[CmdletBinding()] param () function Import-TestingHelper{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()][string]$Version, [Parameter()][switch]$AllowPrerelease, [Parameter()][switch]$PassThru ) if ($Version) { $V = $Version.Split('-') $semVer = $V[0] $AllowPrerelease = ($AllowPrerelease -or ($null -ne $V[1])) } $module = Import-Module TestingHelper -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -RequiredVersion:$semVer if ($null -eq $module) { $installed = Install-Module -Name TestingHelper -Force -AllowPrerelease:$AllowPrerelease -passThru -RequiredVersion:$Version $module = Import-Module -Name $installed.Name -RequiredVersion ($installed.Version.Split('-')[0]) -Force -PassThru } if ($PassThru) { $module } } Import-TestingHelper -version 2.1.1-alpha #first version wiht Test-ModulelocalPsd1 # Run test by PSD1 file Test-ModulelocalPSD1 # Run tests by module name # We need to manage the import of the version we want to test # If there are different versions of the module installed, we need to import the one we want to test # $psd = get-childitem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.psd1 # Import-Module -Name $psd.FullName -Force # Test-Module -Name $psd.BaseName |