function ConvertTo-QueryString { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert conditions in a hashtable to a Query string to append to a webrequest. .DESCRIPTION Convert conditions in a hashtable to a Query string to append to a webrequest. .PARAMETER QueryHash Hashtable of query modifiers - usually filter conditions - to include in a web request. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertTo-QueryString -QueryHash $Query Converts the conditions in the specified hashtable to a Query string to append to a webrequest. #> [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Hashtable] $QueryHash ) process { $elements = foreach ($pair in $QueryHash.GetEnumerator()) { '{0}={1}' -f $pair.Name, ($pair.Value -join ",") } '?{0}' -f ($elements -join '&') } } |