function Get-DriveInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists information about drives for a computer .DESCRIPTION Lists information about drives for a computer. Displays information about disk space (free, consumed, etc). Also displays information about filesystem, if a pagefile is present, drive compression and boot volume information. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DriveInfo Name : C:\ DriveType : FixedDisk TotalSize : 99 GB UsedSpace : 32 GB FreeSpace : 67 GB PercentUsed : 32 % Filesystem : NTFS IsBootVolume : True CompressedVolume : False ContainsPageFile : True Name : D:\ DriveType : CD-Rom TotalSize : UsedSpace : FreeSpace : PercentUsed : Filesystem : IsBootVolume : CompressedVolume : ContainsPageFile : Displays list of drives and the information about each drive. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DriveInfo | Format-Table Name DriveType TotalSize UsedSpace FreeSpace PercentUsed Filesystem IsBootVolume CompressedVolume ContainsPageFile ---- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- C:\ FixedDisk 99 GB 32 GB 67 GB 32 % NTFS True False True D:\ CD-Rom Displays drive information in a table format .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .Notes NAME: Get-DriveInfo.ps1 AUTHOR: Mike Kanakos VERSION: 1.0.1 DateCreated: 2020-05-04 DateUpdated: 2019-07-03 .Link #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Alias("Name","PC","Computer")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME ) process { Foreach ($PC in $ComputerName){ Write-Verbose "Testing that $PC is online" $online = Test-Connection -ComputerName $PC -Count 2 -Quiet if ($online -eq $true){ $DiskDrives = Get-CimInstance win32_volume -ComputerName $pc | Where-Object {$_.caption -notlike '*volume*'} foreach ($disk in $DiskDrives) { $DriveInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $disk.caption DriveType = if ($Disk.drivetype -like 3) {"FixedDisk"} else {"CD-Rom"} "TotalSize" = if ($Disk.drivetype -like 3) {"$([math]::round((($disk.Capacity)/1GB),0)) GB"} else {} "UsedSpace" = if ($Disk.drivetype -like 3) {"$([Math]::Round((($disk.Capacity-$disk.FreeSpace)/1GB),0)) GB"} else {} "FreeSpace" = if ($Disk.drivetype -like 3) {"$([math]::round((($disk.FreeSpace)/1GB),0)) GB"} else {} "PercentUsed" = if ($Disk.drivetype -like 3){"$([math]::round(((($disk.Capacity-$disk.FreeSpace)/$disk.Capacity)*100),0)) %"} else {} Filesystem = $disk.Filesystem IsBootVolume = $Disk.BootVolume CompressedVolume = $Disk.Compressed ContainsPageFile = $Disk.PageFilePresent } #end custom object $DriveInfo } #end foreach $disk } #end if } #end foreach $pc } #end process block }# end function |