function Assert-DefenderAPIConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Asserts a connection has been established. .DESCRIPTION Asserts a connection has been established. Fails the calling command in a terminating exception if not connected yet. .PARAMETER Service The service to which a connection needs to be established. .PARAMETER Cmdlet The $PSCmdlet variable of the calling command. Used to execute the terminating exception in the caller scope if needed. .PARAMETER RequiredScopes Scopes needed, for better error messages. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Assert-DefenderAPIConnection -Service 'Endpoint' -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Silently does nothing if already connected to the specified defender service. Kills the calling command if not yet connected. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Service, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Cmdlet, [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $RequiredScopes ) begin { $serviceMap = @{ Endpoint = 'DefenderAPI.Endpoint' Security = 'DefenderAPI.Security' MDCA = 'DefenderAPI.MDCA' } } process { $actualServiceName = $Service if ($serviceMap[$Service]) { $actualServiceName = $serviceMap[$Service] } if (Get-EntraToken -Service $actualServiceName) { return } $message = "Not connected yet! Use Connect-DefenderAPIService to establish a connection to '$Service' first." if ($RequiredScopes) { $message = $message + " Scopes required for this call: $($RequiredScopes -join ', ')" } Invoke-TerminatingException -Cmdlet $Cmdlet -Message $message -Category ConnectionError } } |