$currentDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) function wait { Write-Debug "Waiting" if ($Replaying -or $Skipping) { return } while ([System.Console]::KeyAvailable) { [System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null } while (!$key -or ($key.Key -ne "Enter")) { while (![System.Console]::KeyAvailable) { Start-Sleep 0.5 } $key = [System.Console]::ReadKey() } } function clip($text) { Write-Debug "Clipping" $text | clip.exe } function * ($text) { Write-Host "- $text" -ForegroundColor Cyan } function ask($text, $answer) { Write-Host "? $text" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine Write-Host " ($answer)" -ForegroundColor Gray } function act($text, [scriptblock]$script) { Write-Host "> $text" -ForegroundColor Magenta if ($script) { Invoke-Command $script -NoNewScope } } function command($command) { execute $command } function execute($command) { Write-Host " $command" -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($Skipping) { return } if ($Replaying) { $script = [scriptblock]::Create("& $command") Invoke-Command $script -NoNewScope } } function createFile($fileName, $text) { if ($Skipping) { return } if ($Replaying) { Set-Content $fileName $text -Encoding UTF8 } else { clip $text } act "Erstelle $fileName" wait } function addToFile($fileName, $description, $text) { if ($Skipping) { return } if ($Replaying) { Add-Content $fileName $text -Encoding UTF8 } else { clip $text } act "Füge $description zu $fileName hinzu" wait } function showSlide($filePath) { Write-Debug "Showing slide '$filePath'" if ($Replaying -or $Skipping) { return } $filePath = Join-Path $DemoPath $filePath Start-Process "$currentDirectory\imgvwr.exe" "`"$filePath`"" -Wait } function editFile($fileName, $operation, $lineIndex) { if ($Skipping) { return } $content = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new((Get-Content $fileName)) if ($Replaying) { if ($operation -eq "removeLine") { $content.RemoveAt($lineIndex) } Set-Content $fileName $content -Encoding UTF8 } if ($operation -eq "removeLine") { act "Entferne zeile $lineIndex aus '$fileName':" 0..$content.Count | Foreach-Object { $indicator = " " if ($_ -eq $lineIndex) { $indicator = "> " } Write-Host "$indicator $($content[$_])" } } wait } function demo { param([scriptblock]$script) $script:DemoScript = $script } function reset { param([scriptblock]$script) $script:ResetScript = $script } function checkPoint { param([string]$name) if (($ReplayCheckPoint -eq $name) -and ($Replaying)) { $script:Replaying = $false Write-Debug "Replayed to checkpoint '$name'" } if (($SkipCheckPoint -eq $name) -and ($Skipping)) { $script:Skipping = $false Write-Debug "Skipped to checkpoint '$name'" if ($Replaying) { Write-Debug "Replaying to checkpoint '$ReplayCheckPoint'" } } } function Start-Demo { param([string]$Path, [string]$ReplayTo, [string]$SkipTo, [switch]$Debug) if ($Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } $scriptText = Get-Content $path | Out-String $script = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptText) Invoke-Command $script -NoNewScope $script:DemoPath = Resolve-Path (Split-Path $Path -Parent) $script:Skipping = [bool]$SkipTo $script:Replaying = [bool]$ReplayTo $script:SkipCheckPoint = $SkipTo $script:ReplayCheckPoint = $ReplayTo if ($Skipping) { Write-Debug "Skipping to checkpoint '$SkipTo'" } else { if ($Replaying) { Write-Debug "Replaying to checkpoint '$ReplayTo'" } } if ($ResetScript -and !$Skipping) { try { $script:Resetting = $true Write-Debug "Starting reset part" Invoke-Command $ResetScript -NoNewScope } finally { $script:Resetting = $false } } if ($DemoScript) { Write-Debug "Starting demo part" Invoke-Command $DemoScript -NoNewScope } } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-Demo' |