function Get-PCInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a summary of CPU, RAM, Disk and other metrics for one or more computers .DESCRIPTION Generates a summary of CPU, RAM, Disk and other metrics for a computer via CIM and Active Directory. Code supports querying data from multiple computers. Also, data from this cmdlet can be viewed with other views like Out-Gridview or exported with Export-CSV or Export-Excel. .PARAMETER ComputerName Then name of a computer to query. Valid aliases are Name, Computer, & PC. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PCInfo Name : PRDUS2ITUTIL01 Domain : Description : OS : Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard ServicePack : 0 WindowsSN : 00429-70000-00000-AA946 Model : VMware Virtual Platform MACAddress : 00:50:56:8A:CB:1D IPAddress : CPUInfo : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz, Number of Processors: 2 RAM : 8 GB DriveInfo : {@{Name=C:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=99 GB; UsedSpace=31 GB; FreeSpace=68 GB; PercentUsed=31 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=True; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=True}, @{Name=D:\; DriveType=CD-Rom; TotalSize=; UsedSpace=; FreeSpace=; PercentUsed=; Filesystem=; IsBootVolume=; CompressedVolume=; ContainsPageFile=}} LastBootTime : 4/7/2020 10:38:44 AM UpTime : 30 Days, 2 Hours, 58 Minutes Returns info for local PC .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PCInfo -computername PRSCEFTP01 -OutVariable FOO Name : PRSCEFTP01 Domain : Description : eFTP. OS : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard ServicePack : 1 WindowsSN : 00477-001-0000421-84672 Model : VMware Virtual Platform MACAddress : 00:50:56:8A:66:A2 IPAddress : {,,} CPUInfo : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz, Number of Processors: 4 RAM : 32 GB DriveInfo : {@{Name=E:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=137 GB; UsedSpace=100 GB; FreeSpace=37 GB; PercentUsed=73 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=False; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=False}, @{Name=F:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=410 GB; UsedSpace=158 GB; FreeSpace=252 GB; PercentUsed=39 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=False; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=False}, @{Name=C:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=160 GB; UsedSpace=131 GB; FreeSpace=29 GB; PercentUsed=82 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=True; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=True}, @{Name=D:\; DriveType=CD-Rom; TotalSize=; UsedSpace=; FreeSpace=; PercentUsed=; Filesystem=; IsBootVolume=; CompressedVolume=; ContainsPageFile=}} LastBootTime : 4/20/2020 12:56:58 PM UpTime : 17 Days, 2 Hours, 0 Minutes PS C:\> $foo.driveinfo | format-table Name DriveType TotalSize UsedSpace FreeSpace PercentUsed Filesystem IsBootVolume CompressedVolume ContainsPageFile ---- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- E:\ FixedDisk 137 GB 100 GB 37 GB 73 % NTFS False False False F:\ FixedDisk 410 GB 158 GB 252 GB 39 % NTFS False False False C:\ FixedDisk 160 GB 131 GB 29 GB 82 % NTFS True False True D:\ CD-Rom This is a multi-part example that shows how to see the drive info in detail. The goal is to see the drive info but it is stored in a sub-array that doesn't format well in the initial output view. To get around this problem, the first query is run using Out-Variable FOO, which saves the returned data to a variable named FOO. Once the dat is saved to $FOO, a second query can be run by typing the variable name $FOO and the accessing the sub property called DriveInfo. This produced a formatted output of the drive information contained in the sub array .EXAMPLE Get-PCInfo -computername PRSCEFTP01, PRDUS4DC01 Name : PRSCEFTP01 Domain : Description : eFTP. OS : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard ServicePack : 1 WindowsSN : 00477-001-0000421-84672 Model : VMware Virtual Platform MACAddress : 00:50:56:8A:66:A2 IPAddress : {,,} CPUInfo : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz, Number of Processors: 4 RAM : 32 GB DriveInfo : {@{Name=E:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=137 GB; UsedSpace=100 GB; FreeSpace=37 GB; PercentUsed=73 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=False; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=False}, @{Name=F:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=410 GB; UsedSpace=158 GB; FreeSpace=252 GB; PercentUsed=39 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=False; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=False}, @{Name=C:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=160 GB; UsedSpace=131 GB; FreeSpace=29 GB; PercentUsed=82 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=True; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=True}, @{Name=D:\; DriveType=CD-Rom; TotalSize=; UsedSpace=; FreeSpace=; PercentUsed=; Filesystem=; IsBootVolume=; CompressedVolume=; ContainsPageFile=}} LastBootTime : 4/20/2020 12:56:58 PM UpTime : 17 Days, 1 Hours, 54 Minutes Name : PRDUS4DC01 Domain : Description : OS : Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard ServicePack : 0 WindowsSN : 00429-70000-00000-AA847 Model : VMware7,1 MACAddress : 00:50:56:8A:76:63 IPAddress : {, fe80::ed82:56b9:4c79:bf17} CPUInfo : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30GHz, Number of Processors: 1 RAM : 8 GB DriveInfo : {@{Name=C:\; DriveType=FixedDisk; TotalSize=59 GB; UsedSpace=23 GB; FreeSpace=36 GB; PercentUsed=40 %; Filesystem=NTFS; IsBootVolume=True; CompressedVolume=False; ContainsPageFile=True}, @{Name=D:\; DriveType=CD-Rom; TotalSize=; UsedSpace=; FreeSpace=; PercentUsed=; Filesystem=; IsBootVolume=; CompressedVolume=; ContainsPageFile=}} LastBootTime : 5/4/2020 9:27:23 PM UpTime : 2 Days, 17 Hours, 24 Minutes Returns info for two remote computers named PRSCEFTP01 & PRDUS4DC01 .INPUTS ComputerName Accepts input from pipeline .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES NAME: Get-PCInfo.ps1 AUTHOR: Mike Kanakos Date Created: 2020-04-29 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias("Name","PC","Computer")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME ) process { Foreach ($PC in $ComputerName){ Write-Verbose "Testing that $PC is online" $online = Test-Connection -ComputerName $PC -Count 2 -Quiet if ($online -eq $true){ # Get Machine Info $ComputerInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $PC $OSInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $PC $BIOSInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $PC $CPUInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor -ComputerName $PC $CPUName = $CPUInfo | select-object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique $CPUCount = $CPUInfo.count $DriveInfo = Get-DriveInfo -computername $PC $LastBootTime = $OSInfo.LastBootUpTime $Uptime = (New-TimeSpan -start $lastBoottime -end (Get-Date)) $Days = $uptime.days $Minutes = $uptime.Minutes $Hours = $uptime.hours $MacAddress = (get-ciminstance win32_networkadapterConfiguration -Filter "ipenabled='True'" -ComputerName $PC | Select-Object macaddress).Macaddress $IPAddress = Get-CimInstance win32_networkadapterconfiguration -ComputerName $PC | Where-Object {$_.IPAddress -ne $null} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddress $Info = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $ComputerInfo.Name Domain = $ComputerInfo.Domain Description = (Get-ADComputer $PC -Properties Description | Select-Object Description -ExpandProperty description) OS = $OSInfo.Caption ServicePack = $OSInfo.servicepackmajorversion WindowsSN = $OSInfo.SerialNumber Model = $ComputerInfo.Model MACAddress = $MacAddress IPAddress = $IPAddress CPUInfo = "$CPUName, Number of Processors: $CPUCount" RAM = "$([math]::round($ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory/1gb)) GB" DriveInfo = $DriveInfo LastBootTime = $LastBootTime UpTime = "$Days Days, $hours Hours, $Minutes Minutes" } #end Info object creation $Info } #end if else { Write-Warning "The computer $(($computer).ToUpper()) could not be contacted" } } #end foreach }#end process block } #end |