
function Set-MdcaToken {
        Helper function that injects the MDCA ApiKey Token into the EntraAuth token cache.
        Helper function that injects the MDCA ApiKey Token into the EntraAuth token cache.
        By default, EntraAuth only supports authentication flows via entra (hence the module name).
        With this command we can inject a fake EntraAuth token object that works for Invoke-EntraRequest.
    .PARAMETER Token
        The MDCA ApiKey / Token to inject into EntraAuth.
    .PARAMETER TenantName
        Name of the tenant, the token applies to.
        Used for building the API Service Url.
        PS C:\> Set-MdcaToken -Token $MdcaToken -TenantName $TenantName
        Injects the MDCA ApiKey Token into the EntraAuth token cache.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (

    process {
        $fakeToken = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ServiceUrl = "https://$"
            ApiKey     = $Token
            Service    = 'DefenderAPI.MDCA'
        Add-Member -InputObject $fakeToken -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetHeader -Value {
            return @{
                Authorization = "Token {0}" -f ([PSCredential]::new("Whatever", $this.ApiKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password)
                'content-type' = 'application/json'

        & (Get-Module EntraAuth) {
            param ($Token)

            $script:_EntraTokens['DefenderAPI.MDCA'] = $Token
        } $fakeToken