<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.1 .GUID 06faab35-4c21-4982-97eb-67621775b9ed .AUTHOR Frits van Drie ( .COMPANYNAME 3-Link Opleidingen .COPYRIGHT free to use and distribute without modifications .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Developed by 3-Link Opleidingen for training purposes only #> Param() # Filename: Demo-Variable.ps1 # Date: 2022-04-13 # Author: Frits van Drie (3-Link) Get-Command -Noun "Variable" New-Variable -Name DemoVar Remove-Variable -Name DemoVar -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Set-Variable -Name DemoVar -Value "demo" Get-Variable -Name DemoVar Get-Variable DemoVar Get-Variable DemoVar -ValueOnly $DemoVar # User-created variables: # Automatic variables : Help about_Automatic_Variables -ShowWindow # Preference variables : Help about_Preference_Variables -ShowWindow #region: Data types ("abc" ).GetType() # String ('abc' ).GetType() # String (123 ).GetType() # Int32 ("123" ).GetType() # String (123.6 ).GetType() # Double (Get-Date).GetType() # DateTime ($true ).GetType() # Boolean @(1,2,3 ).GetType() # Array ( [string]123 ).GetType() ('FD00:0:0:5::CAFE').GetType() [ipaddress]$b = 'FD00:0:0:5::CAFE' # type accelerator [ipaddress]$c = 'FE80::0:0:5:CAFE' # type accelerator $b.GetType() $b | gm $b.IsIPv6LinkLocal $c.IsIPv6LinkLocal ([psobject].Assembly.GetType("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators"))::Get | Select -ExpandProperty keys| Sort | ogv # PowerShell uses the [System.Math] library, which consists of many mathematical functions and methods [System.Math] | Get-Member -Static -MemberType All # Int16 : 2^15 = (-32,768 <=> +32,767) [math]::pow(2,15) # Int/Int32 : 2^31 = (-2,147,483,648 <=> +2,147,483,647) [math]::pow(2,31) # Int64 : 2^63 = (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 <=> +9,223,372,036,854,775,807) [math]::pow(2,63) #endregion: Data types #region: String and Integer $DemoVar = "abc" $DemoVar |gm $demovar.GetType().Name Remove-Variable svc -ea SilentlyContinue $Svc = Get-Service sp* $Svc | Get-Member $Svc.DisplayName $svc.GetType() Remove-Variable s $s = "Spooler" $s | Get-Member $s.GetType() Remove-Variable i $i = 25 $i | Get-Member $i.GetType() $i = $i+12 $i.GetType() $i $i = "25" $i.GetType() $i = $i+12 $i.GetType() $i $i = $i-2500 $i $i.GetType() $i = 25 $i.GetType() $i = $i+"12" $i.GetType() $i $i = $i-2500 $i $i.GetType() $i = "25" $i.GetType() Remove-Variable n -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $n = $i $n.GetType() Remove-Variable m $m = $i -as [int32] [int32]$m = $i $m.GetType() $m Remove-Variable s $s = 25 $s.GetType() $s Remove-Variable t $s = $s*4 $t = $s -as [string] $t*4 "="*100 $t.GetType() $t - 5 $t.GetType() $t # !!!! Method used to evaluate statements is determined by leftmost object !!!! Remove-Variable a Remove-Variable b $a = "file" $b = 3 ($a*$b) -eq ($b*$a) # Cannot convert value "file" to type "System.Int32" ($a*$b) # filefilefile ($b*$a) # Cannot convert value "file" to type "System.Int32" "file" * 3 # leftmost is string: filefilefile 3 * "file" # leftmost is int32: Cannot convert value "file" to type "System.Int32" Remove-Variable u $u = "abc" $u.GetType() $u -5 $u.GetType() Remove-Variable s $s = '25' $s = $s/3 $s $s.GetType() [string]$s = 25 # strongtyping $s+5 $s = $s/3 $s $s.GetType() $s = '25' $s+5 [string]$s = $s/3 # strongtyping $s $s.GetType() # ========================================== $txt = "Demo" "Tekst is $txt" 'Tekst is $txt' 'Tekst van $txt is $txt' # 'Tekst van $txt is' $txt 'Tekst van $txt is '+ $txt Write-Host 'Tekst van $txt is' $txt -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Red "Tekst van `$txt is $txt" # Backtick ` $svc = Get-Service Spooler $svcName = $ "Servicename is $svcName" "Servicename is $svc.Name" "Servicename is $($svc.Name)" "Servicename is " + $svc.Name "Service {0} is {1}" -f $svc.Name, $svc.Status Remove-Variable logFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $logFile = 'C:\LogFile.ps1' $logFile | gm # identify whether $logFile contains the text C: $logFile.Contains("C:") $logFile.Replace("C:","D:") # insert the text \MyScript at character 7 $logFile.Insert(2,"\MyScript") # that the value stored in $logFile has not changed $logFile # update the value of $logFile $logFile=$logFile.Insert(2,"\MyScript") $logFile #endregion: #region: Date $date1 = Get-Date $date1 $date1 | Get-Member $date1.Day $date1.ToShortDateString() $date1.ToShortTimeString() $date1.AddDays(3) $date1.AddDays(-3) Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd' (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm' #endregion: #region: Array Remove-Variable arr $arr = "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd","aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd" $arr.GetType() $arr.length $arr[0] $arr[3] $arr[4] $arr[$arr.length -1] $arr[-1] $arr = $arr + "xxx" $arr += "yyy" $arr # Enumerate the whole array for ($i=0; $i -le ($arr.length -1); $i++) { $arr[$i] } Remove-Variable arr $arr = "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd" 1..10000 | foreach { $arr += $_ $arr[-1] } # !!! Remove-Variable arr $arr = "xxx", "yyy" $arr += "zzz" $arr $arr.GetType() Remove-Variable arr [array]$arr = "xxx", "yyy" # strong typing $arr += "zzz" $arr $arr.GetType() Remove-Variable arr $arr = @("xxx", "yyy") # type casting $arr += "zzz" $arr $arr.GetType() $arr = @('xxx') $arr += 'yyy' Remove-Variable arr $arr = "line" $arr.GetType() $arr[0] $arr.Length Remove-Variable arr2 $arr2 = "aaa" $arr2.GetType() # String $arr2 += "bbbb" $arr2 $arr2.GetType() # String Remove-Variable arr3 [array]$arr3 = "aaa" # (strongtyping) $arr3.GetType() # Array $arr3 += "bbbb" $arr3 Remove-Variable arr4 $arr4 = @("aaa","ccc",'dad') $arr4.GetType() # Array $arr4 -eq "aaa" # aaa $arr4 -eq "bbb" # $arr4 -like "*a*" # aaa, dad $arr4 -contains "aaa" # True $arr4 -contains "a" # False $arr4 -contains "bbb" # False # Get-Member Remove-Variable arr $arr $arr.GetType() $arr = "aaa",222, 81.4, $true # String, Int32, Double, Boolean $arr.GetType() $arr | Get-Member # Get members of the Items in the Array Get-Member -InputObject $arr # Get members of the Array #endregion #region: ArrayList # ArrayList uses more memoryblocks; preferred when frequently modified Remove-Variable arr5 $arr5 = @() # prep for filling in loop later $arr5.GetType() $arr5 += "aaa" $arr5 += "bbb" $arr5 $arr5.length $arr5.Count $arr5 | Get-Member Get-Member -InputObject $arr5 $arr5 -contains "aaa" $arr5.Add("ccc") Remove-Variable arrList6 [System.Collections.arrListayList]$arrList6 = "111","222" # Dynamic Size $arrList6.GetType() $arrList6.Add("333") $arrList6.Add("444") $arrList6 $arrList6[2] $arrList6.Remove("333") $arrList6 Remove-Variable arrList7, arrList8 $arrList7 = "A", "B" $arrList8 = "C", "D" $arrList7 = $arrList7 + $arrList8 $arrList7 += $arrList8 $arrList7 #endregion: #region: Dynamic Variable Names # Set-Variable -Name "$prf$Letter" -Value (Get-Variable -Name "$prf$Letter" -ValueOnly) # Problem: Create variable with dynamic name $userName = 'Anna' $pass = 'Pa55w.rd' # $passAnna ==> Pa55w.rd $"pass$userName" = $pass # ERROR # Solution 1 Invoke-Expression "`$pass$userName = '$pass'" # Solution 2 New-Variable -Name "pass$userName" -Value $pass $passAnna $passwordLength = 12 $password = $null $prf = 'User' For($a=1; $a -le 5; $a++) { $password = $null For($i=1; $i -le $passwordLength; $i++) { # Generate a random password (12 characters) $number = Get-Random -Minimum 65 -Maximum 90 $letter = [char]$number $password += $letter } if (Get-Variable -Name "$prf$Letter" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ $a -= 1 } # Define dynamic variables Set-Variable -Name "$prf$Letter" -Value $Password } Get-Variable -Name "$prf*" $prf Remove-Variable user*, prf, letter, password, passwordLength, a, i, number # ===== Function Test { param ($x) New-Variable -Name $("Var$x") -Value "xxxxx" $Condition = "(`$Var$x -eq 'xxxxx')" if (Invoke-Expression $Condition) { Write-Host "$((Get-Variable "Var$x").Name) = $((Get-Variable "Var$x").Value)" } } $str = "ABC" Test $str #endregion: #region: Variable Scopes start '' Function SetName { $var = 'Function' Write-Host $local:var -f Cyan Write-Host $global:var -f Yellow } $var = 'Global' SetName $var ### Function SetName { $global:var = 'Local' Write-Host $local:var -f Cyan Write-Host $global:var -f Yellow } $var = 'Global' SetName $var #endregion: #region: Environment Variables $env:USERNAME $env:COMPUTERNAME Set-Location env: dir sl C: gci env:* -Recurse #endregion: #region: Validate value # Validate value [ipaddress]$ip = Read-Host 'Enter IP address' [ValidateRange(0, 10)][int]$n = Read-Host 'Enter a number from 0-10' [ValidateSet("ca", "eu", "us")]$region = Read-Host 'Enter countrycode' #endregion |