
.GUID dd416dc9-df99-41a4-8251-4ee0ba4d762f
.AUTHOR Frits van Drie
.COMPANYNAME 3-Link Opleidingen
.COPYRIGHT Free to use and distribute without modifications
    Released: 2202-04-06
 Developed by 3-Link Opleidingen for training purposes only


#region: If, ElseIf, Else

        If (Condition1) {Action1}
        ElseIf (Condition2) {Action2}
        ElseIf (Condition3) {Action3}
        Else {Action4}

    $one = 1
    $two = 2

    If ( ($one -eq 0) -or ($two -eq 0) ) {Write-Host "$one or $two is Zero"}
    ElseIf ($one -gt $two)         {Write-Host "$One > $Two"}
    ElseIf ($one -lt $two)         {Write-Host "$One < $Two"}
    Else                           {Write-Host "$One = $Two"}

    Suspend-Service workstation
    Get-Service 'l*' | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.status -eq 'running') {
            write-host "$($_.Name) is started" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($_.status -eq 'stopped') {
            write-host "$($_.Name) is stopped" -ForegroundColor Red
        else {
            write-host "$($_.Name) is $($_.status)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Resume-Service workstation


#region: ForEach (Statement/Construct)
    # ForEach ( $x in $y ) {
    # <commands>
    # }

    # PS 7: Parallel processing
    # ForEach -Parallel ( $x in $y ) {
    # <commands>
    # }

    $SvcList = Get-service "sp*"
    ForEach ( $Svc in $SvcList ) {
        Write-Host "$($Svc.Name) is $($Svc.Status)"

    # Foreach Construct is not the same as ForEach-Object Cmdlet !!!

    $SvcList |ForEach-Object {
        Write-Host "$($_.Name) is $($_.Status)"

    # Wrong
    ForEach-Object ( $Svc -in $SvcList ) {
        Write-Host "$($Svc.Name) is $($Svc.Status)"  # > ERROR

    ForEach ( $Svc in $SvcList ) {
        Write-Host "$($Svc.Name) is $($Svc.Status)"


#region: Break the loop: Continue / Break

    $array = @('1','2','3','4')

    foreach ($nr in $array) {
        if ($nr -lt 3 ) {
            Write-Host "$nr < 3"

        Write-Host "$nr >= 3"


    $array = @('1','2','3','4')

    foreach ($nr in $array) {
        if ($nr -lt 3 ) {
            Write-Host "$nr < 3"
        Write-Host "$nr >= 3"


    $array | foreach {
        if ($_ -lt 3 ) {
            Write-Host "$_ < 3"
        Write-Host "$_ >= 3"


#region: For () {}

    # Repeat code block while condition is true

    # For (start; condition; action ) { codeblock }

    For ($x = 1; $x -le 10; $x++ ) {
        Write-Host "Line $x"

    1..10 | foreach {Write-Host "Line $_"}
    1..10 | Write-Host "Line $_" #> ERROR
    1..10 | Write-Host

    help Write-Host -ShowWindow


#region: Do .. While .. Until

    # Executed at least 1 time
    # Repeat while condition is True

    # Do {codeblock} While (condition is true)
    # Do {...} While (...)

    $x = 5
    Do {
        Write-Host "Line $x"
    While ($x -le 10)


#region: Do .. Until

    # Executed at least 1 time
    # Repeat while condition is False
    # Do {codeblock} Until (condition is true)

    $x =0
    Do {
        Write-Host "Line $x"
    } until ($x -gt 5)

    $x =6
    Do {$x++; Write-Host "Line $x"} until ($x -gt 5)

    $x =0
    Do {
        Write-Host "Line $x"
    } until ($x -le 5)

    $x =6
    Do {$x++; Write-Host "Line $x"} until ($x -le 5)


#region: While

    # Executed at least 0 time
    # While (condition is true) {codeblock}

    $x =1
    While ($x -le 4) {
        Write-Host "Line $x"

    $x =5
    While ($x -le 4) {
        Write-Host "Line $x"

    # Attention: when condition is already true !!
    $Menu = "Make a choice"

    Do {$choice = Read-Host $Menu}  While ($choice -notin ('1','2','3','4','5')) 

    While ($choice -notin ('1','2','3','4','5'))  {$choice = Read-Host $Menu}

    Remove-Variable choice

    While ($choice -notin ('1','2','3','4','5'))  {$choice = Read-Host $Menu}

    :red while (<condition1>) {
      :yellow while (<condition2>) {
        while (<condition3>) {
          if ($a) {break}
          if ($b) {break red}
          if ($c) {break yellow}
        Write-Host "After innermost loop"
      Write-Host "After yellow loop"
    Write-Host "After red loop"

    $red    = 0
    $yellow = 0
    $green  = 0
    $breakGreen  = $true
    $breakYellow = $true
    $breakRed    = $true

    :red while ( $red -le 2 ) {
        Write-Host "Red loop $red" -f Red
        Start-Sleep 1

        :yellow while ( $yellow -le 2 ) {
            Write-Host "`tYellow loop $yellow" -f Yellow
            Start-Sleep 1

            while ( $green -le 2 ) {
                Write-Host "`t`tGreen loop $green" -f Green 
                Start-Sleep 1
                if ($breakGreen)  {break}
                if ($breakYellow) {break yellow}
                if ($breakRed)    {break red}
            Write-Host "`t`tAfter green loop" -f Green
        Write-Host "`tAfter yellow loop" -f Yellow
    Write-Host "After red loop" -f Red

#region: Switch
        Switch (Variable to test) {
            1 {command 1} # multiple values can be true
            2 {command 2}
            Default {action default}

    $x = 2
    Switch ($x) {
        1 {Write-Host "Option 1"}
        2 {Write-Host "Option 2"}
        3 {Write-Host "Option 3"}
        Default {Write-Host "Something Else"}

    $x = 5
    Switch ($x) {
        1 {Write-Host "Option 1"}
        2 {Write-Host "Option 2"}
        3 {Write-Host "Option 3"}
        Default {Write-Host "Something Else"}
    #> Option 2

    $x = 'Rotterdam'
    Switch -Wildcard ($x) {
        *dam {Write-Host "Rotterdam or Amsterdam"}
        A*   {Write-Host "Amsterdam"}
        R*   {Write-Host "Rotterdam"}
        Default {Write-Host "Somewhere else"}
    #> Rotterdam or Amsterdam
    #> Rotterdam

    $Size = 465388000000
    Switch ($Size) {
        DEFAULT      { $Unit = 1   ;  $Symbol = 'B'}
        {$_ -gt 1KB} { $Unit = 1KB ;  $Symbol = 'KB'}
        {$_ -gt 1MB} { $Unit = 1MB ;  $Symbol = 'MB'}
        {$_ -gt 1GB} { $Unit = 1GB ;  $Symbol = 'GB'}

    "Total size: {0:N2} $Symbol" -f ($Size/$Unit)


#region: Begin..Proces..End

    Function Demo-BeginProcessEnd {
        PARAM (

            Write-Host "Start Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
            Write-Host "Begin:`tExecuted once" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "="
            $i = 1

        Process {
            Write-Host "Process Pipeline input: $Par2" -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Blue
            foreach ($p in $Par1) {
                Write-Host "`t Parameter: $p"

            write-Host "="
            Write-Host "End Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
            Write-Host "End:`tExecuted once" -ForegroundColor Red

    "ABC", "DEF" | Demo-BeginProcessEnd -Par1 "123", "456", "789"


    Function DemoInput {

        begin {
            $i = 0

        process {
            "Iteration: $i"
            "`tInput: $input"
            "`tInput Again: $input"
            "`tAfter Reset: $input"
    "one","two" | DemoInput


#region: Demo-Menu:
    $gsv = 'Get-Service'
    $gps = 'Get-Process'
    $msg = $null

    Function MakeMenu {
    $Script:Menu= @"
`t3.`tGet System Eventlog
`t4.`tCheck Freespace (GB) `t$msg
`tSelect an option
     # @"" = Multi-line string literal with embedded variables.
    Do {
        $msg = $null
        $choice = Read-Host $Menu
        Switch ($choice) {

            1 {Invoke-Expression $gsv}
            2 {Invoke-Expression $gps}
            3 {Get-Eventlog -LogName System -Newest 10}
            4 {$FreeSpace = '{0:N0}'-f ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceId='c:'").FreeSpace/1GB)+" GB"
              #{((Get-wmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceId='c:'").FreeSpace/1GB)}
               $msg = "Freespace: $FreeSpace"
            5 {Break}
            default {Write-Warning "$choice is not a valid choice"}

    } While ($choice -ne 5) 
