScriptBlock # command body $cmdModule = $data.module # module that contains/defines this command $cmdSource = $data.source if ($cmdSource -eq "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core" -or $cmdModule.Name -in $ignoreModule) { # built-in command, ignore Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Skipping. Its built-in command.") continue } if ($cmdModule) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Searching for dependencies in the command's source module '$($cmdModule.Name)'") # searching just using name, because I can't say for sure that specific version is needed # because it was found using Get-Command Get-ModuleDependency -moduleName $cmdModule.Name -indent ($indent + 1) -source $cmdName -command $cmdCommand } if ($cmdDefinition -and !$noReccursion) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Searching for dependencies in the command's '$cmdName' body") Get-ScriptDependency -scriptContent $cmdDefinition.ToString() -indent ($indent + 1) -source $cmdName } if (!$cmdModule -and !$cmdDefinition) { Write-Warning "Command $cmdName isn't defined in any module nor its definition was found. Skip getting its dependencies" } } } else { # Get-Command didn't find the command Write-Warning "Unable to find command '$cmdName' details using Get-Command. Skip getting its dependencies" } } } #endregion used functions/cmdlets/aliases #TODO vypisovat i ostatni requires if ($AST.ScriptRequirements.IsElevationRequired) { # code requires elevation Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Code requires elevation through #requires statement") if ($global:isElevationRequired) { Write-Verbose ("`t`t`t`t`t`t" * $indent + "- Elevation is already required. Skipping") } else { # take a note $global:isElevationRequired = $true # OUTPUT requirement [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = 'Requirement' Name = 'ElevationIsRequired' Version = $null # jen abych vracel stejny objekt jako u ostatnich requirementu Source = $source Command = "<requires statement>" } } } } # end of Get-ScriptDependency function #endregion helper functions if ($scriptPath -or $scriptContent) { # get code dependencies $param = @{} if ($scriptPath) { $param.source = $scriptPath $param.scriptPath = $scriptPath } if ($scriptContent) { $param.source = "*scriptContent*" $param.scriptContent = $scriptContent } Get-ScriptDependency @param } elseif ($moduleName) { # get module dependencies $param = @{ firstRun = $true moduleName = $moduleName source = $moduleName } if ($moduleVersion) { $param.moduleVersion = $moduleVersion } Get-ModuleDependency @param } elseif ($moduleBasePath) { # get module dependencies $param = @{ firstRun = $true module = (Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName $moduleBasePath -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Stop) source = $moduleBasePath } Get-ModuleDependency @param } else { throw "undefined option" } # restore previous default parameter values $PSDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValuesBkp # cleanup downloaded modules Remove-Item $moduleTmpPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function Get-CodeDependencyStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Function gets (module) dependencies of given script/module and warns you about possible problems. .DESCRIPTION Function gets (module) dependencies of given script/module and warns you about possible problems. What problems are checked: - given code uses command from module that is not explicitly required or imported - there is version mismatch between used and required modules - there is explicit requirement for module that is not being used - there is explicit import of a module that is not being used Beware that dependencies are not (on purpose) searched recursively. A.k.a dependencies of found dependencies are not checked :). .PARAMETER scriptPath Path to the ps1 script that should be checked. .PARAMETER moduleName Name of the module that should be checked. .PARAMETER moduleVersion (optional) version of the module that should be checked. .PARAMETER moduleBasePath Base path of the module that should be checked. .PARAMETER availableModules To speed up repeated function runs, save all available modules into variable and use it as value for this parameter. By default this function caches all available modules before each run which can take several seconds. .PARAMETER asObject Switch for returning psobjects instead of warning messages. .EXAMPLE $availableModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-CodeDependencyStatus -scriptPath C:\scripts\myScript.ps1 -availableModules $availableModules Get dependencies of given script and warns about possible problems. .EXAMPLE $availableModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-CodeDependencyStatus -scriptPath C:\scripts\myScript.ps1 -availableModules $availableModules -resultAsObject Get dependencies of given script and warns about possible problems. Instead of warning messages, objects will be returned. .EXAMPLE $availableModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-CodeDependencyStatus -moduleName MyModule -availableModules $availableModules Get dependencies of given module and warns about possible problems. Such module has to be available in $env:PSModulePath or in PowerShell Gallery. .EXAMPLE $availableModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable Get-CodeDependencyStatus -moduleBasePath 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233' -availableModules $availableModules Get dependencies of given module and warns about possible problems. .NOTES Requires function Get-CodeDependency. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "scriptPath")] [ValidateScript( { if ((Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf) -and $_ -match "\.ps1$") { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a ps1 file or it doesn't exist" } })] [string] $scriptPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [string] $moduleName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "moduleName")] [string] $moduleVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "moduleBasePath")] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container) { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a path to folder where module is stored. For example 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common' or 'C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233'" } })] [string] $moduleBasePath, [System.Collections.ArrayList] $availableModules = @(), [switch] $asObject ) #region get dependencies $param = @{ noReccursion = $true checkModuleFunctionsDependencies = $true } if ($availableModules) { $param.availableModules = $availableModules } if ($scriptPath) { $param.scriptPath = $scriptPath } elseif ($moduleName) { $param.moduleName = $moduleName if ($moduleVersion) { $param.moduleVersion = $moduleVersion } } elseif ($moduleBasePath) { $param.moduleBasePath = $moduleBasePath } else { throw "undefined option" } $dependency = Get-CodeDependency @param #endregion get dependencies $usedModule = $dependency | ? { $_.Type -EQ "Module" -and $_.Source -NE $scriptPath } $explicitlyImportedModule = $dependency | ? { $_.Type -EQ "Module" -and $_.Command -Match "^(Import-Module|ipmo) " } if ($scriptPath) { $explicitlyRequiredModule = $dependency | ? { $_.Type -EQ "Module" -and $_.Command -EQ "<requires statement>" } } else { $explicitlyRequiredModule = $dependency | ? { $_.Type -EQ "Module" -and $_.Command -EQ "<module manifest>" } } if ($scriptPath) { # script check $suffixTxt = "(through #requires statement)" } else { # module check $suffixTxt = "(through module manifest)" } #region missing explicit module requirement if ($usedModule) { $usedModule | % { $mName = $_.Name if ($mName -notin $explicitlyImportedModule.Name -and $mName -notin $explicitlyRequiredModule.Name) { $msg = "Module '$mName' (thanks to command: '$($_.Command)') is used, but not explicitly imported or required $suffixTxt" if ($asObject) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Module = $mName Problem = "ModuleUsedButNotRequired" Message = $msg } } else { Write-Warning $msg } } } } #endregion missing explicit module requirement #region version mismatch if ($usedModule) { $usedModule | % { $mName = $_.Name $mVersion = $_.Version $explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion = ($explicitlyRequiredModule | ? name -EQ $mName).version if ($mVersion -and $mVersion -notin $explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion) { $msg = "Module '$mName' (thanks to command: '$($_.Command)') that is used, has different version ($mVersion) then explicitly required one ($($explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion -join ', ')) $suffixTxt" if ($asObject) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Module = $mName Problem = "ModuleVersionConflict" Message = $msg } } else { Write-Warning $msg } } } } if ($explicitlyImportedModule) { $explicitlyImportedModule | % { $mName = $_.Name $mVersion = $_.Version $explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion = ($explicitlyRequiredModule | ? name -EQ $mName).version if ($mVersion -and $mVersion -notin $explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion) { $msg = "Module '$mName' that is explicitly imported, has different version ($mVersion) then explicitly required one ($($explicitlyRequiredModuleVersion -join ', ')) $suffixTxt" if ($asObject) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Module = $mName Problem = "ModuleVersionConflict" Message = $msg } } else { Write-Warning $msg } } } } #endregion version mismatch #region unnecessary module requirement if ($explicitlyImportedModule) { $explicitlyImportedModule | % { $mName = $_.Name if ($mName -notin $usedModule.Name) { $msg = "Module '$mName' is explicitly imported, but not used" if ($asObject) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Module = $mName Problem = "ModuleImportedNotUsed" Message = $msg } } else { Write-Warning $msg } } } } if ($explicitlyRequiredModule) { $explicitlyRequiredModule | % { $mName = $_.Name if ($mName -notin $usedModule.Name) { $msg = "Module '$mName' is explicitly required, but not used" if ($asObject) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Module = $mName Problem = "ModuleRequiredNotUsed" Message = $msg } } else { Write-Warning $msg } } } } #endregion unnecessary module requirement } function Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS Function finds corresponding Graph command for MSOnline and AzureAD commands. .DESCRIPTION Function finds corresponding Graph command for MSOnline and AzureAD commands. .PARAMETER commandName MSOnline or AzureAD command name. .EXAMPLE Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand Get-MsolUser Finds corresponding Graph command for Get-MsolUser command. A.k.a. Get-MgUser. .EXAMPLE $scripts = Get-ChildItem C:\scripts -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" -file | ? name -Match "\.ps1$" | select -exp FullName $moduleList = @() "AzureAD", "AzureADPreview", "MSOnline", "AzureRM" | % { $module = Get-Module $_ -ListAvailable if ($module) { $moduleList += $module } else { Write-Warning "Module $_ isn't available on you system. Add it to `$env:PSModulePath or install using Install-Module?" } } $scripts | % { Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode -scriptPath $_ -module $moduleList | Select-Object *, @{n = 'GraphCommand'; e = { (Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand $_.command).GraphCommand } } | Format-Table -AutoSize } Search all ps1 scripts in C:\scripts folder for commands defined in modules "AzureAD", "AzureADPreview", "MSOnline", "AzureRM". Show where they are used and if possible also equivalent Graph command. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $commandName ) $cacheFile = "$env:TEMP\graphcommandmap.xml" if ((Test-Path $cacheFile -ea SilentlyContinue) -and ((Get-Item $cacheFile).LastWriteTime -gt [datetime]::Today.AddDays(-30))) { Write-Verbose "Using $cacheFile" $table = Import-Clixml $cacheFile } else { Write-Verbose "Getting command map" $uri = "" $pageContent = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing).content $table = ConvertFrom-HTMLTable $pageContent -useHTMLAgilityPack -asArrayOfTables -all $table | Export-Clixml $cacheFile -Force } $table | % { $_ | select @{n = "Command"; e = { if ($_."Azure AD cmdlets") { $_."Azure AD cmdlets" } else { $_."MSOnline cmdlets" } } }, @{n = "GraphCommand"; e = { $_."Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets" } } } | ? Command -EQ $commandName } function Get-ImportModuleFromAST { <# .SYNOPSIS Function finds calls of Import-Module command (including its alias ipmo) in given AST and returns objects with used parameters and their values for each call. .DESCRIPTION Function finds calls of Import-Module command (including its alias ipmo) in given AST and returns objects with used parameters and their values for each call. .PARAMETER AST AST object which will be searched. Can be retrieved like: $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile("C:\script.ps1", [ref] $null, [ref] $null) .EXAMPLE $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile("C:\script.ps1", [ref] $null, [ref] $null) Get-ImportModuleFromAST -AST $AST #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $AST ) $usedCommand = $AST.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst ] }, $true) if (!$usedCommand) { Write-Verbose "No command detected in given AST" return } $importModuleCommandList = $usedCommand | ? { $_.CommandElements[0].Value -in "Import-Module", "ipmo" } if (!$importModuleCommandList) { Write-Verbose "No 'Import-Module' or its alias 'ipmo' detected" return } foreach ($importModuleCommand in $importModuleCommandList) { $importModuleCommandElement = $importModuleCommand.CommandElements $importModuleCommandElement = $importModuleCommandElement | select -Skip 1 # skip Import-Module command itself Write-Verbose "Getting Import-Module parameters from: '$($importModuleCommand.extent.text)' (file: $($importModuleCommand.extent.File))" #region get parameter name and value for NAMED parameters $param = @{} $paramName = '' foreach ($element in $importModuleCommandElement) { if ($paramName) { # variable is set true when parameter was found # this foreach cycle therefore contains parameter value if ($paramName -eq "FullyQualifiedName" -and $element.StaticType.Name -eq "String") { # module name or path was specified $param.Name = $element.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($paramName -eq "FullyQualifiedName" -and $element.StaticType.Name -eq "Hashtable") { # hashtable for 'FullyQualifiedName' parameter was specified $param.Name = ($element.KeyValuePairs | ? { $_.Item1.Value -eq "ModuleName" }).Item2.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" $param.MinimumVersion = ($element.KeyValuePairs | ? { $_.Item1.Value -eq "ModuleVersion" }).Item2.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" $param.MaximumVersion = ($element.KeyValuePairs | ? { $_.Item1.Value -eq "MaximumVersion" }).Item2.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" $param.RequiredVersion = ($element.KeyValuePairs | ? { $_.Item1.Value -eq "RequiredVersion" }).Item2.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($element.StaticType.Name -eq "String") { # one module was specified $param.$paramName = $element.Extent.Text -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($element.Elements) { # multiple modules were specified $param.$paramName = ($element.Elements | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } else { # value passed from pipeline etc probably Write-Verbose "Unknown Import-Module '$paramName' parameter value" $param.$paramName = '<unknown>' } $paramName = '' continue } if ($element.ParameterName) { $paramName = $element.ParameterName # transform param. name shortcuts to their full name if necessary switch ($paramName) { { $_ -match "^f" } { $paramName = "FullyQualifiedName" } { $_ -match "^n" } { $paramName = "Name" } { $_ -match "^ma" } { $paramName = "MaximumVersion" } { $_ -match "^mi" } { $paramName = "MinimumVersion" } { $_ -match "^p" } { $paramName = "Prefix" } { $_ -match "^r" } { $paramName = "RequiredVersion" } } } } #endregion get parameter name and value for NAMED parameters if (!$param.Name) { Write-Verbose "Modules are imported using positional parameter" # 'Name' parameter wasn't specified by name, but by position, search for entered values # Name parameter is on first position $firstImportModuleCommandElement = $importModuleCommandElement | select -First 1 if ($firstImportModuleCommandElement.Elements) { # multiple module values were specified $param.Name = ($firstImportModuleCommandElement.Elements | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } elseif ($firstImportModuleCommandElement.StaticType.Name -eq "String") { # one module value was specified $param.Name = ($firstImportModuleCommandElement | ? { $_.StaticType.Name -eq "String" } | select -ExpandProperty Value) -replace "`"|'" } else { Write-Verbose "Unknown Import-Module 'Name' parameter value" } } if (!$param.Name -or $param.Name -eq '<unknown>') { Write-Warning "Unable to detect module imported through Import-Module command: '$($importModuleCommand.extent.text)' (file: $($importModuleCommand.extent.File))" continue } # output object for each added module $param.Name | % { # I output separate object for each imported module, because in case path is used instead of name, different version for different modules can be specified # Import-Module "C:\DATA\repo\Pilot_PowerShell\modules\AutoItX\AutoItX.psd1", "C:\DATA\repo\Pilot_PowerShell\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233\AWS.Tools.Common.psd1" $name = $_ Write-Verbose "Processing module '$name'" $itIsPath = $name -like "*\*" # get module version # INFO version can be from two part to four part a.k.a. from 0.0 to $reqModuleVersion = $null $nameContainsVersion = $name -match "\\\d+(\.\d+){0,2}\.\d+" if ($param.RequiredVersion) { # RequiredVersion parameter overrides version specified in the module path Write-Verbose "Getting module version from RequiredVersion parameter" $reqModuleVersion = $param.RequiredVersion } elseif ($nameContainsVersion) { # path contain module version Write-Verbose "Getting module version from its path" $reqModuleVersion = ([regex]"\d+(\.\d+){0,2}\.\d+").Match($name).value } if ($itIsPath) { # replace path for name only if (Test-Path $name -PathType Leaf) { # path looks like C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\AWS.Tools.Common.psd1 $moduleName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($name) } else { if ($nameContainsVersion) { # path looks like C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common\4.1.233\... $moduleName = Split-Path ($name -replace "\\\d+(\.\d+){0,2}\.\d+\\.*") -Leaf } else { # path looks like C:\modules\AWS.Tools.Common $moduleName = ($name -split "\\")[-1] } } } else { $moduleName = $name } [PSCustomObject]@{ Command = $importModuleCommand.extent.text File = $importModuleCommand.extent.File ImportedModule = $moduleName MaximumVersion = $param.MaximumVersion MinimumVersion = $param.MinimumVersion Prefix = $param.Prefix RequiredVersion = $reqModuleVersion } } } } function Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode { <# .SYNOPSIS Function for getting commands (defined in given module) that are used in given script. .DESCRIPTION Function for getting commands (defined in given module) that are used in given script. .PARAMETER scriptPath Path to the ps1 script that should be searched for used commands. .PARAMETER module Module(s) object whose commands/aliases will be searched in given script. Should be retrieved using Get-Module command a.k.a. has to exist on local system! .EXAMPLE $module = Get-Module MSOnline -ListAvailable | select -last 1 Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode -scriptPath "C:\repo\AzureAD_monitoring\AzureAD_user_APS.ps1" -module $module Get all commands used in "AzureAD_user_APS.ps1" script that are defined in the module MSOnline. .EXAMPLE $scripts = Get-ChildItem C:\scripts -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" -file | ? name -Match "\.ps1$" | select -exp FullName $moduleList = @() "AzureAD", "AzureADPreview", "MSOnline", "AzureRM" | % { $module = Get-Module $_ -ListAvailable if ($module) { $moduleList += $module } else { Write-Warning "Module $_ isn't available on you system. Add it to `$env:PSModulePath or install using Install-Module?" } } $scripts | % { Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode -scriptPath $_ -module $moduleList } Search all ps1 scripts in C:\scripts folder for commands defined in modules "AzureAD", "AzureADPreview", "MSOnline", "AzureRM". #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { if ((Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf) -and $_ -match "\.ps1$") { $true } else { throw "$_ is not a ps1 file or it doesn't exist" } })] [string] $scriptPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSModuleInfo[]] $module ) #TODO if module has default prefix, add it to each exported commands # $modulePrefix = $module.Prefix #region get commands & aliases defined in the module # hash with where keys are function names defined in given module(s) and value is name of module where it is defined $definedCommand = @{} # fill the $definedCommand hash $module | % { $moduleObj = $_ $moduleObj.ExportedCommands.keys | % { $definedCommand.$_ = $moduleObj.Name } $moduleObj.ExportedAliases.keys | % { $definedCommand.$_ = $moduleObj.Name } if (($moduleObj.ExportedCommands.keys).count -eq 0 -and ($moduleObj.ExportedAliases.keys).count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Module $($_.Name) doesn't contain any commands" } } #endregion get commands & aliases defined in the module #region get commands & aliases used in the script $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile((Resolve-Path $scriptPath), [ref] $null, [ref] $null) $usedCommand = $AST.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst ] }, $true) if (!$usedCommand) { Write-Warning "Script '$scriptPath' doesn't contain any commands" return } #endregion get commands & aliases used in the script #region output the results [System.Collections.ArrayList] $result = @() $usedCommand | % { $commandName = $_.CommandElements[0].Value $commandLine = $_.Extent.StartLineNumber if ($commandName -in $definedCommand.Keys) { $null = $result.add([PSCustomObject]@{ Command = $commandName Line = $commandLine Module = $definedCommand.$commandName Script = $scriptPath }) } } $result | Sort-Object -Property Command #endregion output the results } Export-ModuleMember -function Get-AddPSSnapinFromAST, Get-CodeDependency, Get-CodeDependencyStatus, Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand, Get-ImportModuleFromAST, Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode Export-ModuleMember -alias Get-Dependency, Get-PSHCodeDependency |